This picture (80thBirthday) and those below show Ralph Winstanley at various ages.
His medical and nursing records and GP and Consultant letters clearly show had not been
dying. It took Nina Anna Clayton and her daughter Rosemary Alice Cheesman, 6
long days and nights to achieve her greatly desired widowhood.. with the aid of
the local NHS version of the Liverpool Care Pathway and the (ho-ho) 'Gold
Standard'. At that time, East Doncaster PCT was Chaired by ex Hillsborough
Police Superintendent Roger Greenwood, whose chairmanship continued in one
form or another until 31 March 2013.
It is interesting to note that both the Liverpool Care Pathway and
Roger Greenwood have moved on, whereas, Nina Anne Clayton has felt safe in her
deplorable actions; so safe that she hasn't even needed to move house for fear
of being arrested. South Yorkshire Police and Crown Prosecution Service
1. No-one has been formally interviewed.
2. No Crime Number has
ever been issued.
3. Because of
their ongoing refusal to investigate what can be demonstrated as 'a
deliberate killing', I believe the former Chief Constables of South Yorkshire
Police Force, Mike Hedges, Meredydd Hughes, Interim CC Bob Dyson, David
Crompton and others at senior level in South Yorkshire Police, need to answer to a Court outside of the Eastern Circuit, in resepct of Misconduct
in Public Office - as
does former HM Coroner ES Hooper - who currently resides in Cyprus as
Chancellor to the Bishop of Cyprus and the Mediterranean, who has also been
approached about this matter.. but who does not respond.
I wonder what other corruptions are happening, just behind the doors of our public life?
Where is the corporate accountability within our publicly funded
national services?
We need accountable systems through the police, the courts, the NHS
and the Houses of Commons and Lords, and every other public service for
which we pay.
In view of the publicly exposed scandals of deliberate killing of the old at Mid Staffs and Gosport Hospitals, and this well documented deliberate killing in South Yorkshire, it seems that every area, across this country could possibly have been pursuing a similar line over decades, of deliberate killing of the old and vulnerable. That still does not make it anything less than murder.
If you read this combined page, (made of 9 pages), from top to bottom, (reading also all the links), you will be presented with the precise reason why it can be stated that Ralph Winstanley was murdered.
It has never been stated, (in spite of much muddying of the water by Doncaster PCT), that most of the staff did any more than their job. Various professionals did less than their job. Some lied, when they were fully aware that Ralph Winstanley had not been dying. Dr David J Brown, Dr Gillian M Harding Dr Rachel Sykes and Dr Kevin Lee need to answer questions about their work during the killing of Ralph Winstanley.
The cause of Ralph Winstanley's death, was the lies deliberately told by someone who had much to gain Those lies were recorded by South Yorkshire Ambulance Service and - crucially - by on-call doctor, Dr Kevin Lee, who couldn't be bothered to meet the patient for whom he ordered 'terminal care'.
His diagnosis seems to have been made only on the lies told by a medically unqualified woman and not on the patient's medical record.
Read on - and do contact me at if you have any comment or can help us to gain justice.
Table of FACTS in respect of Ralph Winstanley’s death
23 April 2004 - plus numerous supporting document abstracts
FIRST PART - 13 January to 11 April 2004
FACT: Ralph Winstanley underwent the first of two Gastroscopies/Endoscopies with Histopathies/Biopsies at the Gastroenterology Clinic, Doncaster Royal Infirmary.
Consultant Physician and Gastroenterologist, Dr Gary James Clinical Records - No 1
RE 13Jan2004
FACT: A letter was received from Outpatients– dated 13Jan2004. The full content of that letter, sent by Dr R J Atkinson, was entered in Ralph Winstanley’s GP Medical Records. It details the concerns, procedure and how the patient coped with it.
GP Medical Records abstract - Mrs Emma Briggs - No 2b
RE 13Jan2004
FACT: Contents of the Histopathology Report – dated as 13/01/2004 - were entered in Ralph Winstanley’s GP Medical Record by Mrs Josie Mace on 30Jan2004.
Dr D Brown’s name is appended to that record.
GP Medical Records - Mrs Josie Mace - No 2a
FACT: Ralph Winstanley was told of the negative result during a consultation with Dr David J Brown
‘ 03/02/2004 Surgery consultation Dr D Brown
03/02/2004 Test result to pat personally re oesophageal biopsy report – nil suspicious but cannot be 100% certain if symptoms return -> review Dr D Brown’
GP Medical Records - Dr David Brown - No 2a
RE 13Jan2004
FACT: Two letters, recording the fact that no malignancy had been found, were sent, by Dr Gary James; one to Dr David J Brown and the other to Ralph Winstanley – except that both seem to have arrived at Dr David Brown’s, as both were recorded in Ralph Winstanley’s GP Medical Records. So did Ralph Winstanley ever see his copy?
Letters dictated by Dr Gary James on 30/01/2004, sent on 10/02/2004 to Dr David J Brown and to Ralph Winstanley
Consultant Physician and Gastroenterologist Dr Gary James - No 3a
Consultant Physician and Gastroenterologist Dr Gary James - No 3b
FACT: On 11Feb2004 the entire contents of the letter to Dr David J Brown, (dictated 30Jan2004 typed and sent 10Feb2004), from Consultant, Dr Gary James, was entered into Ralph Winstanley’s GP Medical Record by Mrs Emma Briggs. Dr D Brown’s name is appended to this entry.
GP Medical Records abstract - Mrs Emma Briggs & Dr David J Brown - 2a
Ralph Winstanley is supposed to have been present at the office of Mr Jonathan Goodwin of Bridge Sanderson Munro, solicitors, to sign a will. In fact he seems to have signed two wills on that day.
FACT: The second ‘will’ – 2 pages long, has been altered in date several times and is also signed by only one witness, Mr Jonathon L Goodwin, the solicitor
Two page ‘will’- page 1 - No 5i
Two page 'will' - page 2 - No 5ii
FACT: On page 2 of the 5-page ‘will’, Ralph Winstanley gets his own daughter’s name and that of his granddaughter, wrong. He also gets wrong the various addresses of her whole family. Yet he had visited them all at home and knew where they lived.
5 page ‘will’ - page 1 - No 4i
5 page 'will' - page 2 - No 4ii
5 page 'will' - page 3 - No 4iii
5 page 'will' - page 4 - No 4iv
5 page 'will' - page 5 - No 4v
FACT: Ralph Winstanley’s Pathology Report produced by Home Office Pathologist, Professor Helen Whitwell, shows that he had three forms of dementia at death – only two months later.
Pathology Report -page 6 - No 77vi
Pathology Report - page 7 - No 77vii
FACT: Consultant Neuropathologist, Dr Wharton, who conducted tests on 17 brain samples states that :
‘Individuals with such pathology as your father’s brain showed might well be expected to show some evidence of cognitive impairment in life,..’
Email written by Consultant Neuropathologist, Dr Wharton - 07Nov2006 - No 79
FACT: Ralph Winstanley rang his daughter, Linda, and urgently arranged to meet her early that same evening. He didn’t mention a new will. She was concerned about his state of mind at that meeting – and about him driving home – so he agreed to ring her when he got back
Affidavit - abstract - Linda Kirby - re: 17Feb2004 - No 6
FACT: It is recorded in Ralph Winstanley’s GP Medical Records that he had a standard chest x-ray at Doncaster Royal Infirmary. As a result of this he was to have a course of antibiotics and return in 6 weeks, (around 13Apr2004), for a follow-up chest x-ray. No follow up x-ray seems to have been cancelled or performed – or mentioned at all.GP Medical Records - Ms Julie Watson - No 6a
GP Medical Records - Ms Julie Watson - No 6b
FACT: Medical consultations in respect of Ralph Winstanley’s health were often made not with him but with Nina Clayton.
This seems to indicate that he had no control over his own medical treatment.
See various entries in GP Medical Records - below
FACT: in a private telephone call, Nina Clayton spoke to Catherine Clayton, at Field Road Surgery. This seems to indicate that Ralph Winstanley was not involved in decision-making in this matter.
‘08/03/2004 Telephone encounter spoke to wife requesting advice re incontinence problems, says dribbling all the time, wanting incontinence assessment details to D/Nurses for assessment’Mrs Catherine Clayton, Field Road Surgery,Stainforth - GP Medical Records abstract - No 7
FACT: 31/03/2004 the District Nursing Records state ‘He says he has not experienced any urinary incontinence’
District Nursing Sister Julie Marshall - District Nursing Team Office Records abstract - No 8
In more than 6 weeks - until he died - no appointment was made for him to see a Consultant Urologist. Why not?
RE: 08Mar2004
FACT: in another indication of this lack of control; ‘30/03/2004 person made appointment NOS Wife spoken to, not able to attend for further endoscopy – clinical diagnosis accepted -> offered full support – Dr D Brown’ This seems to indicate that Ralph Winstanley was not involved in decision-making in this matter either. Also, since Dr David Brown was involved in the ‘appointment’ on 30/03/2004, it seems obvious that he was aware that Ralph Winstanley did not have control over his own affairs.
There is nothing here to state what ‘clinical diagnosis’ was ‘accepted’.GP Medical Records - abstract - Dr David J Brown - No 9
FACT: Ralph Winstanley’s daughters, Linda and Charlotte, were informed, by Nina Clayton and her younger daughter, Rosemary Cheesman by telephone, that their father, ‘was dying’.
Affidavit - abstract - Linda Kirby - No 11
Affidavit - abstract - Charlotte Peters Rock - No 12
NOTE WELL: Following this call, his younger daughter, Linda went to see him every other day, until 26 March 2004, when she went on holiday. He did not seem to be dying. He looked remarkably physically fit for his age. Both phone calls were made on the day before his second Gastroscopy/Endoscopy with biopsies taken for histopathology. Neither daughter was aware that this was taking place.
FACT: Ralph Winstanley underwent his second Gastroscopy/Endoscopy with biopsies at Doncaster Royal Infirmary.
Consultant Physician & Gastroenterologist, Dr Gary James - Doncaster Royal Infirmary - Letter of 14Mar2006 - page 1 - No 10i
Consultant Physician and Gastroenterologist, Dr Gary James - Donaster Royal Infirmary - Letter of 14Mar2006 - page 2 - No 10ii
FACT: He tolerated well, the procedure - of having a gastroscopy tube put down his oesophagus – needing no pre-medication. This - alone -shows that he was not having any great difficulty in that area – and certainly shows that he did not have terminal oesophageal cancer.
No 13 - Gastroenterology Clinic - Assessment Record - No 13
FACT: The INITIAL Report, made by Staff Physician, Dr R Karwa, on 10Mar2004 – the day when the biopsy tissue was taken - is fully recorded in the GP Medical Record, on 11Mar2004 as ‘No 10a - GP Medical Record - Mrs Emma Briggs - Letter from Outpatients' - No 10a
NOTE WELL: The second Histology/Biopsy Report (of 10Mar2004) does not appear ANYWHERE in Ralph Winstanley's GP Medical Records.
FACT: The first Histology/Biopsy Report, (13/01/2004) had shown no sign of malignancy.
The second, Histology/Biopsy Report also showed no sign of malignancy (10/03/2004) as the Consultant was quite happy to state.
Doncaster and Bassetlaw NHS Trust, Consultant Physician and Gastroenterologist
Dr Gary James - letter of 14Mar2006 - page 1 - No 10i
Doncaster and Bassetlaw NHS Trust, Consultant Physician and Gastroenterologist, Dr Gary James - letter of 14Mar2006 - page 2 - No 10ii
Dr David J Brown is believed to have initialled the Pathology Services Report on Biopsies taken at second endoscopy - 10Mar2004 - No 15a
It has not been entered into the GP Medical Record, as the previous one had been. Why did Dr Brown not enter it?
Pathology Services Report on Biopsies taken at second endoscopy -
10Mar2004 - No 15a
FACT: Histology/ Biopsy Results were shown as:‘Necrotic ulcer slough, inflamed granulation tissue and fragments of non-dysplastic oesophageal squamous epithelium. There is no evidence of dysplasia or malignancy. A fungal stain is negative.’
Dr Gary James states that the result was reported on 15 March 2004
Doncaster & Bassetlaw NHS Trust - Pathology Services - No 14
NOTE WELL: This is the same day on which Dr Brown recorded 'oesophageal cancer' in Ralph Winstanley's GP Medical Record.
Doncaster and Bassetlaw NHS Trust, Consultant Physician and Gastroenterologist
Dr Gary James - letter of 14Mar2006 - page 1 - No 10i
Doncaster and Bassetlaw NHS Trust, Consultant Physician and Gastroenterologist, Dr Gary James - letter of 14Mar2006 - page 2 - No 10ii
15Mar2004 & 30Mar2004
FACT: Dr David J Brown, in two entries which he personally made in Ralph Winstanley’s GP Medical Record, ( on 15Mar2004 and 30Mar2004), shows that he took two telephone calls – at least one of them from Nina Clayton - about Ralph Winstanley.
GP Medical Record abstract - Dr David J Brown - No 10a
FACT: on 15Mar2004 Dr David J Brown recorded:
‘15/03/2004 Telephone call from a patient Dr D Brown
15/03/2004 Oesophageal cancer see 2nd endoscopy report Dr D Brown’
This entry proves that Dr Brown had received the 2nd Endoscopy report.
GP Medical Record abstract - Dr David J Brown - No 10a
NOTE WELL! The Report below this entry, in the GP Medical Record abstract, is NOT the 2nd Histology/Biopsy Report. It is the initial Gastroscopy/Endoscopy Report, which is made by eye rather than by the results of the biopsy.
The 2nd Histology/Biopsy Report, for biopsies taken on 10Mar2004, will have been sent from the Pathology Services, (probably on 15Mar2004), to Dr Brown. This would follow the pattern of the first Histology/Biopsy Report for the previous biopsies, which had been taken on 13Jan2004 (and which was entered into GP Medical Records on 30Jan2004)
That - GP Medical Record abstract - first Report was entered on 30Jan2004 - by Mrs Josie Mace - No 2b
and - GP Medical Record abstract - confirmed by entry on 11Feb2004 - by Mrs Emma Briggs - No 2b
FACT: This copy of the second Gastroscopy/Endoscopy Report (10Mar2004) is signed/initialled - believed to be Dr David J Brown's signature/initialling - which further seems to show that he received the Report sent by either Doncaster & Bassetlaw Pathology Services or by Dr Gary James.
That signature/initialling is believed to be that of Dr David Brown - No 15a
FACT: The report from Haematology Clinic (a different clinic to Gastroenterology) (06Apr2004), on Ralph Winstanley’s blood tests, shows that Dr David J Brown – whose signature is also believed to be appended on that Report - No 15b – signed the document above to agree that he had seen it. The signatures are the same. Yet the only common factor between the two departments is Dr David J Brown, whose patient was attending both clinics.
The next FACT shows that Dr David J Brown misreported the result for some reason.
FACT: This Histology/Biopsy Report, on the samples taken on 10Mar2004 - was also negative for any malignancy.
Clinical Records of Consultant Physician and Gastroenterologist, Dr Gary James - No 14
NOTE WELL: INVESTIGATION CANCELLED(No letter of confirmation from the Consultant, Dr Gary James, was sent, because there was to be another investigation on 30Mar2004. That investigation was cancelled – by someone - and another appointment was made for 05May 2004.
Consultant Physician and Gastroenterologist, Dr Gary James - letter of 14Mar2006 - page 1 - No 10i
Consultant Physician and Gastroenterologist, Dr Gary James - letter - 14Mar2006 - page 2 - No 10ii
Ralph Winstanley was already dead before that date.
FACT: on 30Mar2004 Dr David J Brown recorded:
‘30/03/2004 Telephone call from a patient Dr D Brown
30/03/2004 Person made appointment NOS Wife spoken to, not able to attend for further endoscopy – clinical diagnosis accepted -> offered full support Dr D Brown'
GP Medical Record abstract - Dr D Brown - No 10a
NOTE WELL! There is nothing to say what ‘clinical diagnosis’ was ‘accepted’ – nor that it was Ralph Winstanley who ‘accepted’ it. The note above, made by Dr Brown, makes it very clear that it was not Ralph Winstanley who made the telephone call but his wife Nina Clayton.There is also the fact, that when Ralph Winstanley was rushed into hospital on 11Apr2004 the note made on the Ambulance Record Patient Report Form states ‘Terminal CA patient unaware’.
Ambulance Record - Patient Report Form - 11Apr2004 - No 25
NOTE WELL: This makes it obvious that Ralph Winstanley’s GP had not told him - by 11Apr2004 - that he was dying. According to his records Ralph Winstanley was not dying
FACT: Ralph Winstanley returned for his usual monthly check up at the Haematology Clinic of Dr Gautam Majumdar, on 05Apr2004. Following more than 6 months with no need for chemotherapy for his chronic lymphocytic leukaemia, it was felt that he should have another 5 days of chemotherapy (Fludarabine) tablets, which - according to his Consultant, Dr Gautam Majumdar - kept his CLL under ‘reasonable control’.
GP Record marked as seen by Dr David Brown.
GP Medical Record abstract - Ms Diane Wilson - Mrs Emma Briggs - Dr David J Brown - No 10b
FACT: Ralph Winstanley spent the hours between 9am and 3pm – on 11 April - with his daughter, Linda, going out to lunch for her birthday and appearing perfectly normal & happy. He was walking well and ate his meal with evident relish. Afterwards he was happily chatting for a couple of hours before she went away. He seemed well at that time, to his daughter.
Affidavit - abstract - Linda Kirby - No 16
FACT: In a telephone call, made less than 3 hours later, by Nina Clayton to Linda Kirby, Ralph Winstanley was stated to be dying. Nina Clayton had him rushed, ‘dying and on oxygen’ into Doncaster Royal Infirmary.
Affidavit - abstract - Linda Kirby - No 17
11Apr2004 - 17.40
FACT: Ambulance Communications Record, shows that the person (a married female), South Yorkshire Ambulance Service - Communication Record Transcript - No 18
was stating – at 17.40 - that Ralph Winstanley
‘ quite ill he has had a lot of problems breathing ……at the moment he is just getting chest pains and he can’t seem to get any breath.’
Also that he had been seen by the nurse ‘a couple of days ago’ and that ‘he can hardly walk’ and that ‘she took his blood pressure and it was very low it was 85 over 40’
South Yorkshire Ambulance Service - Communication Record Transcript - No 18
FACT: The Nursing Record shows that when his blood pressure had been taken on 8 April, by the nurse, it had been ‘100 over 57 sitting’ and ‘83 over 50 standing’
Nursing Record - 08/04/2004 - signature indecipherable - No 20
NOTE WELL: The box which should be crossed if the patient is in pain has not been crossed.
FACT: Under ‘Description Given’, it states:
‘Chest Pain’ also ‘SOB’ (shortage of breath)
Under ‘Comments & Observations’ it states:
'SOB + chest pains for 2 days. Pale Resp 24 Pulse 100 SpoO2 on air 97 BP 110 systolic Patient feeling dizzy when stood up’Also
‘PMH/Leukaemia/CA? Lung?/Fluid retention stomach problem’
South Yorkshire Ambulance Service - Single Responder Form - MH No 542 - call sign DP5
FACT: He had not been short of breath nor having any chest pains when he had spent 09.00-15.00 with his daughter on that day. He had been walking well.
Affidavit abstract - Linda Kirby - No 16
11Apr2004 17.56-18.20
FACT: At top right hand corner of the Single Responder Form there are numerous boxes in which crosses need to be put, to state as clearly as possible the state of the patient.
He is marked as ‘conscious’
In respect of his airways and breathing his breathing is
‘clear’ and ‘normal’
It is noted that his circulation has:
‘radial pulse'
that his skin is ‘pale’ and ’>2Sec’
Also that he is ‘calm’
He is marked as being ‘alert’
The box, which should be crossed if the patient is in pain has not been crossed. This seems to indicate that he was not found to be in any pain.
South Yorkshire Ambulance Service - Single Responder Form - No 542 – call sign DP5 - No 22
FACT: Ralph Winstanley had spent 6 hours with his younger daughter that day (9am-3pm), when she had found him to be quite well and in a happy mood. He had no chest pains. He had gone out to a pub for lunch. He certainly was not complaining of ‘stomach pain’. He ate a hearty meal. The false information, given to the First Responder, was less than 3 hours after Linda had happily left him.
Affidavit abstract - Linda Kirby - No 16
11Apr2004 - 18.01-18.10
FACT: The Single Responder handed over to the Ambulance Staff at 18.01 - who left the scene with Ralph Winstanley at 18.10.
Description given to them: ‘chest pain’
Their description of signs and symptoms:
Pre. Med History: ‘Lymphatic leukaemia Hypotension’
At time of arrival they were told:
‘PT C/o pains in stomach since yesterday, SOB and appears confused, feels generally unwell, dizzy,
and significantly –
‘Not c/o pain at moment.’
‘Wife travelled with PT’
South Yorkshire Ambulance Service - Ambulance Patient Report Form - Attendent 24 - Driver 535 - No 23
South Yorkshire Ambulance Service - Ambulance Patient Report Form - Attendent 24 - Driver 535 - No 24
NOTE WELL: As the comment,'appears confused’, was also written – about the patient - it seems likely that the information gleaned by the Ambulance staff came from the ‘wife’ who ‘travelled with him’ rather than from the patient. It is difficult to see where else it could have come from.
NOTE WELL: It states – above – that he had 'pains in stomach since yesterday'.
Yet only three hours before, he had shown no sign of any pains in stomach, when he went out to lunch with his daughter. Nor did he show any signs from the time when she first arrived at the house at 09.00 until 15.00 when she left him. He ate a hearty meal – with evident pleasure.
Affidavit abstract - Linda Kirby - No 16
FACT: For the 6 hours between 9am and 3pm, which he spent with Linda, he had not appeared confused. Nor had he complained about feeling unwell in any way
.Affidavit abstract - Linda Kirby - No 16
11Apr2004 - 18.01-18.31
FACT: Written along the left hand side of the Patient Report Form are the words:‘Terminal CA Patient unaware’It is interesting to speculate where this information came from. It certainly could not have come from the patient, since the patient was stated to be ‘unaware’.The only other person in the Ambulance was Nina Clayton.
South Yorkshire Ambulance Services - Ambulance Patient Report Form - Attendant 24 - Driver 535 - No 25
FACT: There is no medical evidence for the statement,
‘Terminal CA Patient unaware’, since both Consultants, separately, agree that the patient, Ralph Winstanley, was not in any danger of dying from cancer.
Consultant Physician and Gastroenterologist Dr Gary James - letter of 14Mar2006 - page 1 - No 10i
Consultant Physician and Gastroenterologist Dr Gary James - letter of 14Mar2006 - page 2 - No 10ii
Consultant Haematologist Dr Gautam Majumdar - letter of 08Mar2006 - No 26
11Apr2004 - 18.01-18.31
FACT: At 18.31 the Ambulance arrived at A & E, Doncaster Royal Infirmary. Handing over not only the patient but also the Patient Report Form. Since the words ‘Terminal CA Patient unaware’ were written down the left hand side of this Form, that is the information which nurses and Senior Houseman, Dr Jamasp Dastur had to work from, in respect of this ‘confused’ patient . That copy of the Patient Report Form was retrieved, by Linda Kirby from A& E at Doncaster Royal Infirmary. – quite separately to the Ambulance records which also show it.
South Yorkshire Ambulance Service - Patient Report Form - No 25
11Apr2004 - 18.37
FACT: At 18.37 Triage Nurse notes state ‘no pain at present’
Doncaster Royal Infirmary - A & E Records - Michele Breeze, Triage Nurse Notes -No 27
11Apr2004 - 20.32-22.00
FACT: At 20.32 Senior Houseman, Dr Jamasp K Dastur records: ‘No pain now’.
Ralph Winstanley was kept under observation for three hours, no problems were seen; he was given one Paracetamol and then allowed home at 22.00, the same evening. Any supposed ‘chest pain’ was put down as being ‘musculo skeletal’.
Doncaster Royal Infirmary - A & E Records - Senior Houseman, Dr Jamasp K Dastur - No28
11Apr2004 - 17.00-22.00
FACT: Both daughters saw him for most of his time in
A & E, arriving at 19.00 and leaving at 22.00, as he also left. He was looking confused but stated that he wanted to go home - and that he was not in any pain. He didn’t seem to understand what he was doing there.
Affidavit abstract - Charlotte Peters Rock - No 29
Following his chest x-ray and antibiotics, of 6 weeks earlier, Ralph Winstanley should have returned for a second chest x-ray at around this date.
FACT: There is nothing in the GP Medical Records or other Records, which Ralph Winstanley’s daughters have, to indicate that he ever returned for a second chest x-ray. Why was that?
GP Medical Records - Ms Julie Watson - No 6a
FACT: A letter arrived at Dr Brown’s Field Road Surgery, from Senior House Officer, Dr Jamasp Dastur, of A & E, Doncaster Royal Infirmary, confirming Ralph Winstanley’s visit to A & E, and stating that any pain, which he might have felt was only ‘musculo-skeletal’. The contents of that letter were entered into the GP Medical Record by Mrs Emma Briggs.
Dr Brown’s name is appended as having seen that entry.
GP Medical Records abstract - Dr David J Brown - entered by Mrs Emma Briggs - No30
NOTE WELL: He was on Oramorph for 4 days & nights before 18Apr2004
FACT: Dr David J Brown decided to put Ralph Winstanley on Oramorph (Morphine-by-mouth) every 4 hours, mentioning ‘chest pain’ as the reason why he had been seen at A & E over the weekend. (This was a man trying to recover from chemotherapy, who needed to eat well to aid his recovery). It seems - from the record - his only presenting complaint at Dr Browns consultation was shortness of breath - not 'chest pain'. Having just completed a course of chemotherapy, wouldn't it be likely that he would have shortness of breath as his system tried to recover? Chemotherapy is designed to kill blood cells - which then have to replenish; taking up to 40 days (Fludarabine)
GP Medical Records abstract - Dr David Brown - No 31a
GP Medical Records abstract - Dr David Brown - No 31b
FACT: Ambulance and A&E records state that no chest pain was observed over the weekend either.
South Yorkshire Ambulance Service - Ambulance Records abstract - 11Apr2004
Doncaster Royal Infirmary - A & E Records abstract - 11Apr2004
FACT: It is clear from the GP Medical Record that Ralph Winstanley was not experiencing any chest pain at the time the Oramorph was prescribed
GP Medical Records abstract - Dr David Brown - No 31a
GP Medical Records abstract - Dr David Brown - No 31b
FACT: At his request, Ralph Winstanley’s ex-wife, Nettie, was brought to see him, by his daughter Linda. Whilst she was there, Nettie was not left alone with him at all. Rosemary Cheesman was constantly hovering in the room, listening closely to the conversation. Ralph put his finger up to his lips at one point, to stop Nettie speaking in front of Rosemary.
(For quite some time, Ralph Winstanley had not knowingly been left alone with any of his own family – his two daughters. Now he was not left alone with his elderly ex-wife either.)
Affidavit abstract - Linda Kirby - No 32
NOTE WELL: Also see Nettie Winstanley for more information on this
FACT: Urine examination revealed that there was no growth apparent in the solution. However, in spite of this, no suggestion was made that the urinary catheter could be removed. It was still in situ – for some reason - when Ralph Winstanley died.
No appointment seems to have been made for him to see any specialist in respect of his prostate or his ‘incontinence problems’, though that would normally have been expected, where a patient had needed catheterisation. Why was no appointment made for him to see a Consultant Urologist?
GP Medical Records abstract - Dr David J Brown - No 33
FACT: Ralph Winstanley spent the hours between 9am and 3pm – on 11 April - with his daughter, Linda, going out to lunch for her birthday and appearing perfectly normal & happy. He was walking well and ate his meal with evident relish. Afterwards he was happily chatting for a couple of hours before she went away. He seemed well at that time, to his daughter.
Affidavit - abstract - Linda Kirby - No 16
FACT: In a telephone call, made less than 3 hours later, by Nina Clayton to Linda Kirby, Ralph Winstanley was stated to be dying. Nina Clayton had him rushed, ‘dying and on oxygen’ into Doncaster Royal Infirmary.
Affidavit - abstract - Linda Kirby - No 17
11Apr2004 - 17.40
FACT: Ambulance Communications Record, shows that the person (a married female), South Yorkshire Ambulance Service - Communication Record Transcript - No 18
was stating – at 17.40 - that Ralph Winstanley
‘ quite ill he has had a lot of problems breathing ……at the moment he is just getting chest pains and he can’t seem to get any breath.’
Also that he had been seen by the nurse ‘a couple of days ago’ and that ‘he can hardly walk’ and that ‘she took his blood pressure and it was very low it was 85 over 40’
South Yorkshire Ambulance Service - Communication Record Transcript - No 18
FACT: The Nursing Record shows that when his blood pressure had been taken on 8 April, by the nurse, it had been ‘100 over 57 sitting’ and ‘83 over 50 standing’
Nursing Record - 08/04/2004 - signature indecipherable - No 20
NOTE WELL: The box which should be crossed if the patient is in pain has not been crossed.
FACT: Under ‘Description Given’, it states:
‘Chest Pain’ also ‘SOB’ (shortage of breath)
Under ‘Comments & Observations’ it states:
'SOB + chest pains for 2 days. Pale Resp 24 Pulse 100 SpoO2 on air 97 BP 110 systolic Patient feeling dizzy when stood up’Also
‘PMH/Leukaemia/CA? Lung?/Fluid retention stomach problem’
South Yorkshire Ambulance Service - Single Responder Form - MH No 542 - call sign DP5
FACT: He had not been short of breath nor having any chest pains when he had spent 09.00-15.00 with his daughter on that day. He had been walking well.
Affidavit abstract - Linda Kirby - No 16
11Apr2004 17.56-18.20
FACT: At top right hand corner of the Single Responder Form there are numerous boxes in which crosses need to be put, to state as clearly as possible the state of the patient.
He is marked as ‘conscious’
In respect of his airways and breathing his breathing is
‘clear’ and ‘normal’
It is noted that his circulation has:
‘radial pulse'
that his skin is ‘pale’ and ’>2Sec’
Also that he is ‘calm’
He is marked as being ‘alert’
The box, which should be crossed if the patient is in pain has not been crossed. This seems to indicate that he was not found to be in any pain.
South Yorkshire Ambulance Service - Single Responder Form - No 542 – call sign DP5 - No 22
FACT: Ralph Winstanley had spent 6 hours with his younger daughter that day (9am-3pm), when she had found him to be quite well and in a happy mood. He had no chest pains. He had gone out to a pub for lunch. He certainly was not complaining of ‘stomach pain’. He ate a hearty meal. The false information, given to the First Responder, was less than 3 hours after Linda had happily left him.
Affidavit abstract - Linda Kirby - No 16
11Apr2004 - 18.01-18.10
FACT: The Single Responder handed over to the Ambulance Staff at 18.01 - who left the scene with Ralph Winstanley at 18.10.
Description given to them: ‘chest pain’
Their description of signs and symptoms:
Pre. Med History: ‘Lymphatic leukaemia Hypotension’
At time of arrival they were told:
‘PT C/o pains in stomach since yesterday, SOB and appears confused, feels generally unwell, dizzy,
and significantly –
‘Not c/o pain at moment.’
‘Wife travelled with PT’
South Yorkshire Ambulance Service - Ambulance Patient Report Form - Attendent 24 - Driver 535 - No 23
South Yorkshire Ambulance Service - Ambulance Patient Report Form - Attendent 24 - Driver 535 - No 24
NOTE WELL: As the comment,'appears confused’, was also written – about the patient - it seems likely that the information gleaned by the Ambulance staff came from the ‘wife’ who ‘travelled with him’ rather than from the patient. It is difficult to see where else it could have come from.
NOTE WELL: It states – above – that he had 'pains in stomach since yesterday'.
Yet only three hours before, he had shown no sign of any pains in stomach, when he went out to lunch with his daughter. Nor did he show any signs from the time when she first arrived at the house at 09.00 until 15.00 when she left him. He ate a hearty meal – with evident pleasure.
Affidavit abstract - Linda Kirby - No 16
FACT: For the 6 hours between 9am and 3pm, which he spent with Linda, he had not appeared confused. Nor had he complained about feeling unwell in any way
.Affidavit abstract - Linda Kirby - No 16
11Apr2004 - 18.01-18.31
FACT: Written along the left hand side of the Patient Report Form are the words:‘Terminal CA Patient unaware’It is interesting to speculate where this information came from. It certainly could not have come from the patient, since the patient was stated to be ‘unaware’.The only other person in the Ambulance was Nina Clayton.
South Yorkshire Ambulance Services - Ambulance Patient Report Form - Attendant 24 - Driver 535 - No 25
FACT: There is no medical evidence for the statement,
‘Terminal CA Patient unaware’, since both Consultants, separately, agree that the patient, Ralph Winstanley, was not in any danger of dying from cancer.
Consultant Physician and Gastroenterologist Dr Gary James - letter of 14Mar2006 - page 1 - No 10i
Consultant Physician and Gastroenterologist Dr Gary James - letter of 14Mar2006 - page 2 - No 10ii
Consultant Haematologist Dr Gautam Majumdar - letter of 08Mar2006 - No 26
11Apr2004 - 18.01-18.31
FACT: At 18.31 the Ambulance arrived at A & E, Doncaster Royal Infirmary. Handing over not only the patient but also the Patient Report Form. Since the words ‘Terminal CA Patient unaware’ were written down the left hand side of this Form, that is the information which nurses and Senior Houseman, Dr Jamasp Dastur had to work from, in respect of this ‘confused’ patient . That copy of the Patient Report Form was retrieved, by Linda Kirby from A& E at Doncaster Royal Infirmary. – quite separately to the Ambulance records which also show it.
South Yorkshire Ambulance Service - Patient Report Form - No 25
11Apr2004 - 18.37
FACT: At 18.37 Triage Nurse notes state ‘no pain at present’
Doncaster Royal Infirmary - A & E Records - Michele Breeze, Triage Nurse Notes -No 27
11Apr2004 - 20.32-22.00
FACT: At 20.32 Senior Houseman, Dr Jamasp K Dastur records: ‘No pain now’.
Ralph Winstanley was kept under observation for three hours, no problems were seen; he was given one Paracetamol and then allowed home at 22.00, the same evening. Any supposed ‘chest pain’ was put down as being ‘musculo skeletal’.
Doncaster Royal Infirmary - A & E Records - Senior Houseman, Dr Jamasp K Dastur - No28
11Apr2004 - 17.00-22.00
FACT: Both daughters saw him for most of his time in
A & E, arriving at 19.00 and leaving at 22.00, as he also left. He was looking confused but stated that he wanted to go home - and that he was not in any pain. He didn’t seem to understand what he was doing there.
Affidavit abstract - Charlotte Peters Rock - No 29
Following his chest x-ray and antibiotics, of 6 weeks earlier, Ralph Winstanley should have returned for a second chest x-ray at around this date.
FACT: There is nothing in the GP Medical Records or other Records, which Ralph Winstanley’s daughters have, to indicate that he ever returned for a second chest x-ray. Why was that?
GP Medical Records - Ms Julie Watson - No 6a
FACT: A letter arrived at Dr Brown’s Field Road Surgery, from Senior House Officer, Dr Jamasp Dastur, of A & E, Doncaster Royal Infirmary, confirming Ralph Winstanley’s visit to A & E, and stating that any pain, which he might have felt was only ‘musculo-skeletal’. The contents of that letter were entered into the GP Medical Record by Mrs Emma Briggs.
Dr Brown’s name is appended as having seen that entry.
GP Medical Records abstract - Dr David J Brown - entered by Mrs Emma Briggs - No30
NOTE WELL: He was on Oramorph for 4 days & nights before 18Apr2004
FACT: Dr David J Brown decided to put Ralph Winstanley on Oramorph (Morphine-by-mouth) every 4 hours, mentioning ‘chest pain’ as the reason why he had been seen at A & E over the weekend. (This was a man trying to recover from chemotherapy, who needed to eat well to aid his recovery). It seems - from the record - his only presenting complaint at Dr Browns consultation was shortness of breath - not 'chest pain'. Having just completed a course of chemotherapy, wouldn't it be likely that he would have shortness of breath as his system tried to recover? Chemotherapy is designed to kill blood cells - which then have to replenish; taking up to 40 days (Fludarabine)
GP Medical Records abstract - Dr David Brown - No 31a
GP Medical Records abstract - Dr David Brown - No 31b
FACT: Ambulance and A&E records state that no chest pain was observed over the weekend either.
South Yorkshire Ambulance Service - Ambulance Records abstract - 11Apr2004
Doncaster Royal Infirmary - A & E Records abstract - 11Apr2004
FACT: It is clear from the GP Medical Record that Ralph Winstanley was not experiencing any chest pain at the time the Oramorph was prescribed
GP Medical Records abstract - Dr David Brown - No 31a
GP Medical Records abstract - Dr David Brown - No 31b
FACT: At his request, Ralph Winstanley’s ex-wife, Nettie, was brought to see him, by his daughter Linda. Whilst she was there, Nettie was not left alone with him at all. Rosemary Cheesman was constantly hovering in the room, listening closely to the conversation. Ralph put his finger up to his lips at one point, to stop Nettie speaking in front of Rosemary.
(For quite some time, Ralph Winstanley had not knowingly been left alone with any of his own family – his two daughters. Now he was not left alone with his elderly ex-wife either.)
Affidavit abstract - Linda Kirby - No 32
NOTE WELL: Also see Nettie Winstanley for more information on this
FACT: Urine examination revealed that there was no growth apparent in the solution. However, in spite of this, no suggestion was made that the urinary catheter could be removed. It was still in situ – for some reason - when Ralph Winstanley died.
No appointment seems to have been made for him to see any specialist in respect of his prostate or his ‘incontinence problems’, though that would normally have been expected, where a patient had needed catheterisation. Why was no appointment made for him to see a Consultant Urologist?
GP Medical Records abstract - Dr David J Brown - No 33
Third part - 18 April 2004
18Apr2004 - early Sunday morning 03.00
FACT: Nina Clayton telephoned Linda Kirby – yet again - to say that her father Ralph Winstanley was dying. Linda went across to Grange Farm, arriving at 4am
Affidavit abstract - Linda Kirby - No 34a
Affidavit abstract - Charlotte Peters Rock - No 34b
18Apr2004 - 06.18
FACT: Nina Clayton telephoned the on-call doctor service
Stating that Ralph Winstanley was ‘terminally ill, getting worse, not mobile stopped eating.’
The note was also made:
‘Wife very concerned – needing help’
FACT: About this contact Dr Kevin Lee states: ‘I was on duty at DDS on 18th April 2004 when Mrs Winstanley rang regarding her husband. The time was 06.18.
I replied at 06.40 & heard from Mrs Winstanley that her husband who was suffering from multiple terminal pathologies including Chronic Leukaemia, heart failure, stomach nodules & low protein had been seen the previous Friday by Dr David Brown his GP.
Dr Brown had given Mr Winstanley a terminal prognosis.’
ADASTRA Consultation note - Dr Kevin Lee - No 35
Danum Doctors - Dr Kevin Lee - Letter dated 18May2004 - page 1 - No 36a
Danum Doctors - Dr Kevin Lee - Letter dated 18May2004 - page 2 - No 36b
NOTE WELL: ‘multiple terminal pathologies’ and ‘terminal prognosis’.
But no documentary confirmation
NOTE WELL: Terminal care prescribed, patient not seen by any doctor
FACT: Dr Kevin Lee’s letter also states:
‘Mrs Winstanley reported that Mr Winstanley was distressed & had not slept well during the night.’
Danum Doctors - Dr Kevin Lee - Letter dated 18May2004 - page 1 - No 36a
Danum Doctors - Dr Kevin Lee - Letter dated 18May2004 - page 2 - No 36b
FACT: On the basis of this call, with no medical confirmation of anything which he was told, Dr Kevin Lee seems to have thought it reasonable, without ever seeing the patient – to prescribe Terminal Care for the first time. Letter dated 18May2004
Danum Doctors - Dr Kevin Lee - Letter dated 18May2004 - page 1 - No 36a
Danum Doctors - Dr Kevin Lee - Letter dated 18May2004 - page 2 - No 36b
18Apr2004 - 08.45
FACT: The first Nursing Sister to visit – sent by Dr Kevin Lee of Danum Doctors, who never meets Ralph Winstanley - states nothing about observing Ralph Winstanley being in any pain. She only states that he is ‘settled’. However, she does state that Mrs Winstanley tells her that:
‘her husband has settled a little but remains restless’.
Her notes make it obvious that she does not observe this for herself
Community Intervention Team Office Notes - Sister S Zadrozny - 37a
NOTE WELL: Not observed to be in pain
FACT: The Community Intervention Team Dependency Scale, which must have been filled in for the benefit of other nurses, on 18 Apr2004 – when CIT nurses first saw him – states that: (in a scoring system of 1-5)
‘Personal Care – Dependent’ (5)
‘Feeding – Medium – poor appetite at the moment’(3)
‘Continence – High – catheterised’(4)
‘Mobility – Low – uses a walking stick’(2)
Nursing – medium – frequent visits (3)
Psychological health – Independent – self sufficient’(1)
‘Total scoring – 18 – medium’
which is interesting – to say the least. The total score is only 18. Total dependency – on this scale – comes in at 25+
Community Intervention Team - Dependency Scale - 18Apr2004 - No 48
NOTE WELL: No mention of patient being unable to take food or drink – or being unable to walk or bedfast
FACT: At this point on 18Apr2004, Ralph Winstanley’s psychological health is stated to be ‘independent’ and ‘self-sufficient’.
In that case, why did none of the nurses listen when he stated – on numerous occasions, over those two days, that he had no pain?Community Intervention
Community Intervention Team - Dependency Scale - 18Apr2004 - No 48
18Apr2004 - 18.37
FACT: Nina Clayton telephoned the Twilight Nurses, who contacted Danum Doctors again, stating ‘c/o started on syringe driver today. Aggitated. Trying to pull catheter out.’
Danum Doctors - ADASTRA Consultation note - Dr Kevin Lee - No 38
FACT: About this contact, Dr Kevin Lee states:
‘Later the same day at 18.37 a further call regarding Mr Winstanley was received by DDS. The call was from the Twilight Nurses who had been contacted by Mr Winstanley’s family saying that he was agitated & had been trying to pull his indwelling catheter out.. Dr Bundy arranged for a prescription for Midazolam & Haloperidol to be collected.’
Danum Doctors - Dr Kevin Lee - Letter dated 18May2004 - page 2 - No 36b
FACT: Dr Kevin Lee also states:
‘ I spoke with the nurses as I was already familiar with Mr Winstanley’s case from earlier in the day.’
Danum Doctors - Dr Kevin Lee - Letter dated 18May2004 - page 2 - No 36b
FACT: From the fact that he stated that he was ‘familiar’ with a patient whom he had never met, and whom no-one had observed to be in any pain, Dr Kevin Lee was happy to increase the number of drugs going into Ralph Winstanley, in this Terminal Care, and to order a second syringe driver.
Danum Doctors - Dr Kevin Lee - Letter dated 18May2004 - page 2 - No 36b
NOTE WELL: Level of ‘terminal care’ increased – but patient has ‘no pain’
FACT: During the whole of that day and the following day (19Apr2004), Ralph Winstanley kept stating to the nurse that he was not in any pain.
Letter dated 18 May 2004
4th Affidavit, abstract - 18Apr2004 - Charlotte Peters Rock - No34b
18Apr2004 - 23.45
FACT: RGN Shannon, who claims – erroneously – that she set up a second syringe-driver at this time also states, in the Community Intervention Team Office Notes: ‘Ralph settled throughout the procedure’
She makes no mention of observing him to be at all unsettled – or in any pain
Community Intervention Team Office Notes - RGN B Shannon - No 37a
Community Intervention Team Office Notes - RGN B Shannon - No 37b
NOTE WELL: No pain observed.
18Apr2004 - 23.45
NOTE WELL: RGN B Shannon, also records in the Nursing Notes, that a second syringe-driver was set up at this visit.
Nursing Notes - RGN B Shannon & C Morris - No 39
FACT: Because of other entries in the Clinical Notes File, and the Syringe Driver Form, which disprove this statement, this entry shows that the Clinical Notes File was tampered with, at this point after Ralph Winstanley had died.
Nursing Notes - RGN PA Jones - No 46a
Nursing Notes - RGN PA Jones - No 46b
Nursing Notes - Syringe Driver Form - page 1 - No 41a
NOTE WELL: First 4 entries which show only 1 syringe driver in situ until 17.00 on 19Apr2004
FACT: There is a solitary entry on an otherwise empty Infusion Check Chart, which also claims that a second syringe-driver was in place at 23.45 on 18/04/2004
Infusion Check Chart - RGN B Shannon - No 40
(This syringe is stated as having 48mm of Midazolam. When first set up, this is not possible, since some of the fluid would be in the tube and in the needle itself, so the more likely amount in the syringe would be 44mm – had one been set up at all.
Entries in the Syringe Driver Form show this pattern. Each time the syringe driver was initially set up or repositioned - it shows less than 48mm. – usually 44mm)
18Apr2004 - 23.45
FACT: The Syringe-driver Form shows quite clearly that only one syringe driver was in place at 23.45 on 18/04/2004 – and that the amount of drug followed the time-to-amount band down from
18Apr2004 - 13.20 – 42mm – first filled – R leg
18Apr2004 - 21.00 – 28 mm – checked – Right leg
18Apr2004 - 23.45 – 20mm – checked – Right leg
19Apr2004 - 09.10 – 45mm – checked – Right side chest
19Apr2004 - 17.00 – 44mm – first set up - Left upper arm
19Apr2004 - 17.00 – 44mm – checked – Right upper arm
This shows that nurses check at each visit, whatever syringe drivers are in place –and record the amount of drug remaining.
(The syringe-driver takes 48mm when full. It releases fluid at the rate of 2mm per hour. So each re-fill can last for 24 hours. Newly set up syringe drivers show less in the syringe because some of the fluid is used to fill the tube and the needle.)
Nursing Notes - Syringe Driver Form - page 1 - No 41a
Syringe-driver Form - C Walker, K Watts, B Shannon, PA Jones, J Marshall, J Marshall - No 41b
18Apr2004 - 23.45
FACT: There was no second syringe-driver available on that night, so it could not have been set up on that visit.
FACT: Ralph Winstanley’s daughter notes, in her Affidavit (presented to Coroner and Police on 27Apr2004 – before she again saw the Clinical Notes File) that “I was surprised to be told that he now had a second ‘driver’ in place on his left leg.” She had been absent from 09.30am on 19Apr2004 and had returned to the house just after midnight (00.30) on 19/20Apr2004 when she first saw it.
Affidavit abstract - Charlotte Peters Rock - No 42
18Apr2004 - 23.45
FACT: Ralph Winstanley’s elder daughter, Charlotte, remembers hearing Nurse Shannon, speaking on the phone, in the kitchen – at her 23.45 visit – 18Apr2004 - as she requested another syringe-driver by telephone and was told that none was available.
FACT: on 19Apr2004 - Ralph Winstanley’s younger daughter Linda notes in her Affidavit “With one syringe driver already in his thigh when I left to see my mother around midday, I was only away a couple of hours at the most, but dad had another syringe driver in his other thigh when I arrived back.”
Affidavit abstract - Linda Kirby - No 42a
FACT: She also notes: “Even with 2 syringe drivers in his thighs, Dad was still getting in and out of bed, standing and walking to his chair at the bottom of the bed, sitting for a while and getting up himself and walking back to his bed.”
Verbal only
FACT: Danum Doctors Pharmacy Record shows that only one dose of Midazolam was prescribed on Sunday 18 April. That is enough for only one injection. It is not enough to put into a second syringe-driver. No-one else was prescribing on 18 April, since it was a weekend. No doctor from Ralph Winstanley’s GP Practice saw him until lunchtime on Monday 19 April
Pharmacy Record in respect of Danum Doctors prescribing - Weldricks, East Laith Gate - No 43
18Apr2004 - early Sunday morning 03.00
FACT: Nina Clayton telephoned Linda Kirby – yet again - to say that her father Ralph Winstanley was dying. Linda went across to Grange Farm, arriving at 4am
Affidavit abstract - Linda Kirby - No 34a
Affidavit abstract - Charlotte Peters Rock - No 34b
18Apr2004 - 06.18
FACT: Nina Clayton telephoned the on-call doctor service
Stating that Ralph Winstanley was ‘terminally ill, getting worse, not mobile stopped eating.’
The note was also made:
‘Wife very concerned – needing help’
FACT: About this contact Dr Kevin Lee states: ‘I was on duty at DDS on 18th April 2004 when Mrs Winstanley rang regarding her husband. The time was 06.18.
I replied at 06.40 & heard from Mrs Winstanley that her husband who was suffering from multiple terminal pathologies including Chronic Leukaemia, heart failure, stomach nodules & low protein had been seen the previous Friday by Dr David Brown his GP.
Dr Brown had given Mr Winstanley a terminal prognosis.’
ADASTRA Consultation note - Dr Kevin Lee - No 35
Danum Doctors - Dr Kevin Lee - Letter dated 18May2004 - page 1 - No 36a
Danum Doctors - Dr Kevin Lee - Letter dated 18May2004 - page 2 - No 36b
NOTE WELL: ‘multiple terminal pathologies’ and ‘terminal prognosis’.
But no documentary confirmation
NOTE WELL: Terminal care prescribed, patient not seen by any doctor
FACT: Dr Kevin Lee’s letter also states:
‘Mrs Winstanley reported that Mr Winstanley was distressed & had not slept well during the night.’
Danum Doctors - Dr Kevin Lee - Letter dated 18May2004 - page 1 - No 36a
Danum Doctors - Dr Kevin Lee - Letter dated 18May2004 - page 2 - No 36b
FACT: On the basis of this call, with no medical confirmation of anything which he was told, Dr Kevin Lee seems to have thought it reasonable, without ever seeing the patient – to prescribe Terminal Care for the first time. Letter dated 18May2004
Danum Doctors - Dr Kevin Lee - Letter dated 18May2004 - page 1 - No 36a
Danum Doctors - Dr Kevin Lee - Letter dated 18May2004 - page 2 - No 36b
18Apr2004 - 08.45
FACT: The first Nursing Sister to visit – sent by Dr Kevin Lee of Danum Doctors, who never meets Ralph Winstanley - states nothing about observing Ralph Winstanley being in any pain. She only states that he is ‘settled’. However, she does state that Mrs Winstanley tells her that:
‘her husband has settled a little but remains restless’.
Her notes make it obvious that she does not observe this for herself
Community Intervention Team Office Notes - Sister S Zadrozny - 37a
NOTE WELL: Not observed to be in pain
FACT: The Community Intervention Team Dependency Scale, which must have been filled in for the benefit of other nurses, on 18 Apr2004 – when CIT nurses first saw him – states that: (in a scoring system of 1-5)
‘Personal Care – Dependent’ (5)
‘Feeding – Medium – poor appetite at the moment’(3)
‘Continence – High – catheterised’(4)
‘Mobility – Low – uses a walking stick’(2)
Nursing – medium – frequent visits (3)
Psychological health – Independent – self sufficient’(1)
‘Total scoring – 18 – medium’
which is interesting – to say the least. The total score is only 18. Total dependency – on this scale – comes in at 25+
Community Intervention Team - Dependency Scale - 18Apr2004 - No 48
NOTE WELL: No mention of patient being unable to take food or drink – or being unable to walk or bedfast
FACT: At this point on 18Apr2004, Ralph Winstanley’s psychological health is stated to be ‘independent’ and ‘self-sufficient’.
In that case, why did none of the nurses listen when he stated – on numerous occasions, over those two days, that he had no pain?Community Intervention
Community Intervention Team - Dependency Scale - 18Apr2004 - No 48
18Apr2004 - 18.37
FACT: Nina Clayton telephoned the Twilight Nurses, who contacted Danum Doctors again, stating ‘c/o started on syringe driver today. Aggitated. Trying to pull catheter out.’
Danum Doctors - ADASTRA Consultation note - Dr Kevin Lee - No 38
FACT: About this contact, Dr Kevin Lee states:
‘Later the same day at 18.37 a further call regarding Mr Winstanley was received by DDS. The call was from the Twilight Nurses who had been contacted by Mr Winstanley’s family saying that he was agitated & had been trying to pull his indwelling catheter out.. Dr Bundy arranged for a prescription for Midazolam & Haloperidol to be collected.’
Danum Doctors - Dr Kevin Lee - Letter dated 18May2004 - page 2 - No 36b
FACT: Dr Kevin Lee also states:
‘ I spoke with the nurses as I was already familiar with Mr Winstanley’s case from earlier in the day.’
Danum Doctors - Dr Kevin Lee - Letter dated 18May2004 - page 2 - No 36b
FACT: From the fact that he stated that he was ‘familiar’ with a patient whom he had never met, and whom no-one had observed to be in any pain, Dr Kevin Lee was happy to increase the number of drugs going into Ralph Winstanley, in this Terminal Care, and to order a second syringe driver.
Danum Doctors - Dr Kevin Lee - Letter dated 18May2004 - page 2 - No 36b
NOTE WELL: Level of ‘terminal care’ increased – but patient has ‘no pain’
FACT: During the whole of that day and the following day (19Apr2004), Ralph Winstanley kept stating to the nurse that he was not in any pain.
Letter dated 18 May 2004
4th Affidavit, abstract - 18Apr2004 - Charlotte Peters Rock - No34b
18Apr2004 - 23.45
FACT: RGN Shannon, who claims – erroneously – that she set up a second syringe-driver at this time also states, in the Community Intervention Team Office Notes: ‘Ralph settled throughout the procedure’
She makes no mention of observing him to be at all unsettled – or in any pain
Community Intervention Team Office Notes - RGN B Shannon - No 37a
Community Intervention Team Office Notes - RGN B Shannon - No 37b
NOTE WELL: No pain observed.
18Apr2004 - 23.45
NOTE WELL: RGN B Shannon, also records in the Nursing Notes, that a second syringe-driver was set up at this visit.
Nursing Notes - RGN B Shannon & C Morris - No 39
FACT: Because of other entries in the Clinical Notes File, and the Syringe Driver Form, which disprove this statement, this entry shows that the Clinical Notes File was tampered with, at this point after Ralph Winstanley had died.
Nursing Notes - RGN PA Jones - No 46a
Nursing Notes - RGN PA Jones - No 46b
Nursing Notes - Syringe Driver Form - page 1 - No 41a
NOTE WELL: First 4 entries which show only 1 syringe driver in situ until 17.00 on 19Apr2004
FACT: There is a solitary entry on an otherwise empty Infusion Check Chart, which also claims that a second syringe-driver was in place at 23.45 on 18/04/2004
Infusion Check Chart - RGN B Shannon - No 40
(This syringe is stated as having 48mm of Midazolam. When first set up, this is not possible, since some of the fluid would be in the tube and in the needle itself, so the more likely amount in the syringe would be 44mm – had one been set up at all.
Entries in the Syringe Driver Form show this pattern. Each time the syringe driver was initially set up or repositioned - it shows less than 48mm. – usually 44mm)
18Apr2004 - 23.45
FACT: The Syringe-driver Form shows quite clearly that only one syringe driver was in place at 23.45 on 18/04/2004 – and that the amount of drug followed the time-to-amount band down from
18Apr2004 - 13.20 – 42mm – first filled – R leg
18Apr2004 - 21.00 – 28 mm – checked – Right leg
18Apr2004 - 23.45 – 20mm – checked – Right leg
19Apr2004 - 09.10 – 45mm – checked – Right side chest
19Apr2004 - 17.00 – 44mm – first set up - Left upper arm
19Apr2004 - 17.00 – 44mm – checked – Right upper arm
This shows that nurses check at each visit, whatever syringe drivers are in place –and record the amount of drug remaining.
(The syringe-driver takes 48mm when full. It releases fluid at the rate of 2mm per hour. So each re-fill can last for 24 hours. Newly set up syringe drivers show less in the syringe because some of the fluid is used to fill the tube and the needle.)
Nursing Notes - Syringe Driver Form - page 1 - No 41a
Syringe-driver Form - C Walker, K Watts, B Shannon, PA Jones, J Marshall, J Marshall - No 41b
18Apr2004 - 23.45
FACT: There was no second syringe-driver available on that night, so it could not have been set up on that visit.
FACT: Ralph Winstanley’s daughter notes, in her Affidavit (presented to Coroner and Police on 27Apr2004 – before she again saw the Clinical Notes File) that “I was surprised to be told that he now had a second ‘driver’ in place on his left leg.” She had been absent from 09.30am on 19Apr2004 and had returned to the house just after midnight (00.30) on 19/20Apr2004 when she first saw it.
Affidavit abstract - Charlotte Peters Rock - No 42
18Apr2004 - 23.45
FACT: Ralph Winstanley’s elder daughter, Charlotte, remembers hearing Nurse Shannon, speaking on the phone, in the kitchen – at her 23.45 visit – 18Apr2004 - as she requested another syringe-driver by telephone and was told that none was available.
FACT: on 19Apr2004 - Ralph Winstanley’s younger daughter Linda notes in her Affidavit “With one syringe driver already in his thigh when I left to see my mother around midday, I was only away a couple of hours at the most, but dad had another syringe driver in his other thigh when I arrived back.”
FACT: She also notes: “Even with 2 syringe drivers in his thighs, Dad was still getting in and out of bed, standing and walking to his chair at the bottom of the bed, sitting for a while and getting up himself and walking back to his bed.”
Verbal only
FACT: Danum Doctors Pharmacy Record shows that only one dose of Midazolam was prescribed on Sunday 18 April. That is enough for only one injection. It is not enough to put into a second syringe-driver. No-one else was prescribing on 18 April, since it was a weekend. No doctor from Ralph Winstanley’s GP Practice saw him until lunchtime on Monday 19 April
Pharmacy Record in respect of Danum Doctors prescribing - Weldricks, East Laith Gate - No 43
Fourth part - 19 April 2004
19Apr2004 - 08.45
FACT: Notes made by Hospice-at-Home nurse, RGN Carolyn Smith indicate that she had been informed that Ralph Winstanley had cancer of the oesophagus. She writes
‘? CA Oesophagus’
Lower down the page she notes
‘Gastroscopy March 2004; CA Oesophagus’
Hospice-at-Home - Office Notes, front page - RGN Carolyn Smith - No 44
NOTE WELL: Who told her this? Two separate Oesophageal biopsies had shown that Ralph Winstanley did not have any sign of malignancy in his oesophagus or stomach.
Doncaster & Bassetlaw NHS Trust - Pathology Services - No 1
Doncaster & Bassetlaw NHS Trust - Pathology Services - No 14
On this page, the person who referred Ralph Winstanley to her was stated as: ‘Julie Marshall’, though ‘Dr Brown’ is also noted as the doctor.
Also, notes on this page confirm that there was certainly only one syringe-driver in place at the time when RGN Carolyn Smith filled in this part of her record
‘S.D. Diamorphine + Haloperidol’
(Diamorphine and Haloperidol were both put into the same syringe-driver.)
Hospice-at-Home - Office Notes, front page - RGN Carolyn Smith - No 44
19Apr2004 - 09.10
FACT: Only one syringe-driver is shown as being refilled at this time, which shows that there was still only one syringe-driver in place.
Syringe-driver Form - RGN PA Jones - No 41a
NOTE WELL: It is certain that RGN PA Jones only checked one syringe-driver, making a note about its contents in the Syringe-driver Form. Had there been two in situ, she would have checked both – as happens in the rest of the form. Next recorded visit was not until 14.50
19Apr2004 - 09.10
FACT: Nursing Note made by RGN PA Jones makes mention of only one syringe-driver – and the fact that it is set up with Diamorphine and Haloperidol
Nursing Notes - abstract - RGN PA Jones - No 46a
Nursing Notes - abstract - RGN PA Jones - No 46b
19Apr2004 - 09.10
FACT: In her Community Intervention Team Office Notes, RGN PA Jones also makes no mention of Ralph Winstanley being observed to be unsettled, or in any pain. Her comment is that: ‘Patient appears comfortable’
These notes also contain no mention of Midazolam or of a second syringe-driver. They do mention that Ralph Winstanley is still being kept on Oramorph, in spite of his having been on Diamorphine and Haloperidol for 24 hours, both by injection and via syringe-driver.
Community Intervention Team Office Notes - RGN PA Jones - No 37b
NOTE WELL: No pain observed
FACT: Enough Midazolam to fill a syringe-driver with 60mg per 24 hours, was only dispensed on Monday 19Apr2004 by Danum Doctors. The prescription was for 10 packs of 10mg/2ml – 6 of which would be needed to fill a syringe-driver to dispense 60mg over 24 hours. (A further 22 packs dispensed on 20Apr2004)
(This shows that some of the Nursing Notes are erroneous)
Pharmacy Record in respect of Danum Doctors prescribing - Weldricks, East Laith Gate - No 43
19Apr2004 - 14.50
FACT: Nursing Notes still state ‘to check syringe-driver’ – in the singular. It also states ‘Dr Sykes had visited prior to our arrival and administered Midazolam due to Ralph’s agitation.’
Had there been a second syringe-driver in place at that time, there would have been no need to ‘administer Midazolam’, because the second syringe-driver would already have contained it.
This note continues by mentioning syringe-drivers, which seems to indicate that the second syringe-driver was due to be set up at this time, by District Nursing Sister Julie Marshall, who also states that ‘Dr Sykes has now increased dosage to 40mg Diamorphine, 60mg Midazolam Haloperidol 10mg. Drugs not available at time of visit.’Because of the entry at 17.00 – see below – it seems that the paragraph above, stated to have been made at 14.50 might have been made after Ralph Winstanley died. There is also the fact that this entry begins as 19/4/04 and continues over the page as 20/4/04, then returns to 19/4/04. Whoever wrote it seems to have been thoroughly confused.
Nursing Notes - abstract - District Nursing Sister Julie Marshall - No 47
19Apr2004 - 14.50-17.00
FACT: Hospice-at-Home Nurse, RGN Carolyn Smith’s main notes, seem to have been written after 14.50 on 19Apr2004.
District Nursing Sister Julie Marshall wrote in her Nursing Note of 14.50 ‘Hospice at Home due to visit this afternoon.’
Nursing Notes - abstract - District Nursing Sister Julie Marshall - No 47
RGN Carolyn Smith writes: ‘Ralph is in terminal phase of illness.’
Who told her this?
Hospice-at-Home Office Notes - RGN Carolyn Smith - No 45
19Apr2004 - 17.00
FACT: The first record of filling two syringe-drivers is at 17.00, when District Nursing Sister Julie Marshall marks them both down on the Syringe-driver Form for the first time, recording that she fills two syringe drivers each showing 44mm.
Nursing Notes - Syringe-driver Form - District Nursing Sister Julie Marshall - No 41a
19Apr2004 - 23.20
FACT: This last Community Intervention Team Office Note states: ‘Visit as requested to check syringe-driver commenced earlier by district team.’This shows exactly when the second syringe-driver was set up. ‘district team’ refers to District Nursing Sister, Julie Marshall and her team. The ‘district team’, (consisting only of District Nursing Sister Julie Marshall, on 19Apr2004) called twice that day. At 14.50 and 17.00. So it had to be on one of these occasions that the second syringe driver to contain Midazolam, was set up. There is confirmation in the Syringe-driver Form, that it was set up - for the first time - at 17.00
Nursing Notes - Syringe-driver Form - District Nursing Sister Julie Marshall - No 41a
NOTE WELL: No pain observed
FACT: RGN J Hopkinson also agrees that from her own observation: ‘Mr Winstanley settled and pain free’.
Community Intervention Team Office Notes - RGN J Hopkinson - 2nd note - No37b
NOTE WELL: So why was his drug dose increased at13.35 on 20Apr2004, by Dr Sykes?
19Apr2004 - 08.45
FACT: Notes made by Hospice-at-Home nurse, RGN Carolyn Smith indicate that she had been informed that Ralph Winstanley had cancer of the oesophagus. She writes
‘? CA Oesophagus’
Lower down the page she notes
‘Gastroscopy March 2004; CA Oesophagus’
Hospice-at-Home - Office Notes, front page - RGN Carolyn Smith - No 44
NOTE WELL: Who told her this? Two separate Oesophageal biopsies had shown that Ralph Winstanley did not have any sign of malignancy in his oesophagus or stomach.
Doncaster & Bassetlaw NHS Trust - Pathology Services - No 1
Doncaster & Bassetlaw NHS Trust - Pathology Services - No 14
On this page, the person who referred Ralph Winstanley to her was stated as: ‘Julie Marshall’, though ‘Dr Brown’ is also noted as the doctor.
Also, notes on this page confirm that there was certainly only one syringe-driver in place at the time when RGN Carolyn Smith filled in this part of her record
‘S.D. Diamorphine + Haloperidol’
(Diamorphine and Haloperidol were both put into the same syringe-driver.)
Hospice-at-Home - Office Notes, front page - RGN Carolyn Smith - No 44
19Apr2004 - 09.10
FACT: Only one syringe-driver is shown as being refilled at this time, which shows that there was still only one syringe-driver in place.
Syringe-driver Form - RGN PA Jones - No 41a
NOTE WELL: It is certain that RGN PA Jones only checked one syringe-driver, making a note about its contents in the Syringe-driver Form. Had there been two in situ, she would have checked both – as happens in the rest of the form. Next recorded visit was not until 14.50
19Apr2004 - 09.10
FACT: Nursing Note made by RGN PA Jones makes mention of only one syringe-driver – and the fact that it is set up with Diamorphine and Haloperidol
Nursing Notes - abstract - RGN PA Jones - No 46a
Nursing Notes - abstract - RGN PA Jones - No 46b
19Apr2004 - 09.10
FACT: In her Community Intervention Team Office Notes, RGN PA Jones also makes no mention of Ralph Winstanley being observed to be unsettled, or in any pain. Her comment is that: ‘Patient appears comfortable’
These notes also contain no mention of Midazolam or of a second syringe-driver. They do mention that Ralph Winstanley is still being kept on Oramorph, in spite of his having been on Diamorphine and Haloperidol for 24 hours, both by injection and via syringe-driver.
Community Intervention Team Office Notes - RGN PA Jones - No 37b
NOTE WELL: No pain observed
FACT: Enough Midazolam to fill a syringe-driver with 60mg per 24 hours, was only dispensed on Monday 19Apr2004 by Danum Doctors. The prescription was for 10 packs of 10mg/2ml – 6 of which would be needed to fill a syringe-driver to dispense 60mg over 24 hours. (A further 22 packs dispensed on 20Apr2004)
(This shows that some of the Nursing Notes are erroneous)
Pharmacy Record in respect of Danum Doctors prescribing - Weldricks, East Laith Gate - No 43
19Apr2004 - 14.50
FACT: Nursing Notes still state ‘to check syringe-driver’ – in the singular. It also states ‘Dr Sykes had visited prior to our arrival and administered Midazolam due to Ralph’s agitation.’
Had there been a second syringe-driver in place at that time, there would have been no need to ‘administer Midazolam’, because the second syringe-driver would already have contained it.
This note continues by mentioning syringe-drivers, which seems to indicate that the second syringe-driver was due to be set up at this time, by District Nursing Sister Julie Marshall, who also states that ‘Dr Sykes has now increased dosage to 40mg Diamorphine, 60mg Midazolam Haloperidol 10mg. Drugs not available at time of visit.’Because of the entry at 17.00 – see below – it seems that the paragraph above, stated to have been made at 14.50 might have been made after Ralph Winstanley died. There is also the fact that this entry begins as 19/4/04 and continues over the page as 20/4/04, then returns to 19/4/04. Whoever wrote it seems to have been thoroughly confused.
Nursing Notes - abstract - District Nursing Sister Julie Marshall - No 47
19Apr2004 - 14.50-17.00
FACT: Hospice-at-Home Nurse, RGN Carolyn Smith’s main notes, seem to have been written after 14.50 on 19Apr2004.
District Nursing Sister Julie Marshall wrote in her Nursing Note of 14.50 ‘Hospice at Home due to visit this afternoon.’
Nursing Notes - abstract - District Nursing Sister Julie Marshall - No 47
RGN Carolyn Smith writes: ‘Ralph is in terminal phase of illness.’
Who told her this?
Hospice-at-Home Office Notes - RGN Carolyn Smith - No 45
19Apr2004 - 17.00
FACT: The first record of filling two syringe-drivers is at 17.00, when District Nursing Sister Julie Marshall marks them both down on the Syringe-driver Form for the first time, recording that she fills two syringe drivers each showing 44mm.
Nursing Notes - Syringe-driver Form - District Nursing Sister Julie Marshall - No 41a
19Apr2004 - 23.20
FACT: This last Community Intervention Team Office Note states: ‘Visit as requested to check syringe-driver commenced earlier by district team.’This shows exactly when the second syringe-driver was set up. ‘district team’ refers to District Nursing Sister, Julie Marshall and her team. The ‘district team’, (consisting only of District Nursing Sister Julie Marshall, on 19Apr2004) called twice that day. At 14.50 and 17.00. So it had to be on one of these occasions that the second syringe driver to contain Midazolam, was set up. There is confirmation in the Syringe-driver Form, that it was set up - for the first time - at 17.00
Nursing Notes - Syringe-driver Form - District Nursing Sister Julie Marshall - No 41a
NOTE WELL: No pain observed
FACT: RGN J Hopkinson also agrees that from her own observation: ‘Mr Winstanley settled and pain free’.
Community Intervention Team Office Notes - RGN J Hopkinson - 2nd note - No37b
NOTE WELL: So why was his drug dose increased at13.35 on 20Apr2004, by Dr Sykes?
Fifth part - 20April 2004
19/20Apr2004 - overnight - 22.00-07.00
FACT: Notes made by overnight Hospice-at-Home nurse make no mention of turning Ralph Winstanley every two hours – because he was still being deliberately kept bolt upright at the instigation of Nina Clayton and with the moral and physical support of the various nurses and Dr Rachel Sykes.
Nursing Notes - RGN Lorna Clark - No 49
NOTE WELL: This is where the pain began
20Apr2004 - 11.50
District Nursing Sister Julie Marshall states ‘pressure areas intact’
Nursing Notes - District Nursing Sister Julie Marshall - No 50
FACT: At this point Ralph Winstanley was still sitting bolt upright as he had been since being drugged, which rendered him too unconscious to move about.
NOTE WELL: The main pressure area, at the base of his spine was certainly not checked, or he would have had to be lain down at this time because of the building damage across the base of his spine, his buttocks and scrotum.
Nursing Notes - Patient/Carer Communication Form – filled in on 21Apr2004 by Charlotte Peters Rock - following conversation with RGN Watts at 20.15 on that day - but written about 20Apr2004 - No 51
20Apr2004 - 14.00
FACT: two different handwriting styles – one RGN Grimshaw the other DNS Julie Marshall. The first notes are not signed.
Nursing Notes - abstract -(these are the first entries under 14.00 for 20Apr2004) - RGN Sarah Grimshaw and District Nurse Julie Marshall - No 52
FACT: Notes made by overnight Hospice-at-Home nurse make no mention of turning Ralph Winstanley every two hours – because he was still being deliberately kept bolt upright at the instigation of Nina Clayton and with the moral and physical support of the various nurses and Dr Rachel Sykes.
Nursing Notes - RGN Lorna Clark - No 49
NOTE WELL: This is where the pain began
20Apr2004 - 11.50
District Nursing Sister Julie Marshall states ‘pressure areas intact’
Nursing Notes - District Nursing Sister Julie Marshall - No 50
FACT: At this point Ralph Winstanley was still sitting bolt upright as he had been since being drugged, which rendered him too unconscious to move about.
NOTE WELL: The main pressure area, at the base of his spine was certainly not checked, or he would have had to be lain down at this time because of the building damage across the base of his spine, his buttocks and scrotum.
Nursing Notes - Patient/Carer Communication Form – filled in on 21Apr2004 by Charlotte Peters Rock - following conversation with RGN Watts at 20.15 on that day - but written about 20Apr2004 - No 51
20Apr2004 - 14.00
FACT: two different handwriting styles – one RGN Grimshaw the other DNS Julie Marshall. The first notes are not signed.
Nursing Notes - abstract -(these are the first entries under 14.00 for 20Apr2004) - RGN Sarah Grimshaw and District Nurse Julie Marshall - No 52
FACT: On the lower half of the page the second notes are entered on the wrong day for what actually happened. These notes were entered after Ralph Winstanley’s death and are pure fiction in respect of that day. They state:
‘Granuflex to obtained for next visit. Discussed with Nina possibility of having airwave mattress but due to his current condition it would be very difficult to move Ralph onto a new bed. Dr Sykes has requested Hospice at Home team to visit this afternoon to bring pressure relief cushion. Ralph positioned onto his left side.’
Nursing Notes - abstract -(these are the first entries under 14.00 for 20Apr2004) - RGN Sarah Grimshaw and District Nurse Julie Marshall - No 52
‘Granuflex to obtained for next visit. Discussed with Nina possibility of having airwave mattress but due to his current condition it would be very difficult to move Ralph onto a new bed. Dr Sykes has requested Hospice at Home team to visit this afternoon to bring pressure relief cushion. Ralph positioned onto his left side.’
Nursing Notes - abstract -(these are the first entries under 14.00 for 20Apr2004) - RGN Sarah Grimshaw and District Nurse Julie Marshall - No 52
NOTE WELL:Recorded by District Nursing Sister Julie Marshall on wrong day
This could not have happened at this time on this day. See Nursing Notes of RGN Lorna Clark for 22.00 20Apr2004 to 06.00 on 21Apr2004
Nursing Notes abstract - Hospice-at-Home nightsitting nurse - RGN Lorna Clark - No 59
20Apr2004 - 11.45
FACT: DNS Julie Marshall records: 'Mr Winstanley’s daughter present at time of visit and expressed extreme concern regarding how sedated she felt Ralph was and was enquiring as to whether medication could be reduced. She believes that his pain was due to indigestion and if he was given medication for this he would not be in so much pain. I advised that I was unable to reduce the dosage without prior notification from Dr Sykes and due to the level of agitation Ralph had displayed over the weekend and yesterday I felt that he was much more settled. Explanation was given as to why syringe driver had been requested due to his condition and possible difficulties in swallowing. His daughter however felt that if he was not sedated he would be able to swallow. I have advised his daughter to discuss her concerns with Dr Sykes during her visit this morning.'
Nursing Notes (second entry re 11.45 on 20Apr2004 – after the first entry for 14.00, on that day) - District Nursing Sister Julie Marshall & RGN Sarah Grimshaw - No 52b
NOTE WELL: second notes for 20Apr2004
20Apr2004 - 20.15
FACT: Possibility of a pressure relief equipment was originally brought up at 20.15, on 20Apr2004, by Ralph Winstanley’s own daughters, who - discovering the damage to his spine and insisting he was lain down - began to ask for pressure relief for him.
Nursing Notes abstract - Twilight Nursing Service - District Nursing Sister Edgecombe - 53
20Apr2004 - 20.15
FACT: Following the discovery of pressure damage - and the overruling of her decision to sit the patient upright on such pressure damage - Sister Edgecombe also made a series of inaccurate and rather nasty little observations in the Twilight Nursing Service Office Notes, stating: ‘Just for information another daughter has arrived – very demanding and complaining about previous care. I was there a long time. Obvious friction between Nina and the older daughters of Mr Winstanley (In fact the ‘older daughter’, Charlotte, had been at Grange Farm since 09.30 on 18Apr2004 – and was asking for help)
Twilight Nursing Service Office NotesDistrict NursingSister Edgecombe - No 53a
20Apr2004 - 11.50 - 14.00 - 11.45 - 14.00
FACT: There is a serious duplication of the Nursing Notes on 20 April. Ralph Winstanley’s blood family believes this shows that the notes were tampered with, after Ralph Winstanley’s death, since the only possible running order – shows intention to remove the original notes. However, this does not seem to have been achieved, before the police retrieved the Notes.
Nursing Notes abstract - 6 pages - RGN Sarah Grimshaw - District Nursing Sister Julie Marshall - No 54a
Nursing Notes abstract - 6 pages - RGN Sarah Grimshaw - District Nursing Sister Julie Marshall - No 54b
Nursing Notes abstract - 6 pages - RGN Sarah Grimshaw - District Nursing Sister Julie Marshall - No 54c
Nursing Notes abstract - 6 pages - RGN Sarah Grimshaw - District Nursing Sister Julie Marshall - No 54d
Nursing Notes abstract - 6 pages - RGN Sarah Grimshaw - District Nursing Sister Julie Marshall - No 54e
Nursing Notes abstract - 6 pages - RGN Sarah Grimshaw - District Nursing Sister Julie Marshall - No 54f
NOTE WELL: The whole Clinical Notes File, which had been kept at Grange Farm was ‘missing’ from 23Apr2004 to 27Apr2004
20Apr2004 - 11.45
FACT: Note made at 11.45 on 20 April shows that a serious complaint had been made to District Nursing Sister Julie Marshall - who did not act upon it.
‘Mr Winstanley’s daughter present at time of visit and expressed extreme concern regarding how sedated she felt Ralph was and was enquiring as to whether medicines could be reduced. She believes that his pain was due to indigestion..’and
‘His daughter however, felt that if he was not sedated he would be able to swallow.’
Nursing Notes abstract - 6 pages - RGN Sarah Grimshaw - District Nursing Sister Julie Marshall - No 54d
20Apr2004 - 11.45 - 14.00 - (2nd 14.00)
FACT: Notes made at 11.45 and 14.00 wander into complete fiction, in respect of assessing ‘his sacrum’ (11.45) and ‘Pressure areas assessed and graded’.
NOTE WELL: signed and dated by DNS Julie Marshall
Nursing Notes abstract - 6 pages - RGN Sarah Grimshaw - District Nursing Sister Julie Marshall - No 54e
FACT: The Initial Wound Assessment Form shows that the assessment - mentioned above - did not take place until the following day, 21Apr2004
NOTE WELL: signed and dated by DNS Julie Marshall
Nursing Notes - Initial Wound Assessment Form - District Nursing Sister Julie Marshall - No 55
FACT: The Walsall Community Pressure Sore Risk Score Calculator shows that this assessment did not take place until the following day 21Apr2004
NOTE WELL: signed and dated by DNS Julie Marshall
Nursing Notes - Walsall Community Pressure Sore Risk Score Calculator - District Nursing Sister Julie Marshall - No 56
20Apr2004 - 11.45
FACT: 11.45 ‘Unable to fully assess pressure areas to sacrum..’ and ‘Mrs Winstanley happy not to disturb Ralph..’ shows that the nurses were being led by Nina Clayton (Mrs Winstanley) and not by professionalism, since – at that time – he was still sitting bolt upright as the pressure damage took serious hold on the base of his spine – and he was being deliberately drugged unconscious, which caused him to become increasingly still.
Nursing Notes abstract - 6 pages - RGN Sarah Grimshaw - District Nursing Sister Julie Marshall - No 54e
20Apr2004 - 14.00 - (the second 14.00 in the Nursing Records on that day)
FACT: In spite of the reservations expressed by ‘Mr Winstanley’s daughter’ at 14.00, District Nursing Sister Julie Marshall writes here:
‘Visit required to increase Diamorphine to 60mg as requested by Dr Sykes following her visit.’
Nursing Notes abstract - 6 pages - RGN Dabell - District Nursing Sister Julie Marshall - No 54e
‘On assessing Ralph he appeared uncomfortable and leaning forward’. This shows that he was still upright at that point.
Nursing Notes abstract - 6 pages - RGN Dabell - District Nursing Sister Julie Marshall - No 54e
‘Ralph assisted onto his left side and made comfortable..’ is pure fiction, since he was still sitting bolt upright until 20.15 that evening.
Affidavit abstract - Charlotte Peters Rock - No 57
Affidavit abstract - Charlotte Peters Rock - No 57a
Affidavit abstract - Charlotte Peters Rock - No 57b
‘Ralph’s daughter concerned that it is the level of pressure which has caused Ralph to have pain and require the syringe-driver’, is yet again a complete fiction in that this note could not have been made at this time on 20 April, since the great pressure damage to the base of his spine was not discovered until 20.15 that evening, during the visit of DNS Edgecombe – see No 53 for first mention of ‘turning every two hours’.
Nursing Notes abstract - 6 pages - RGN Sarah Grimshaw - District Nursing Sister Julie Marshall - No 54e
NOTE WELL: His pain continued because no one would lie him down
20Apr2004 - 14.00 - (the second 14.00 on that day)
Another fiction: It is stated that ‘Dr Sykes had requested Hospice at Home to visit and bring pressure relieving mattress. Val Derks (Macmillan Nurse) arrived during visit with Spenco mattress. Following discussion with Val and Mrs Winstanley it was agreed not to place Ralph on mattress at time of visit’.
FACT: This could not possibly have taken place on that day - 20Apr2004 – since the damage was not discovered until later that night 20.15. This note was probably written after Ralph Winstanley died.
As an added complication RGN Val Derks, in her Hospice at Home Office Notes claims that this incident occurred on 19April2004 – which is also untrue. Most of the information which she has put down as 19Apr2004 actually took place on 21Apr2004
Hospice-at-Home Office Notes - Lead Palliative Care Nurse, RGN Val Derks - No 53b
Another fiction: ‘Ralph’s daughter insistent that Ralph be lifted onto mattress but advised by myself and Val Derks that this was inappropriate as he was now laid comfortable.’
Nursing Notes abstract - 6 pages - RGN Sarah Grimshaw - District Nursing Sister Julie Marshall - No 54f
FACT: It was in fact ‘Ralph’s daughter’ who - on 21Apr2004 - seeing that a complete box mattress – rather than a ‘sheepskin’ had just been brought, who expressed the impossibility that her father could be moved, with less than 4 people to hold him and two more to change the mattresses. The interchange above, did not take place on this day, but in the afternoon of the following day, (21Apr2004) after he had been discovered to have a serious pressure wound at 20.15 on the evening of 20Apr2004 and his daughters had insisted that he was lain down. Following this he had relapsed into complete unconsciousness, where he remained until he finally died.
Affidavit abstract - Charlotte Peters Rock - No 57
Affidavit abstract - Charlotte Peters Rock - No 57a
Affidavit abstract - Charlotte Peters Rock - No 57b
FACT: Pressure areas certainly could not have been checked, since he was left - unmoved and hardly moving - sitting bolt upright, in increasing pain and increasingly being rendered unconscious until Charlotte and Linda, discovering the pressure wounds, insisted that he was lain down – at 20.15 that evening, during the visit of District Nursing Sister Edgecombe (?)
(name not printed – signature unclear - previously thought to be Edgeware)
Affidavit abstract - Charlotte Peters Rock - No 57a
Affidavit abstract - Charlotte Peters Rock - No 57b
Affidavit abstract - Linda Kirby - No 58
Nursing Notes abstract - District Nursing Sister Edgecombe - No 53
Twilight Nursing Service Office Record - District Nursing Sister Edgecombe - No 53a
NOTE WELL: the building pain, from sitting upright, stopped the drugs from making him unconscious.
FACT: 20Apr2004 - the Patient/Carer Communication Page was filled in, (on 21Apr2004) by Ralph Winstanley’s elder daughter, Charlotte, at the instigation of RGN K Watts, to comment on this lack of checking by the various nurses – and on the point when the pressure damage was found on 20 April
Patient/Carer Communication Form – (filled in on 21Apr2004 by Charlotte Peters Rock) - following conversation with RGN Watts at 20.15 on that day - but written about 20Apr2004 - No 51
This could not have happened at this time on this day. See Nursing Notes of RGN Lorna Clark for 22.00 20Apr2004 to 06.00 on 21Apr2004
Nursing Notes abstract - Hospice-at-Home nightsitting nurse - RGN Lorna Clark - No 59
20Apr2004 - 11.45
FACT: DNS Julie Marshall records: 'Mr Winstanley’s daughter present at time of visit and expressed extreme concern regarding how sedated she felt Ralph was and was enquiring as to whether medication could be reduced. She believes that his pain was due to indigestion and if he was given medication for this he would not be in so much pain. I advised that I was unable to reduce the dosage without prior notification from Dr Sykes and due to the level of agitation Ralph had displayed over the weekend and yesterday I felt that he was much more settled. Explanation was given as to why syringe driver had been requested due to his condition and possible difficulties in swallowing. His daughter however felt that if he was not sedated he would be able to swallow. I have advised his daughter to discuss her concerns with Dr Sykes during her visit this morning.'
Nursing Notes (second entry re 11.45 on 20Apr2004 – after the first entry for 14.00, on that day) - District Nursing Sister Julie Marshall & RGN Sarah Grimshaw - No 52b
NOTE WELL: second notes for 20Apr2004
20Apr2004 - 20.15
FACT: Possibility of a pressure relief equipment was originally brought up at 20.15, on 20Apr2004, by Ralph Winstanley’s own daughters, who - discovering the damage to his spine and insisting he was lain down - began to ask for pressure relief for him.
Nursing Notes abstract - Twilight Nursing Service - District Nursing Sister Edgecombe - 53
20Apr2004 - 20.15
FACT: Following the discovery of pressure damage - and the overruling of her decision to sit the patient upright on such pressure damage - Sister Edgecombe also made a series of inaccurate and rather nasty little observations in the Twilight Nursing Service Office Notes, stating: ‘Just for information another daughter has arrived – very demanding and complaining about previous care. I was there a long time. Obvious friction between Nina and the older daughters of Mr Winstanley (In fact the ‘older daughter’, Charlotte, had been at Grange Farm since 09.30 on 18Apr2004 – and was asking for help)
Twilight Nursing Service Office NotesDistrict NursingSister Edgecombe - No 53a
20Apr2004 - 11.50 - 14.00 - 11.45 - 14.00
FACT: There is a serious duplication of the Nursing Notes on 20 April. Ralph Winstanley’s blood family believes this shows that the notes were tampered with, after Ralph Winstanley’s death, since the only possible running order – shows intention to remove the original notes. However, this does not seem to have been achieved, before the police retrieved the Notes.
Nursing Notes abstract - 6 pages - RGN Sarah Grimshaw - District Nursing Sister Julie Marshall - No 54a
Nursing Notes abstract - 6 pages - RGN Sarah Grimshaw - District Nursing Sister Julie Marshall - No 54b
Nursing Notes abstract - 6 pages - RGN Sarah Grimshaw - District Nursing Sister Julie Marshall - No 54c
Nursing Notes abstract - 6 pages - RGN Sarah Grimshaw - District Nursing Sister Julie Marshall - No 54d
Nursing Notes abstract - 6 pages - RGN Sarah Grimshaw - District Nursing Sister Julie Marshall - No 54e
Nursing Notes abstract - 6 pages - RGN Sarah Grimshaw - District Nursing Sister Julie Marshall - No 54f
NOTE WELL: The whole Clinical Notes File, which had been kept at Grange Farm was ‘missing’ from 23Apr2004 to 27Apr2004
20Apr2004 - 11.45
FACT: Note made at 11.45 on 20 April shows that a serious complaint had been made to District Nursing Sister Julie Marshall - who did not act upon it.
‘Mr Winstanley’s daughter present at time of visit and expressed extreme concern regarding how sedated she felt Ralph was and was enquiring as to whether medicines could be reduced. She believes that his pain was due to indigestion..’and
‘His daughter however, felt that if he was not sedated he would be able to swallow.’
Nursing Notes abstract - 6 pages - RGN Sarah Grimshaw - District Nursing Sister Julie Marshall - No 54d
20Apr2004 - 11.45 - 14.00 - (2nd 14.00)
FACT: Notes made at 11.45 and 14.00 wander into complete fiction, in respect of assessing ‘his sacrum’ (11.45) and ‘Pressure areas assessed and graded’.
NOTE WELL: signed and dated by DNS Julie Marshall
Nursing Notes abstract - 6 pages - RGN Sarah Grimshaw - District Nursing Sister Julie Marshall - No 54e
FACT: The Initial Wound Assessment Form shows that the assessment - mentioned above - did not take place until the following day, 21Apr2004
NOTE WELL: signed and dated by DNS Julie Marshall
Nursing Notes - Initial Wound Assessment Form - District Nursing Sister Julie Marshall - No 55
FACT: The Walsall Community Pressure Sore Risk Score Calculator shows that this assessment did not take place until the following day 21Apr2004
NOTE WELL: signed and dated by DNS Julie Marshall
Nursing Notes - Walsall Community Pressure Sore Risk Score Calculator - District Nursing Sister Julie Marshall - No 56
20Apr2004 - 11.45
FACT: 11.45 ‘Unable to fully assess pressure areas to sacrum..’ and ‘Mrs Winstanley happy not to disturb Ralph..’ shows that the nurses were being led by Nina Clayton (Mrs Winstanley) and not by professionalism, since – at that time – he was still sitting bolt upright as the pressure damage took serious hold on the base of his spine – and he was being deliberately drugged unconscious, which caused him to become increasingly still.
Nursing Notes abstract - 6 pages - RGN Sarah Grimshaw - District Nursing Sister Julie Marshall - No 54e
20Apr2004 - 14.00 - (the second 14.00 in the Nursing Records on that day)
FACT: In spite of the reservations expressed by ‘Mr Winstanley’s daughter’ at 14.00, District Nursing Sister Julie Marshall writes here:
‘Visit required to increase Diamorphine to 60mg as requested by Dr Sykes following her visit.’
Nursing Notes abstract - 6 pages - RGN Dabell - District Nursing Sister Julie Marshall - No 54e
‘On assessing Ralph he appeared uncomfortable and leaning forward’. This shows that he was still upright at that point.
Nursing Notes abstract - 6 pages - RGN Dabell - District Nursing Sister Julie Marshall - No 54e
‘Ralph assisted onto his left side and made comfortable..’ is pure fiction, since he was still sitting bolt upright until 20.15 that evening.
Affidavit abstract - Charlotte Peters Rock - No 57
Affidavit abstract - Charlotte Peters Rock - No 57a
Affidavit abstract - Charlotte Peters Rock - No 57b
‘Ralph’s daughter concerned that it is the level of pressure which has caused Ralph to have pain and require the syringe-driver’, is yet again a complete fiction in that this note could not have been made at this time on 20 April, since the great pressure damage to the base of his spine was not discovered until 20.15 that evening, during the visit of DNS Edgecombe – see No 53 for first mention of ‘turning every two hours’.
Nursing Notes abstract - 6 pages - RGN Sarah Grimshaw - District Nursing Sister Julie Marshall - No 54e
NOTE WELL: His pain continued because no one would lie him down
20Apr2004 - 14.00 - (the second 14.00 on that day)
Another fiction: It is stated that ‘Dr Sykes had requested Hospice at Home to visit and bring pressure relieving mattress. Val Derks (Macmillan Nurse) arrived during visit with Spenco mattress. Following discussion with Val and Mrs Winstanley it was agreed not to place Ralph on mattress at time of visit’.
FACT: This could not possibly have taken place on that day - 20Apr2004 – since the damage was not discovered until later that night 20.15. This note was probably written after Ralph Winstanley died.
As an added complication RGN Val Derks, in her Hospice at Home Office Notes claims that this incident occurred on 19April2004 – which is also untrue. Most of the information which she has put down as 19Apr2004 actually took place on 21Apr2004
Hospice-at-Home Office Notes - Lead Palliative Care Nurse, RGN Val Derks - No 53b
Another fiction: ‘Ralph’s daughter insistent that Ralph be lifted onto mattress but advised by myself and Val Derks that this was inappropriate as he was now laid comfortable.’
Nursing Notes abstract - 6 pages - RGN Sarah Grimshaw - District Nursing Sister Julie Marshall - No 54f
FACT: It was in fact ‘Ralph’s daughter’ who - on 21Apr2004 - seeing that a complete box mattress – rather than a ‘sheepskin’ had just been brought, who expressed the impossibility that her father could be moved, with less than 4 people to hold him and two more to change the mattresses. The interchange above, did not take place on this day, but in the afternoon of the following day, (21Apr2004) after he had been discovered to have a serious pressure wound at 20.15 on the evening of 20Apr2004 and his daughters had insisted that he was lain down. Following this he had relapsed into complete unconsciousness, where he remained until he finally died.
Affidavit abstract - Charlotte Peters Rock - No 57
Affidavit abstract - Charlotte Peters Rock - No 57a
Affidavit abstract - Charlotte Peters Rock - No 57b
FACT: Pressure areas certainly could not have been checked, since he was left - unmoved and hardly moving - sitting bolt upright, in increasing pain and increasingly being rendered unconscious until Charlotte and Linda, discovering the pressure wounds, insisted that he was lain down – at 20.15 that evening, during the visit of District Nursing Sister Edgecombe (?)
(name not printed – signature unclear - previously thought to be Edgeware)
Affidavit abstract - Charlotte Peters Rock - No 57a
Affidavit abstract - Charlotte Peters Rock - No 57b
Affidavit abstract - Linda Kirby - No 58
Nursing Notes abstract - District Nursing Sister Edgecombe - No 53
Twilight Nursing Service Office Record - District Nursing Sister Edgecombe - No 53a
NOTE WELL: the building pain, from sitting upright, stopped the drugs from making him unconscious.
FACT: 20Apr2004 - the Patient/Carer Communication Page was filled in, (on 21Apr2004) by Ralph Winstanley’s elder daughter, Charlotte, at the instigation of RGN K Watts, to comment on this lack of checking by the various nurses – and on the point when the pressure damage was found on 20 April
Patient/Carer Communication Form – (filled in on 21Apr2004 by Charlotte Peters Rock) - following conversation with RGN Watts at 20.15 on that day - but written about 20Apr2004 - No 51
FACT: Sister Edgecombe (?)(previously thought to be Edgeware) notes in the Twilight Nursing Service Office records only that ‘another daughter has arrived – very demanding and complaining about previous care’ (In fact this daughter, Charlotte, had been at the house since 09.30 on 18Apr2004.)
Twilight Nursing Service Office Record – abstract - District Nursing Sister Edgecombe - No 53a
Affidavit abstract - Linda Kirby - No 34a
Affidavit abstract - Charlotte Peters Rock - No 34b
20Apr2004 - 20.15
FACT: Also written in the Nursing Notes ‘Nina didn’t want Ralph Disturbing.’
This refers to the fact that he was still sitting upright when Sister Edgecombe arrived – and that both she and Nina Clayton objected to him being lain down.
Nursing Notes - abstract
Nursing Notes abstract - District Nursing Sister Edgecombe - No53
NOTE WELL: It was Nina's wishes that kept him upright
20Apr2004 - 20.15
FACT: Also written in the Nursing Notes:
‘Family are turning Ralph every two hours to relieve pressure.’ Nursing Notes abstract - District Nursing Sister Edgecombe - No53
FACT: This refers to the fact that – by the time this nurse left – Ralph Winstanley had been lain down – at the insistence of his own two daughters, Linda and Charlotte – and against the wishes of both Nina Clayton (Mrs Winstanley) and District Nursing Sister Edgecombe (?)
Affidavit abstract - Charlotte Peters Rock - No 57
FACT: Sister Edgecombe (?)(previously thought to be Edgeware) notes in the Twilight Nursing Service Office records only that ‘another daughter has arrived – very demanding and complaining about previous care’ (In fact this daughter, Charlotte, had been at the house since 09.30 on 18Apr2004.)
Twilight Nursing Service Office Record – abstract - District Nursing Sister Edgecombe - No 53a
Affidavit abstract - Linda Kirby - No 34a
Affidavit abstract - Charlotte Peters Rock - No 34b
20Apr2004 - 20.15
FACT: Also written in the Nursing Notes ‘Nina didn’t want Ralph Disturbing.’
This refers to the fact that he was still sitting upright when Sister Edgecombe arrived – and that both she and Nina Clayton objected to him being lain down.
Nursing Notes - abstract
Nursing Notes abstract - District Nursing Sister Edgecombe - No53
NOTE WELL: It was Nina's wishes that kept him upright
20Apr2004 - 20.15
FACT: Also written in the Nursing Notes:
‘Family are turning Ralph every two hours to relieve pressure.’ Nursing Notes abstract - District Nursing Sister Edgecombe - No53
FACT: This refers to the fact that – by the time this nurse left – Ralph Winstanley had been lain down – at the insistence of his own two daughters, Linda and Charlotte – and against the wishes of both Nina Clayton (Mrs Winstanley) and District Nursing Sister Edgecombe (?)
Affidavit abstract - Charlotte Peters Rock - No 57
Sixth part - 21 April 2004
20/21Apr2004 - overnight - 22.00-07.00
FACT: Nursing Notes made by Hospice-at-Home nightsitting nurse, Lorna Clark, mention that Ralph Winstanley is now being turned every two hours – and his pressure areas checked.
FACT: Night-sit nurse states - at 22.00 20Apr2004:
‘Sacrum discoloured + L heel.’
then - at 03.00 21Apr2004
‘Pressure areas checked. Position changed. Ralph now on his L side. Both heels elevated off the bed to relieve pressure’
then - at 06.00 21Apr2004
‘Position changed. Ralph on his R side. Sacrum discoloured, heels elevated off the bed’
Nursing Notes - abstract - Hospice-at-Home nightsitting nurse - RGN Lorna Clark - No 59
21Apr2004 - 11.00
More Fiction: Nursing Notes of District Nurse, make the claim that the ‘Spenco Mattress taken back by hospice at home’
Nursing Notes abstract - District Nursing Sister Julie Marshall and RGN Sarah Grimshaw - No 60
FACT: It is hardly likely that this could have happened, since the Spenco mattress did not arrive until early afternoon of 21 April, having been requested either overnight, after the damage to Ralph Winstanley’s spine had been discovered, or earlier during 21Apr2004.
Nursing Notes - Patient/Carer Communication Form - Charlotte Peters Rock - No 51
FACT: The Spenco mattress was taken back by RGN Lorna Clark - following her third and last night-sit with Ralph Winstanley – at 07.00 on 22 April
21Apr2004 - 15.00 - 20.15
FACT: Two separate nursing notes make it clear that Ralph Winstanley was completely unconscious by this date.
FACT: 15.00 - DNS Julie Marshall writes 'No non verbal indication of any pain'
Nursing Notes abstract - District Nursing Sister Julie marshall and RGN Sarah Grimshaw - No 61
FACT: 20.15 - RGN K Watts writes 'He remains unresponsive'
Nursing Notes abstract - RGN K Watts - No 62
FACT: A chart called ‘Injectable medication’ has been filled in to state that no injectable medication was ‘used at present’ , before 20Apr2004. That is patently untrue – as can be seen above and in the Document abstracts, which accompany this Table of Facts.
Injectable Medication Chart - District Nursing Sister Julie Marshall - 52a
FACT: Patient/Carer Communication Page makes it clear that Ralph Winstanley’s two daughters are objecting to his treatment.
Nursing Notes - Patient/Carer Communication Form - Charlotte Peters Rock - No 51
FACT: In her Twilight Nursing Service Office Notes,
RGN K Watts has noted the concerns raised by Ralph Winstanley’s two daughters;
‘For information only:-
The elder daughter raised a lot of issues tonight regarding the care her father has received. She has documented a full communication sheet at the back of the notes which she wants answers to.
Some of the issues are:-
1 The strength of drugs are too high and knocking her father out and accelerating his death
2 He has no diet, fluids or antibiotics
3 His pressure areas are not being checked and documented properly
etc. etc. etc.
I answered all her points and gave her the reasons – but she is not happy.
This daughter did not get on with her father. The rest of the family seem happy with the care given. Thought you’d better be aware. Thanks.’
Twilight Nursing Service Office Notes - RGN K Watts - No 63
FACT: The notes above show that RGN K Watts also was fully aware that there was a severe problem with the treatment of Ralph Winstanley and that his own two daughters were asking for help. Nothing was done to provide this help.
Twilight Nursing Service Office Notes - RGN K Watts - No 63
FACT: The ‘rest of the family’ mentioned in the notes above, were unrelated to Ralph Winstanley, except by marriage. Nina Clayton, who claimed to be his wife, also claimed that he had not lived at Grange Farm for more than 6 years.
Rosemary Alice Cheesman - Nina Clayton's younger daughter - Birth Certificate - No 64
Electoral Returning Officer, Doncaster MBC - Electoral Return re occupants of Grange Farm, Pinfold Lane, Moss, Doncaster. DN6 0ED - 1998
Electoral Returning Officer, Doncaster MBC - Electoral Return re occupants of Grange Farm, Pinfold Lane, Moss, Doncaster. DN6 0ED - 1999
Electoral Returning Officer, Doncaster MBC - Electoral Return re occupants of Grange Farm, Pinfold Lane, Moss, Doncaster. DN6 0ED - 2000
Electoral Returning Officer, Doncaster MBC - Electoral Return re occupants of Grange Farm, Pinfold Lane, Moss, Doncaster. DN6 0ED - 2001
Electoral Returning Officer, Doncaster MBC - Electoral Return re occupants of Grange Farm, Pinfold Lane, Moss, Doncaster. DN6 0ED - 2002
Electoral Returning Officer, Doncaster MBC - Electoral Return re occupants of Grange Farm, Pinfold Lane, Moss, Doncaster. DN6 0ED - 2003
Of course Nina Clayton was happy with the treatment. It was designed to kill Ralph Winstanley – when he had not been dying. She had told the lies which brought it about. They are recorded by Dr Kevin Lee and by RGN Carolyn Smith
Danum Doctors Services - Dr Kevin Lee - letter - 18May2004 - page 1 - No 36a
Hospice-at-Home Office Notes - RGN Carolyn Smith - No 45
Seventh part - 22 April 2004
FACT: It is recorded in the Hospice at Home Notes:
‘Telephone call from RGN Lorna Clarke following her third consecutive night sit with Ralph – Severe family friction this morning between Ralph’s daughter Christine & his wife Nina.’
Hospice-at-Home Notes - St John's Hospice - RGN Val Derks - Lead Palliative Care Nurse - 2nd entry for 22Apr2004 - No 66a
FACT: Also recorded:'Telephone call to Nina – she says Christine feels her father has been oversedated and his death accelerated.’
(note: Christine=Charlotte Peters Rock)
Hospice-at-Home Office Notes - St John's Hospice - RGN Val Derks - Lead Palliative Care Nurse - 2nd entry for 22Apr2004 - No 66b
NOTE WELL: SERIOUS COMPLAINT RECORDEDFACT: Also recorded: ‘Telephone call from Christine requesting a home visit’.
Hospice-at-Home Office Notes - St John's Hospice - RGN Val Derks - Lead Palliative Care Nurse - 2nd entry for 22Apr2004 - No 66b
FACT: Also recorded: ‘Home visit. Long talk to Ralph’s daughter, Christine. Her son was also present. Christine has contacted PCT East who are arranging the public Health Officer to contact her. She has asked for an independent Dr to visit her father. She feels Ralph Has been oversedated and that Nina has deliberately lied to the Health Professionals involved about Ralph’s condition and that this has resulted in them giving inappropriate medications. She feels any pain and distress he suffered on Sunday and Monday was due to indigestion and sore pressure areas & that he shouldn’t have been given sedation or had the Diamorphine increased. She says that Nina told the GP that Ralph was vomiting when he was only bringing up phlegm. I confirmed that I was unable to comment as I had not been involved with the situation at that point.’
What did this expert Palliative Care Nurse, do about these concerns expressed by Ralph Winstanley’s daughters? Nothing.. except she wrote them down.. and stopped the nightsitting nurse from going into the house.
Hospice-at-Home Office Notes - RGN Val Derks, Palliative Care Nurse, St John’s Hospice -2nd entry for 22Apr2004 - No 66b
FACT: Roy Courts, called to the house by his mother, Charlotte, was present when Clinical Manager, Sheila Blow, arrived at the house, at his mother’s request.
He heard her state that his grandfather was definitely dying of cancer
Affidavit abstract - Roy Courts - re Thursday 22Apr2004 - No 67
FACT: Hospice at Home Notes make it clear that objections are being made about Ralph Winstanley’s treatment. ‘Christine feels her father has been oversedated and his death is being accelerated’.
Hospice-at-Home Office Notes - RGN Val Derks, Palliative Care Nurse, St John’s Hospice -2nd entry for 22Apr2004 - No 66b
FACT: It is recorded here that ‘She feels that any pain and distress he suffered on Sunday and Monday (18 & 19 April), was due to indigestion and sore pressure areas + that he shouldn’t have been given sedation or had the diamorphine increased’.
Hospice-at-Home Office Notes - RGN Val Derks, Palliative Care Nurse, St John’s Hospice - 4th entry for 22Apr2004 - No 66b
FACT: It is also recorded here that Val Derks had been made aware that lies were being told by Nina Clayton, Ralph Winstanley’s second wife. It is also recorded what the lies were.
'She says that Nina told the GP Ralph was vomiting when he was only bringing up phlegm.'
There is nothing in the records which Ralph Winstanley’s daughters have, to show that Val Derks did anything about this information – other than recording it.. and stopping any help which might have been received from the Hospice-at-home night-sit nurse, by stopping any Hospice-at-Home nurse from going into the house.
Hospice-at-Home Office Notes - RGN Val Derks, Palliative Care Nurse, St John’s Hospice - 4th entry for 22Apr2004 - No 66b
22Apr2004 - 08.30 - 08.45 - 11.30
FACT: Nursing Notes make it clear that there was a severe problem in respect of Ralph Winstanley’s treatment. Also they state that his daughter was objecting to that treatment and had asked the Director of Public Health for help. And that she had requested a second opinion about the state of Ralph Winstanley’s health.
Nursing Notes – abstracts - District Nursing Sister Julie Marshall - 69a
Nursing Notes – abstracts - District Nursing Sister Julie Marshall - No 69b
Nursing Notes – abstracts - RGN Sarah Grimshaw - RGN Kathryn Clinton - 11.30 - No 69c
22Apr2004 - 08.30
FACT: Nursing note at 08.30 states:
‘Val does not feel it is appropriate to send a nightsitter into the home tonight due to current situation’
Nursing Notes - abstract - District Nursing Sister Julie Marshall - 08.30 - No69a
22Apr2004 - 08.45
FACT: At 08.45 District Nursing Sister Julie Marshall records that having discussed the treatment with ‘Mrs Winstanley’, she:
‘Reassured that the District Nursing Team would be visiting this morning to refill Ralph’s syringe driver.’Nursing Notes - abstract - District Nursing Sister Julie Marshall - 08.30 - No69a
22Apr2004 - 11.30
FACT: At 11.30 nurses record that Mr Winstanley’s daughter:
‘..feels that Mr Winstanley is being given inappropriate medication at the request of other family members and she feels that a second opinion is needed from an independent doctor.’
Nursing Notes – abstracts - RGN Sarah Grimshaw - RGN Kathryn Clinton - 11.30 - No 69c
FACT: Charlotte Peters Rock records her attempts to get some help to her father during Thursday 22Apr2004 – following two days and nights of asking politely for help from nurses and Dr Rachel Sykes. Recording that she first discussed with her sister Linda Kirby – who agreed that she should ask for help. Following this she spoke to
Bridget Fieldhouse at Doncaster West PCT,
Mr Mike Young at Doncaster East PCT,
Dr Tony Baxter, Director of Public Health at Doncaster East PCT,
Sheila Blow, Clinical Manager, who works from Cantley Health centre.
It also records that Dr Gillian Harding - who she had been told was the 'Expert Second Opinion on the state of her father's health' - was due to contact her but did not on that day.
Affidavit – abstract - Charlotte Peters Rock - 67a
FACT: There is documentary proof that Dr Sykes was certain - before Ralph Winstanley finally died – that he did not have any sign of malignancy in his oesophagus or stomach. The Oesophageal Biopsy Report states: ‘There is no evidence of dysplasia or malignancy ‘Scrawled across this report – which was faxed to Dr Bundy at 10.09 on 22Apr2004 is, ‘RSS File in Notes’.‘RSS’ is believed to be the initialling of Dr Rachel S Sykes.
This report seems to indicate that Dr Rachel S Sykes knew by at least the morning of the day before Ralph Winstanley died - if not before that time - that he definitely did not have Oesophageal cancer. Yet she stated, several times on 23Apr2004 to both of his daughters that he was dying of oesophageal cancer. Until that day - which was the day he died - they had not been told what he was supposed to be dying of, in spite of having asked many times.Doncaster and Bassetlaw NHS Trust - Pathology Services - Report sheet initialled by Dr Rachel S Sykes - 67b
13/01/2004 - Endoscopy performed and Report made, on what could be seen by eye. This Report seems to have been posted either on that day or the following day.
15/01/2004 - Report entered into Ralph Winstanley's GP Medical Record by Mrs Emma Briggs. It stated:'Biopsy vial 1 from lower third oesophagus x 6.
Gastritis (535.5) Biopsy for H pylori (unrease test)
Final disposition
Review in GI clinic in 2 weeks. i Comments
Eradicate if CLO +ve. Decide on further management on reciept of histology.'
This shows that nothing could be decided just by looking. Results depended on what the biopsies showed.GP Medical Records abstract - Mrs Josie Mace - Endoscopy Report - 13Jan2004 - No 2b
13/01/2004, Biopsies taken at endoscopy, showed that there was no sign of malignancy in Ralph Winstanley’s oesophagus.
30/01/2004 - This confirmation was entered into GP Medical Record.
30/01/2004Consultant Physician and Gastroenterologist, Dr Gary James dictated a letter to Dr David J Brown, Ralph Winstanley’s GP – and to Ralph Winstanley - confirming the negative results.
10/01/2004 - those letters were typed and posted.
11/02/2004 - Those letters. were received at Field Road Surgery and entered in the GP Medical Record of Ralph Winstanley. They stated that more biopsies would be taken in 6 weeks time in order to confirm or deny the initial result.
Did Dr Brown give Ralph Winstanley the letter which Dr James had sent for him?Consultant Physician and Gastroenterologist, Dr Gary James - Letter to Dr David Brown - No 3a
Consultant Physician and Gastroenterologist, Dr Gary James - Letter - No 3b
GP Medical Record - 30/01/2004, Mrs Josie Mace - 03/02/2004, Dr David J Brown - 11/02/2004, Mrs Emma Briggs - No 2a
FACT: Tests performed and Reports on Results of the first Endoscopy/Biopsies, performed and taken on 13Jan2004, were fully recorded in Ralph Winstanley’s GP Medical Record.
There were FOUR entries in total.
Endoscopy Report - 15/01/2004
Biopsy Report - 30/01/2004, 11/02/2004.
Report given to patient by Dr David J Brown - 03/02/2004.This seems to be the pattern by which the results of medical investigations are reported and recorded, at the GP Surgery.
FACT: Only one entry about the second Gastroscopy/Endoscopy (10/03/2004), was recorded in Ralph Winstanley’s GP Medical Record. That was only about what was observed by eye.It was not about the Histology/Biopsy Report.
Why was the Histology/Biopsy Report not shown?If it had not been received, why did Dr David J Brown not send for that result?Why did Dr Rachel S Sykes not send for that result on 19Apr2004 when she saw Ralph Winstanley?
GP Medical Records abstract - 11/03/2004 - Mrs Emma Briggs - Endoscopy Report only - 10a
NOTE WELL: There is one further entry, which is totally unsupported by any document or Report. That entry was made by Dr David J Brown.15.03.2004 Surgery consultation Dr D Brown
15/03/2004 Oesophageal cancer see 2nd endoscopy report Dr D Brown
Eighth part - 23 April 2004
FACT: At 11am Ralph Winstanley’s two daughters were refused permission – for two hours - to enter the room in which he lay. During this time Dr Gillian Harding and Dr Rachel Sykes, continued to state that Ralph Winstanley was ‘dying of terminal Oesophageal Cancer’. They both stated it several times to both daughters. Dr Harding also suggested that he should also be given Hyoscine hydrobromide, to add to the load of drugs. Dr Sykes prescribed it. And it is believed, administered it. The quantity of Hyoscine hydrobromide prescribed was noted in the Medical Record.
Affidavit abstract - Linda Kirby - No 68a
Affidavit abstract - Charlotte Peters Rock - No 68b
GP Medical Record - Dr Rachel S Sykes - No 80
23Apr2004 - 11.30
FACT: Dr Gillian M Harding, made notes in the Nursing Notes:
‘Palliative medicine’
‘Patient reviewed advanced CLL & probable oesophageal ca.
Chronic ill health & recent and rapid deterioration
Unconscious for 3 days
not drinking or eating
noisy chest secretions
Hyoscine hydrobromide(other writing at bottom of page – which can’t be read)(Then over the page)
‘My impression is that this man is dying & is in the very terminal stage.
Further investigation or treatment other than best supportive care is inappropriate '
Nursing Notes – abstract – written by Dr Gillian Harding, Lead Clinician for Palliative Care, Medical Director of St John’s Hospice - No 78a
Nursing Notes – abstract – written by Dr Gillian Harding, Lead Clinician for Palliative Care, Medical Director of St John’s Hospice - No 78b
FACT: About Ralph Winstanley’s ‘probable oesophageal ca.’. It had certainly been known since 15 March 2004 that he did not have any malignancy in the area of his oesophagus or stomach..and any GP could have checked that for herself
Consultant Physician and Gastroenterologist Dr Gary James - Letter – 14Mar2006 - No 10i
Consultant Physician and Gastroenterologist Dr Gary James - Letter – 14Mar2006 - No 10ii
FACT: Ralph Winstanley’s unconsciousness was caused by the application of Diamorphine, Haloperidol and Midazolam, prescribed by Dr Kevin Lee, who never met the ‘patient’ and continued by Dr Rachel Sykes, who had every opportunity of checking- at her Field Road Surgery - the current state of health of the patient. Dr Gillian Harding, recommended adding Hyoscine hydrobromide – in a dose which does not seem to have been recorded.
Prior to this drugging - and during the first 36 hours of it - which began on 18Apr2004, he had been walking about, eating and drinking and speaking relatively rationally.
Affidavits – abstracts – 18/19Apr2004 - Charlotte Peters Rock - No 72
Affidavits – abstracts – 18/19Apr2004 - Charlotte Peters Rock - No 73a
Affidavits – abstracts – 18/19Apr2004 - Charlotte Peters Rock - No 73b
Danum Doctors Services Limited - Dr Kevin LeeLetter – 18May2004 - No 36a
Danum Doctors Services Limited - Dr Kevin LeeLetter – 18May2004 - No 36b
Nursing Notes abstract - Dr Gillian Harding - No 78a
Nursing Notes abstract - Dr Gillian Harding - No 78b
FACT: Ralph Winstanley was not given any diet or fluid during the time after drugs began to render him unconscious – thus unable to shift for himself. That fact is borne out by the Community Nursing Assessment sheet of 21Apr2004
‘Mr Winstanley is not currently receiving any diet or fluids’
Community Nursing Assessment Sheet - abstract - District Nursing Sister Julie Marshall - No 71
FACT: On 18Apr2004 he was both eating and drinking - with no sign of difficulty – when the first nurses arrived at Grange Farm. Until the first injections and the drugs entering his system via the first syringe-driver began to render him unconscious, he still both ate and drank with no difficulty nor any gagging nor any sickness.
Community Intervention Team - Dependency Scale - 18Apr2004 - No 48
Affidavit abstract - Charlotte Peters Rock - No 72
Affidavit abstract - Charlotte Peters Rock - No 73a
Affidavit abstract - Charlotte Peters Rock - No 73b
FACT: There is no record of the amount of Hyoscine hydrobromide, injected into Ralph Winstanley, by Dr Sykes, at her last visit on 23rd April 2004.
GP Medical Record - Dr Rachel S Sykes - 23Apr2004 - No 80
23Apr2004 - 11.15
FACT: The only nursing notes of that day, after the night-sitter left and before Ralph Winstanley finally died, were written at 11.15.
There is no indication in those notes, that a nurse might have put Hyoscine hydrobromide into either syringe-driver, since they were both already refilled, by 11.20 with
1. Diamorphine and Haloperidol
2. Midazolam
as stated in the Nursing Notes of 11.15.
Nursing Notes abstract - District Nursing Sister Julie Marshall - RGN Sarah Grimshaw - 11.15 23Apr2004 - No 70a
Nursing Notes abstract - District Nursing Sister Julie Marshall - RGN Sarah Grimshaw - 11.15 23Apr2004 - No 70b
Nursing Notes - Syringe Driver Form - RGN Sarah Grimshaw - 11.20 23Apr2004 - No 41b
Whereas, Dr Harding’s notes, state that they were not entered until 11.30. They are within the Nursing Notes. Nurse’s notes are timed at 11.15
It is believed that the notes of Dr Gillian Harding, entered at the end of the notes of RGN Brenda Rigo – the nightsitting nurse, show that a gap had been left on that page, by the two nurses present, as Ralph Winstanley’s daughters noticed on most of the original Nursing Notes, before Ralph Winstanley died. Those gaps had been filled in when the Nursing Notes were retrieved by South Yorkshire Police.
Nursing Notes abstract - District Nursing Sister Julie Marshall - No 74a
Nursing Notes abstract - District Nursing Sister Julie Marshall - No 74b
FACT: There is no record in the Nursing Notes of the destruction of any remaining Hyoscine hydrobromide.. which leaves the supposition that it was all injected during that visit. – unless contemporaneous notes can be found, to show otherwise
Nursing Notes abstract - District Nursing Sister Julie Marshall - RGN Sarah Grimshaw - 11.15 23Apr2004 - No 70a
Nursing Notes abstract - District Nursing Sister Julie Marshall - RGN Sarah Grimshaw - 11.15 23Apr2004 - No 70b
FACT: Amount prescribed was '600microgrammes/ml Supply (10)1ml ampoule(s) TWO AMPOULE OVER 24 HOURS Dr R Sykes'
Only 2 ampoules are stated to need to be used over 24 hours. So if this drug was injected, who injected it, how much was used - & what happened to any which remained?
GP Medical Record - Dr Rachel Sykes - Hyoscine hydrobromide - 23Apr2004 - No 80
22/23Apr 2004
FACT: there is no indication – in the nursing record – or any other document which we have - that Ralph Winstanley was in any way distressed, either overnight or on that day, 23Apr2004, which might necessitate the use of Hyoscine hydrobromide on a man who it was obvious was now dying.
Nursing Notes abstract - RGN Brenda Rigo - nightsitting nurse - No 70
Nursing Notes abstract - District Nursing Sister Julie Marshall - RGN Sarah Grimshaw - No 70a
Nursing Notes abstract - District Nursing Sister Julie Marshall - RGN Sarah Grimshaw - No 70b
Ninth part - 20 April 2004
28May2004 - stamped as 'received 07Jun2004'
FACT: Dr David J Brown wrote a letter to Mr Jonathan Goodwin of solicitors Bridge Sanderson Munro (who are also believe to act for him), stating why Ralph Winstanley had died – and that his mental health was not impaired.
COMPARE this letter with the documented facts.
Dr David J Brown - Sent on by Mr Jonathan Goodwin - No 82
24May2004 and 01Jun2004 - stamped as 'received on 08Jun2004'
FACT: Letter from Dr Rachel S Sykes of Field Road Surgery, Stainforth
Dr Rachel S Sykes - letter - 24May2004 - page 1 - No 81a
Dr Rachel S Sykes - letter - 24May2004 - page 2 - No 81band
Dr David J Brown of Field Road Surgery, Stainforth
Dr David J Brown - letter 01Jun2004 - page 1 - No 83a
Dr David J Brown - letter - 01Jun2004 - page 2 - No 83b
to Mrs Liz Hedge in respect of Ralph Winstanley’s death. Dr Brown also wrote a 'Statement', which is unsigned.
Dr David J Brown -‘Statement’ - 16May2004 - 83c
COMPARE these letters/statement with the documented facts.
FACT: Pathology Report – stated - about Ralph Winstanley’s:
‘Stomach/Oesophagus – no sign of any malignancy – certainly not terminal malignancy.
Pathology Report - Professor Hlen Whitwell - Home Office pathologist - re Gastro-intestinal system - page 3 - No 77iii
Brain – three forms of dementia –
1. Cortical Lewy body pathology;
2. Brainstem Lewy body pathology;
3. Neurofibrillary tangle and plaque formation (Braak stage 3 out of 6)
Pathology Report - Dr S Wharton - Neuropathologist - page 6
Pathology Report - Dr S Wharton - Neuropathologist - page 7 - No 77vii
Height – Pathology Report stated 164cm
Pathology Report - page 2 - No 77ii
- or 180cm which his own family knew him to have been.
He was flat on his back as he died. His legs were out straight. He had no curvature of the spine.
Weight - Pathology Report stated 89kg
Pathology Report - page 2 - No 77ii
- or 75.8kg as his last weight check at Dr Majumdar’s Haematology Clinic (05Apr2004) had shown.
This last recorded weight had been taken on 05Apr2004 - at the Haematology Clinic of Dr Gautam Majumdar, when he was given a 5 day course of chemotherapy, which will have lasted him until 10/11Apr2004.
By 11Apr2004 he was being rushed into Doncaster Royal Infirmary for no apparent reason. From 14Apr2004 he was put on morphine - for no apparent reason - by Dr David J Brown.
From 18Apr2004 to 23Apr2004 he was dehydrated and starved. Then he died.
With that regime, how could he possibly have gained 2 stones 2 pounds in weight?
FACT: Linda Kirby wrote to Ralph Winstanley’s two Consultants,
Consultant Haematologist, Dr Gautam Majumdar and
Consultant Physician and Gastroenterologist, Dr Gary James,
(both of Doncaster Royal Infirmary), asking about the state of Ralph Winstanley’s health when he last attended their clinics, shortly before he died
08Mar2006 - almost two years after Ralph Winstanley died.
FACT: Dr Gautam Majumdar replied - 08Mar2006stating that Ralph Winstanley’s chronic lymphocytic leukaemia was ‘under reasonable control’
Consultant Haematologist, Dr Gautam Majumdar - 08Mar2006 - No 26
14Mar2006 - almost two years after Ralph Winstanley died
FACT: Dr Gary James replied stating that during the course of two extensive investigations – with biopsies taken – no sign had been found of ‘any malignancy’ in the areas of Ralph Winstanley’s oesophagus or stomach – and that he certainly did not have any terminal condition in those areas.
Consultant Physician and Gastroenterologist, Dr Gary James - letter - 14Mar2006 - page 1 - No 10i
Consultant Physician and Gastroenterologist, Dr Gary James - letter - 14Mar2006 - page 2 - 10ii
FACT: Linda Kirby then wrote again to both Consultants asking whether anyone else had contacted them to ask their opinions in respect of Ralph Winstanley’s state of health., since his death.
FACT: Consultant Physician and Gastroenterologist, Dr Gary James, replied stating that no-one had contacted him - except Linda Kirby (Not the police, nor IPCC, nor the Coroner, nor his ‘mate’ who claims to be one, nor the other NHS Trusts, nor the Health Care Commission).
Consultant Physician and Gastroenterologist, Dr Gary James - email - No 75
FACT: Consultant Haematologist, Dr Gautam Majumdar replied stating that all such requests had to go to Doncaster and Bassetlaw Hospitals Trust, as he was not allowed to answer. Requests were sent, but a block was put on any reply - by senior executives at the Trust. – specifically by Chief Executive, Nigel Clifton.
Consultant Haematologist, target="_blank" Dr Gautam Majumdar - letter - No 76
FACT: to this day there has been no investigation of Ralph Winstanley’s death, by South Yorkshire Police Force, in spite of all the evidence which Ralph Winstanley’s family has researched and presented to that force.
Nor has this Force ever officially interviewed either of Ralph Winstanley’s two daughters, both of whom were present and trying to stop this death, during the last 6 days and nights of his life.
Detective Superintendent Robert Haworth - email - 76a
NOTE WELL: There is a query against District Nursing Sister Edgecombe’s name. It refers only to her illegible signature, which at first seems to have been Edgeworth and because there is no District Nursing Sister Edgeworth in the Register at the Nursing and Midwifery Council – it now appears to be the signature of a DNS Edgecombe. However, since her name was not also printed, I’m not certain. The name, ‘Edgecombe’, used in this blog refers only to the District Nursing Sister who visited Grange Farm during the time when Ralph Winstanley was dying. We have had absolutely no help from any source at Doncaster East PCT, Doncaster Central PCT or Doncaster and South Humber NHS Trust, in respect of who the nurses might be. (Charlotte Peters Rock)
Part 1 - January-11Apr2004
Part 2 - 11Apr2004 - 18Apr2004
Part 3 - 18Apr2004
Part 4 - 19Apr2004
Part 5 - 20Apr2004
Part 6 - 21Apr2004
Part 7 - 22Apr2004
Part 8 - 23Apr2004
Part 9 - after 23Apr2004
All Postings are now Archived. You can access them from below - or from the side bar.
18Dec2006 Dr Kevin Lee is 45 years old today *** NEW
25Jul2006 Legal? Hardly! 02May2006 Chief Manniken - South Yorkshire Police
15Apr 2006 Accessories Before, During and After the Fact of Murder
10Apr 2006 Was Paul Kelly ever employed as Assistant Deputy Coroner?
30Mar 2006 Donny's Bereavement Plan
27Mar 2006 Report of Professor Illidge of CRUK Paterson Institute and Christie NHS Trust
20Mar 2006 What Ralph Winstanley's two Consultants thought
16Mar 2006 How the National Health Service helped Nina Anne Clayton
10Mar2006 Health Board and Trust Members who are covering up the Murder 12Feb2006 Proof of Murder
25Jan2006 Martin Pennington's threatening letter
23Oct2005The strange case of the 7.30am burial and the tableau for the Yorkshire Post
23Oct2005 The Freemason at the back of the Courts
30Jul2005 Pre Inquest What?
01Jul2005 Morality is a small, quiet word
30Jun2005 What - exactly - is going on here?
03Jun2005 Murderers to justice? - Oh, perish the thought!
08Apr2005 Reply to letter "Coroner steps down"
07Apr2005 Coroner steps down
13Mar2005 The Killing Spree in Britain
23Feb2005 Pathology Report
22Feb2005 Oesophageal/Stomach Cancer? Hardly!
05Feb2005 Into Infinity with the Crooked, the Corrupt - and the Corpse which will not be released - yet
31Jan2005 Who owns this nice little Welsh Pony?
19Jan2005 Removed from the Patients Association website
11Jan2005 And pigs can fly!
31Dec2004 2005 - A Happy New Year?
23Dec2004 Big Brother has taken over the playpen and the little ones aren't safe
08Dec2004 Dead Man Walking - post number 1 (re-issue)
07Dec2004 Are we waiting for the half-life to run out?
30Nov2004 Will it be Christmas then?
23Nov2004 Cruising to where?
11Nov2004 Remembrance - and Ralph Winstanley
08Nov2004 Like Fairy Godmothers at Sleeping Beauty's Christening
01Nov2004 Happy Family Days
26Oct2004 Debbie's place - and Linda's birthday
25Oct2004 Wafflers in full flight
15Oct2004 Recorder Kealy Judgement
13Oct2004 So who's hiding what?
09Sep2004 Spreading the truth in Doncaster
27Aug2004 Two down - more to go?
10Aug2004 Update - 10th August 2004
05Aug2004 Health Care Cash Coshes Truth
02Aug2004 Winstanley family history
01Aug2004 Still they will not let us see
23Jul2004 Now, about the internet
23jul2004 STOP PRESS - nobbling attempt by public body
20Jul2004 Dead in Doncaster Central Primary Care Trust
Postings of interest - and some you should read1 New Posting Here
2 Perhaps Ralph might have found this poem amusing? Perhaps - under other circumstances - he might have written it?
3 Read Ralph's own poem.Written in 1990 it shows that he had spent a lot of money on..
4 Ralph's new site. Do visit it.
5 Ralph's comment site. Do visit it
6 Jump to the poem If (not by Rudyard Kipling)
7 Interesting comments appended to Perhaps he was in the way?
Ralph Winstanley's cluster of sister sites:
1. Dead man walking
(main site)2.
Why did they need to get rid of him?
(secondary site)3.
Didn't really think I'd leave, did you?
(Ralph's own poem stating what his life was like in 1990)
Still travelling on
('Ralph's' comments on his life and death)
Willed out of life
(Ralph's supposed comments on his own death)
RalphWinstanley 2006-12-18T18:15:28.993Z Dr Kevin Lee is 45 years old today Dear Dr Lee,
I notice that its your birthday today -and that you are 45 years old.
At such an age, and trained as a professional, do you not feel that it is time that you stood up like a man, and faced your own responsibilities?
It was you who - whilst never meeting my father - prescribed terminal care for the first time.
It was you who wrote the letter to Mrs Elizabeth Hedge, (18May2004), stating that you did not see my father. My sister and I know that statement to be accurate since we were both at Grange Farm during the day when you were consulted twice, without ever seeing the patient. And we are both certain that we did not see you, or any man who might have been you.
You trained to help the sick and the worried well. You trained as someone who was interested in keeping human beings as well as possible.
I am reasonably certain that you would not be very pleased if a relative of yours were treated in the way in which my father, (who the records state, had not been dying), was treated - unless of course, you wanted to be rid of that relative. So what is it that you do not understand about my father's blood family taking exception to his killing?
Is it that - not being the relative of a professional - such as yourself, you consider that he had no right to live out his natural span?
Do you consider that, being old, he had no right to take up valuable space in the world - or valuable resources from the NHS?
Is it that you had always wanted to play God, and this was your chance?
Or is is just that you made the mistake of believing a lying woman - and that your stupid system allowed you to sit on your bum, rather than turn out to see the - supposedly terminally ill - patient?
If the latter is the case, can you not face up to your responsibilities like a man? Is it really necessary to hide behind the skirts of over-paid solicitors, an ex-Senior Serving policeman (who is believe to have last 'served' at the Hillsborough disaster), and Jayne Brown, who only seems to have moved to get away from Doncaster so that she could serve on the committee of the Chairman who re-appointed her at a higher salary.
Do you consider that doctors are such high figures that they should never make mistakes - and when they do, the only course of action must be to cover them up?
If that is so, how would you feel if such a cover up were to take place over the destruction your own health? How would your relatives feel if that destruction were to result in your death? Do you and your relatives have any feelings?
What is certain is that you have, by your own deliberate actions - or their lack - since my father's death, put his whole blood family under severe stress.
In my case, with an elderly husband, who increasingly needs my help, I have had to take time away from him, night and day for 2 years and 8 months, because of you and your actions. This has cost us everything we might have had to spare for any social life.
My much loved grandson, who has autism, and needs as much input as we can possibly give him, if he is to lead his life in mainstream society, has not had anywhere near the help which I should under normal circumstances have been giving him. That is because of general exhaustion and constant hard work because you, as a professional did not only let down one old man, who died as a result of it, (whether or not you meant to kill someone who wasn't dying), but you have since that time, consistently let down his blood family, by refusing to take the responsibility for what you did - and by refusing to stand with his family to get that lying murderous woman, Nina Ann Clayton, and her lying murderous daughter, Rosemary Alice Cheesman, brought to book for their killing of that vulnerable old man, my father - and for using you and numerous other doctors and nurses to help to kill him.
When you gather in the pub for your birthday or round the tree or at your Christmas Table, with family or friends, (assuming you have any), do not forget that you have personally made the lives of a large number of people, (that I know of), more stressful and less healthy. You have personally conspired to take away whatever trust those people might have had in the medical profession. I do mean personally responsible, since your letter has had wide reading by many interested people, who cannot understand why this matter hasn't been resolved before now. Unfortunately, I understand only too well.
I am just grateful that none of my own family lives in the Doncaster or South Yorkshire area. I feel they are much safer away from such humbug and hypocrisy, especially since so many doctors are involved, and since so many nurses are willing to give up both their humanity and responsibility for their actions to irresponsible doctors.
You are responsible at the moment for the fact that I am about to tell your patients what you did to my father, so that they can at least have the opportunity to avoid you and to keep their own families safe from your protectionism. I don't feel good to have been forced into this position, but because of the risk of your stupidity and your lack of professionalism, I feel very guilty that I didn't let people know adequately, long before now. My father's blood family and I have tried to sort things out in a sensible way, because we believed that people were at least well-meaning and would act professionally. In our long and hard-won experience, nothing could be further from the truth.
Don't whine about it when it happens. Your welfare at 45 years old, is not as important as that of your vulnerable patients- no matter what you may think. Your self-interest is a credit to no-one. No litigation can alter what needs to be done to keep other people safe, and from now on, because the best you are prepared to do is to pass the buck to the intolerably self-centred Directors and Chief Executive of Doncaster PCT and its grubby solicitors, Beachcroft I will be making every effort to inform patients of all doctors and nurses involved - including St John's Hospice. (And that fact grieves me.) The information which I put out will be honest and accurate - not that you'd recognise either, I suppose?
Your sincerely,
Charlotte Peters Rock
PS Perhaps when you pass this on to Jayne Brown, you will point out that this will also impact on her, personally. That will give greater point to her constant affirmation of the receipt of letters which I sent to Dr Lis Rogers, Dr Gillian Harding, RGN Val Derks, Dr Rachel S Sykes, Dr Andrew Oakford, Dr Jonathan Bundy, Dr Paul Wilson and all the other ne'er-do-weels who were voluntarily involved in the death and the cover up. It seems such a waste of effort, paper and stamps to spew out affirmations of receipt, when absolutely nothing is being done to keep people safe, don't you think?
This is the third Christmas since my father's death. It would have been his 86th birthday on January 25th.
0156 572 2738 - 07050 183 417
Holly House, Middlewich Road, Allostock, Knutsord, Cheshire.WA16 9JX RalphWinstanley 2006-11-16T01:06:37.215Z Only one.. there's only one Only one way to ensure that these murdering buggers (word used in its colloquial sense, as 'not very nice people'), only one way to ensure these murdering buggers get their just deserts.
And what are they?
Well Deserts come towards the end of the meal. It begins with an aperatif. (Regard this as a Wedding - or a night on the tiles.)
The first thing, in the main meal, is soup.
The soup in which my father's affairs swam, was pretty murky. It was the sort of soup which you might expect to find in a sewer. Full of penningtons and claytons .. and a bit cheesmanny, but prior to that certainly a bit odd. Not something about which to write home.
The main course is a bit more substantial. It's the sort of hearty fare one would expect on a winter's night. Full of the 'meat' of human intermedling, the like of which would be expected to get the intermeddlers into jail. Vegetables round it were related to the intermeddler.. a bit soggy with the soaking of cash-gravy. So soggy that they gently congeal in guilt .. and having congealed they find they can't run.. though they need to. Each time they lift a gravy-soaked foot, they leave a tell-tale footmark.
Of course there are condiments to this main course. Salt and pepper, which stand .. alone... Though they do appear to be slightly sticky around the gills
Then there is the 'pudding'. Always a favourite dish, the 'pudding'. Today's pudding is called 'milk' pudding. But that is a misnomer.It consists of the very best grains of related rice. Little tiny incestuous grains, which flocculate.
They congeal and divide and wonder at the stickiness of the situation. Milk pudding with no careful settling digestion. but only the bin.. in the yard. Then the tip. Deserts indeed!
Ah! The petit fours. A welcome interlocution. Something a bit too much but.. very welcome. The petit fours .. are little snippets. the sort of thing one would not quite expect.. but still they come. Arriving on some late, late night, just when the time has arrived, for the Bill.
return to:
or go to :
or go to:
or go to:
or go to:
or my own site: RalphWinstanley 2006-11-16T01:06:36.835Z Reply to letter "Coroner Stands Down" Charlotte Peters Rock,Holly House,Middlewich Road,
Allostock,Knutsford,Cheshire.WA16 9JX
4th April 2005
Personal Attention of: Mr ES Hooper, HM Coroner, South Yorkshire (East District),
Coroner’s Court and Office, 5 Union Street,
Off St Sepulchre Gate West, Doncaster. DN1 3AE
(by fax and email)
Dear Mr Hooper,
To reply to your highly inaccurate letter, point by point:
1 You state in page 1, para 1:
“Partly for record purposes,..”Perhaps, in that case, I could point out that 'for record purposes your comment should be accurate .. and I find very little of your letter of the 29th March 2005, to be accurate.
2 In page 1, para 1, line 3, page 1, you state:
“..without going into unnecessary detail, I record that I opened an inquest..”The detail which needs to be gone into, in this case, is that you opened an inquest having tried to ensure that neither I nor my sister, Linda, had any details about the date and time of the inquest. We found out, inadvertently, from someone else, about the time and date; and wrote, if you remember, objecting to fact that we hadn’t been informed, in spite of your having had, with our affidavit and statement, our full contact details, (26th April 2004).
3 You state: page 1, para 1, line 4:
“Before the inquest I wrote to you and told you that the opening of the inquest would be formal..”When you finally wrote to me about the inquest, it was only because I had written to you objecting, to not being told when it was to be held.
What was I supposed to make of the word, ‘formal’? I had had no experience of inquests, so it was a relatively meaningless word in that context, since it arrived with no other explanation.
4 You state, page 1, para1, line 5:
“.. notwithstanding that, you made plain that you wanted to give evidence, did so, and told me that you were on that day questioning your father’s testamentary capacity when he made his last will, shortly before he died..”
At the inquest, (6th May 2004), I 'made plain', as you put it, that I 'wished to give evidence', because it was obvious that otherwise the whole affair would have been over, with no investigation having taken place. This was made particularly obvious because of the presence in the court of Richard/ Raymond Walker, who I understand was expecting to collect my father's body and put it through either his undertaker service or his undertaker and cremation service.
5 You state, page 1, para 1, line 8:
“..but, on 6 May 2004, were questioning no more than that.”The reason why I queried my father's will, was because I was aware that that was a way to stop the inquest from being an 'open and shut' affair, because such things as objections to a will, were taken more seriously than a murder, (which is what I am certain, had taken place.) Also, because I was the only one, in my immediate family who had never had any expectation of featuring in any will of my father’s, I decided to object to my father's rather laughable will; it being obvious to me, if not to you, that I was in an unassailable position as someone who had nothing to gain by objecting to his will - but who still objected to it, because it was a laughable affair.
6 To repeat: you state, para 1, line 8:
“..but, on 6th May 2004, were questioning no more than that.”This, as you must be aware, is an absolute lie. I had already questioned my father's entire treatment, and had suggested to you , by 26th April 2004, in my Affidavit, that my father's death was involuntary euthanasia, which amounted to murder. Your cherry-picking choice of words, as you must be aware, does neither you nor the coronal service any credit.
7 You state, page 1, para 1, line 13:
“ is my general understanding that if your father's will should be declared invalid you may well inherit a share of your late father's estate.”Though not being aware of where your ‘general understanding’ came from, ( I suspect from Nina Clayton, though I may be wrong in this), nevertheless I object to such an ‘understanding’. Having never particularly 'got on' with my late father, I have never had any expectation of receiving anything from any of his wills. He was a particularly unpleasant man, who liked to buy people. I was never for sale. I saw him from time to time - for short periods - and hadn’t fallen out with him.
I still, no matter what I may have though of my father, object to his murder. After all, if every unpleasant person was murdered, there would be many people in this country who would no longer exist. (and a fair few of them would be public servants.)
8 You state, page 1, para 2, line 1:
“Since 6 May 2004 you have questioned a very great deal more than your late father's testamentary capacity in his last will.”
Whilst that is true, I still object to the fact that it is thus stated. I objected to my father's treatment, before he was finally killed. I further objected to his treatment when I called in the police, who were on the premises when he finally succumbed to the appalling treatment meted out to him under the auspices of Doncaster East and Doncaster Central Primary Care Trusts, and their agents. I also objected to you, to Doncaster East Primary Care Trust and to South Yorkshire Police by Affidavit, which you all had in your hands by 26th April 2004.
9 You state page 1, para 2, line 2:
“You have repeatedly made plain that it is your belief that your late father was the subject of involuntary euthanasia, was the subject of a conspiracy by more than 40 healthcare professionals, was put down, and was murdered.”
My response to this statement is that I certainly stated part of this. The only difficulty which I have with your statement is that where you quote 40 healthcare professionals, you are being inaccurate. I stated that, during the 6 days when my father was being killed, there were at least 42 visits by health professionals. That is not quite the same as your statement, as some of these people (particularly, District Nursing SisterJulie Marshall, RGN Susan Grimshaw and Dr Rachel S Sykes, came on several occasions, which added to the 42 visits.
10 You state, page 1, para 2, line 4:
“You have repeated these allegations on numerous occasions, and have copied your allegations to a large number of people, including the Home Secretary, the Lord Chancellor, various high ranking police officers and others.”About this I would note: I have repeated facts.
11 You state, page 1, para 1, line 6:
“I am reliably informed by a Yorkshire newspaper that you have telephone them and said that your father was "put down" by a particular group of people, although I understand that that newspaper chose not to report that allegation by you.”
Perhaps ‘that newspaper chose not to report that allegation' by me, because its editor is suitably cognisant of the threat of the libel laws?
Editors have informed me that when this evidence is repeated, which it will be, in open inquest, they will be at liberty to report the lot. What I stated, probably by email, because mostly, I can afford no other, was accurately put, and has also been put to you. Further, it is in the general public domain, because I have also emailed the national press and broadcasters, who stood me in such good stead during and after the opened - and adjourned - inquest, by reporting facts reasonably - though not entirely - accurately.
I point out to you that in a free democratic society, information is made public. In this case, to keep the freedom and democracy, I have every intention of keeping it public
12 You state, page 1, para 2, line 9:
“You have repeatedly made complaints about the way that have dealt with the preparations for the inquest, notwithstandng that I have explained to you on a number of occasions that inquests are for limited purposes, that I am not concerned with intra-Winstanley family litigation but, rather, with very limited matters, and that I have been unable to proceed with things as early as I might have hoped because I have not yet received all the medical reports which you seek.”I would comment here, that I do understand that an inquest is not a criminal court. What I do not understand is why, considering the documentary evidence which you hold, you still haven't asked the police to do a thorough investigation of my father's murder? I also do not understand why the Chief Constable has not set about an investigation on his own account.
‘intra-Winstanley family litigation’, is something which, has a great bearing on his death. This has already been explained to you and to South Yorkshire Police and both Primary Care Trusts.
I would ask you why, exactly, you have not yet received all the medical reports? This seems to be very remiss, after 11months. I repeat that I expect that I will be able to receive copies of all the medical and pharmaceutical reports on my father. As Coroner, I expect that you will, at least in some respects, do your job properly - even if retrospectively. So I expect that those reports which I have already asked you for, will, at least, be forthcoming. But when? Perhaps you will let me know?
13 You state, page 1, para 2, line 14:
“You have quite improperly accused me of obstructing your participation in, and the continuation of, the inquest touching your late father's death.”As you are aware, you did not inform me or my sister of the inquest date and time. I consider that this was improper, and obstructive.
14 You state, page 1, para 2, line 15:
“You have said that I have ‘attempted, four times … to release [your] father's body, without asking for adequate tests to be done’. That is untrue,…”
I have indeed stated that. As you are more than aware, you have still not asked that any testing is done for HIV/Aids. I asked for this test to be done, on the 26th April 2004.. And it has still not been done. My sister is left, to remain at risk because of your cavalier attitude to her health. That is an utter disgrace on the coronal system,,, and you are the cause of it.
15 You state, page 2, para 1, line 7:
“.. that you may have a second post-mortem examination of Ralph Winstanley at your own expense.”
Well, this beggars belief! There should never be any need for this, assuming that the coroner has done his job adequately.
16 You state, page 2, para 2, line 1:
“I have had made a post mortem examination of Ralph Winstanley by a pathologist on the Home Office list, and extensive tests carried out by and under the direction of a distinguised forensic toxicologist and you have copies of their reports.”
It seems to me the the tests carried out, have been meagre in the extreme, and have only been carried out at all because of our insistence. The tests for the presence of Diamorphine, Haloperidol and Midazolam, were taken, in the main, outside the time when such tests could be of any value, (according to information which I have researched).
The tests for Sildenafil and Norsildenafil done on our father's blood, showed nothing, but would they have been expected to, so long after the event.
The tests for metals, assuming there had been some form of metal(s) to account for our father's extreme - and sudden - weight loss, would have needed to be done, as far as I am aware, on the place where such metals were stored. I am told that that would not be in the blood but in the bone.
17 You state, page 2, para 2, line 3:
“You have it that I have already reached a conclusion, being that your father died from natural causes. That is also untrue: what I have told you is that ‘on the evidence presently available to me’ it appears that your father's death was due to natural causes, ‘but I have not closed my mind, to the possibility that he died from an unnatural cause.’"
a You have been furnished with more than enough documentary evidence over the past 11 months, from various sources, which my brother, my sister and I have gleaned, and which shows that his death was not imminent, was lied about and was deliberately carried out.
b When I and my sister were in your office, paying for the still deficient, medical records, you stated that you thought that our father had died from natural causes. What are we to make of such a statement?
c You have a copy of Dr Brown's letter, of 28th May 2004, written to Mr Jonathan Goodwin of Bridge Sanderson Munro, solicitors, over a month after our father was killed. This states:
i ”As you are aware Mr Winstanley had been seeing me as his General Practitioner regularly since November 2003, for problems relating to chest and epigastric pain, which was found to be due to cancer growing around his lower oesophagus and stomach.”
ii He also made rather dubious statements in respect of my father’s mental health; claiming
“..with my special experience in mental health examinations, during the time when Mr Winstanley was preparing his will, no doubts arose concerning his mental state, although I did not undertake a formal examination of his mental health as such.”
This ‘doctor’ was fully aware that, his training, (if training he had) in Section 12 of The Mental Health Act 1993, specifically precluded him from making such statements, without setting up, with the patient, a proper consultation on the state of his mental health, and a quite separate consultation, for the patient, with a completely independent doctor, who also knew the patient.
18 You state, page 2, para 2, line 8:
“You have come close to suggesting that I am dealing with fees that are due to me (Coroners Rules 1984, Rule 57) in an improper and dishonest way.”That statement is wide of the truth. I am accusing you of insisting, in writing, that a cheque for the purchase of my father’s still deficient medical records, was made out to your personal name, and not to your office as HM Coroner, as the Home Office wrote to me, it should have been.
The paragraph to which I refer, is contained on the first page of the letter which you wrote to me, and others of my family, on 7 February 2005. It states:
“I have now received a post-mortem report from Professor Helen Whitwell.”
It continues:
“I will make available copies of Professor Whitwells’ post-mortem report to all those to whom this letter is sent on payment of the statutory fee of £8.80; Coroners Records (Fees for Copies) Rules 2002. Please make the cheque payable to E S Hooper.”
In an addendum to that letter, written on 8 February 2005, you state:
“I can make available photocopies of the medical records that are in my possession, but the charge per Coroners Records (Fees for Copies) Rules 2002 would be of the order of £1.10 per sheet and I estimate there are in the region of 400+ pages.”I confirm that when my sister and I came to your office to collect a copy of those medical records, you re-stated verbally, in the hearing of four people, that the cheque had to be made out to ES Hooper. My original cheque was made out - for the total of £390.50 - to ES Hooper. However, following contact with the Home Office, I cancelled that cheque and issued another, for the same amount, to HM Coroner, Doncaster.
I would be interested to know what the Home Office makes of this. I understand that you have been HM Coroner for around 15 years? Has it always been the case that cheques have had to be made out to your personal name and not that of your office?
19 You then continue with a long paragraph - page 2 para 3 - which is startling in its accuracy.
20 Following this, page 2, para 4 - you revert to type by stating that:
"My attention has been drawn to a libellous web site posted by you, in which you express the belief that I - together with South Yorkshire Police - have some sort of vested interest in not having your father’s murder investigated."That statement is close to the truth. However, I have had much time to consider the matter, over the last 11 months and am still making my mind up as to the proportion of ‘vested interest’ to ‘sheer incompetence’, which has combined to create this fiasco of ‘justice’, in which no ‘justice’, however healthy, could possibly survive.
About the libellous nature of your written sentence on the ‘libellous’ (as you claim), nature of the web site, I will for the moment, reserve comment. However, I would remind you that being HM Coroner does not allow you to issue libel.
21 Your statement, page 2, para 4, line 4, is very interesting:
“..and I am doing everything that I can to make sure that your father’s death will be properly investigated.”I would ask that you give me full information as to exactly what you claim to have done to expedite this.
i What duties have you given to your Coroner’s Officers in this respect?
ii What exactly have you asked South Yorkshire Police to do?
iii What have you done, (having had pointed out to you the deficiencies in the medical records), to gain accurate medical records
iv What moves have you made to gain Pharmaceutical records?
v What did you ask Professor Whitwell and Professor Forrest to do?
vi What else have you done?
If you cannot answer this, whatever makes you think that my father’s death could possibly be ‘properly investigated’?
22 In page 3, para 1, you seem to be saying that emails which I send, late at night (and on Easter Sunday), when it suits me, might be disturbing you? This is hardly likely, since I understand that they are picked up via your office computer, which is completely unattended at night and on Sundays and Bank Holidays. I am sure that I do understand that you were trying by your phrase:
" an email sent to me two days ago, on Easter Sunday, 27th March 2005 at 22.30 hours.."
to indicate that I was unnecessarily harassing you late at night on a holiday. That, as you are fully aware, is complete eyewash.
23 You also state, page 3, para 1, line 4:
“You have it that I, knowing that your father’s cause of death was severely disputed, and that Health Professionals were involved in it, have over a period of more then ten months refused to ask the South Yorkshire Police to investigate what happened.”
That is precisely what I think. And I would need proof that you had asked them to do anything.
Detective Superintendent Robert Haworth, assures me that South Yorkshire Police has not been asked to do anything by you. If you object to that, or find it inaccurate, then I suggest that you take it up with them and produce proof of your actions to me.
24 You also state, page 3, para 1, line 7:
"..that if there should be any proper medical evidence to demonstrate that your father’s death was other than unnatural (sic) I shall ask the South Yorkshire Police to deal with, and investigate the death, very thoroughly.”
So, why, having been presented with,
I a sworn affidavit from me,
ii a statement from my sister,
iii great swathe of documentary evidence
and finally
iv a Pathology Report, which makes no mention of oesophageal/stomach cancer and states that my father’s chronic lymphocytic leukaemia was still in a relatively benign state,
have you not asked South Yorkshire Police to act?
Is it that you can’t read? Or that you do not understand medical evidence? Or is it for some other reason? If the latter is the case, perhaps you would explain?
25 You state, page 3, para 1, line 9:
“You have it that I am aware that the present Chief Constable of the South Yorkshire Police, Mr Meredydd Hughes, and his respected predecessor, Mr Michael Hedges QPM, were and are refusing to do their duty.”You are right in assuming that I believe that both Mike Hedges and Meredydd Hughes have refused - and Meredydd Hughes is still refusing - to perform the duty of a Chief Constable and investigate an obvious murder.
26 You state, page 3, para 1, line 11:
“You have sent to me a list of witnesses Whom in your view should be called at the resumed inquest, totalling no less than seventy-seven people. They include the man whom I understand your late father’s executors(if, as you will no doubt point out, executors they be) have instructed to be the funeral undertaker, a number of officers of two Primary care Trusts, Mr Hedges, Mr Hughes, a number of solicitors ‘all of whom were involved [you aver] at the time of [your late father’s] death’, and, at number 76 out of the 77 witnesses whom you think should be called to give evidence, me. I fail to see how I may be a witness in my own court.”
The long list of witnesses which I have already sent to you -and which includes you - has needed to grow exponentially because of the obstructive attitude of you, and the various people/levels of police of South Yorkshire, and senior executives at Doncaster East and Doncaster Central Primary Care Trust.
You seem to cavil at being called as a witness? You will still be called.. And possibly in other courts than that of HM Coroner.
27 You state, page 3, para 2, line 4:
“.. you will not be satisfied with any finding by me other than that your father was murdered by a conspiracy - and possibly an international conspiracy - of health care professionals, lawyers, and others. Further, from what you have written and emailed to me, sometimes in the middle of the night, I apprehend that in the absence of such a finding you will conclude that I am part of a general conspiracy to suppress proper investigation of your late father’s death.”
The conspiracy of which you speak, is something which has become patently obvious over the last 11 months. What else could explain the overall stonewalling destructiveness with which my sister, brothers and I have had to deal? Sheer incompetence, although I am sure that it has played its part, from the various quarters where we have found it to exist, would not be enough to explain, adequately, the terrible shambles which we have had to live through.
I have thus far, not deemed it to be an international conspiracy, but perhaps you know that it was? In that case I would be interested to hear it.
I do feel that you are yet again intimating that you have been disturbed by the fact that I send emails in the middle of the night. Does that mean that when I send an email a bell sounds in your home and you dress and rush down to your office to read it, rather than waiting for morning? That would be a very strange thing to do.
Also you seem to assume that I think that you can make a coroner’s finding of “murder”. I have always been fully cognisant of the fact that a coroner’s inquest is a very limited affair. “Murder” is not a finding that a coroner can make. Unless, it is a finding which you, as coroner, have made in the past? In which case, you would not have been working to Coroners Rules.
28 You state, page 3, para 2, line 9:
“I am acceding to your formal request that the whole matter should be shifted out of the Doncaster and South Yorkshire area and looked at elsewhere, made on 19 May 2004. I very much regret that I am constrained so to do. In what is now nearly fifteen years of coronal service, after six years service in a Commonwealth country when I discharged duties broadly equivalent to those of an English Circuit Judge, I am recusing myself for the first time in my judicial career. I shall tomorrow, put in hand finding another coroner, who sits without the county of South Yorkshire, to take over this inquest.”
I am grateful that the inquest will finally be shifted out of the South Yorkshire area, as I have been requesting since 19th May 2004. What a pity it took so long.
What a shame my family and I have had to waste so much time, when, in theory at least, you are supposed to have been someone to whom we could have turned for help in a pretty dire situation.
This situation is still one which we will have to face. I take no comfort from the fact that you have “recused” yourself the inquest. It now gives me just one job more to do, in trying to get you “recused” more generally. However, I will pursue it with due diligence.
29 I am aware that the entire letter, to which I am replying was written with only end in mind; and that was to ‘turn’ the coroner who finally has the unenviable job of completing my father’s inquest.
That is the only reason why I have written this letter, to put on record that your comments, expressed in your letter to me, (and therefore to the new coroner, since it will obviously go ‘on file’), of 29th March 2005, contained inaccuracies which no hard -working legally-minded coroner should ever make.
30 I would now like to have the whole of the documentary evidence, which I and my family have supplied to you, returned to us. You can take copies to pass on to the new coroner. I would also like to have an inventory of those copies, so that it can be checked against the information which we expect the new coroner will need - and which you will have sent to him.
For the record, I swear that the point by point objections made in this letter, are absolutely as accurate as I can make them.
Yours sincerely,
Charlotte Peters Rock
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or my own site: RalphWinstanley 2006-11-16T01:06:34.039Z The killing spree in Britain GENERAL RELEASE - 11th March 2005 - this is of National public interest
What will the political parties do about this?
It seems to me likely, in view of the desperate attempts which my sister and I have had to make, and have had rebuffed, that a form of Medical Killing , on the same terms as the (Nazi) Medical Euthanasia Programme, is taking place in Britain, today.
Since our father, Ralph Winstanley, was killed, by those ‘close to him’ and health care professionals, and using other health care professionals to do the job, we have fought the authorities for more that ten months, to get a proper investigation of what happened to him.
In favour of the need for an investigation, we have full documentary evidence of what was done to him, which shows deliberate intent to kill. This web site shows a great deal of information and contains the full Pathology Report. If more information is needed, please contact me: 0156 572 2738 - 07050 183 417 -
Holly House, Middlewich Road, Allostock, Knutsford, Cheshire. WA16 9JX
Ranged against us have been:
1 Two Primary Care Trusts - and a large number of doctors and other health professionals. (Doncaster East and Doncaster Central)
2 An entire Police Force (Two Chief Constables - one after the other)(South Yorkshire)
3 The Police Authority (South Yorkshire)
4 The Coroner (HM Coroner, Doncaster)
5 The General Medical Council
6 The Nursing and Midwifery Council
7 The Healthcare Commission
8 The Home Secretary
9 The Head of Constitutional Affairs
10 The Secretary of State for Health
All of these people/offices have so far refused to insist that a proper investigation is done into our father's killing. Where else can we turn, but to the public?
On the day when the first syringe driver was put into his leg, 6 days before he died, he was walking across a room, sitting on a low chair and getting up again, all completely unaided. He was able to eat and drink and swallow tablets. He was able to hold a sensible conversation, in spite of the morphine, and could recognise, by name, everybody who came into the room. He had indigestion, which he relieved by belching..
He was killed, at home, deliberately, when he was not close to death, nor was he dying, nor asking for help to die. His Pathology Report confirms this. (see web site above). He had indigestion, from trapped wind, because he was not eating properly, partly because of recent chemotherapy which was keeping his relatively benign Chronic Lymphocytic Leukaemia stable; and partly because of the morphine. Both of these predisposed him not to want to eat.
The method used to kill him was:
A morphine by mouth, (Oramorph), for 5 days - in theory to help him - with pain which he did not have - and stated that he did not have.
B whilst he was still in a befuddled state, with the morphine, he was also then injected, with Diamorphine and Haloperidol
C As these drugs began to work, he had the first syringe driver, with Diamorphine and Haloperidol, attached to his left thigh
D Within 24 hours he was also injected with Midazolam
E Also a second syringe driver, containing more Midazolam, was inserted into his right thigh.
F over a period of 6 days, through a heatwave, he was 'nursed' with no line in for either food or fluid.
G when my sister and I complained vociferously about this treatment, it was continued.
H following our absence to sleep, when we returned, we were refused admission to the room where he was still alive. A squad of nurses and two doctors, were doing something over a three hour period, and injecting him with Hyoscine Hydrobromide.
I After this, it seemed as if he was drowning from the inside. Where on earth can all this fluid have come from since he had no fluids during the April heatwave, from Sunday 18th April, until he died on Friday 23rd April 2004. He must surely have been extremely de-hydrated?
J It took him two hours to die, once the ‘Health Professionals' had left, by which time I had called out the Police.
My sister and I have now waded through lies, deception and obstruction, from the various agencies listed above, (and numerous others), over a ten month period, to get a proper investigation of our father's killing.
He died on 23rd April 2004.
This deliberate Medical Killing, and the complete refusal of all agencies to investigate what happened, shows that the (Nazi) Killing Programme has continued. Except it is now completed in front of the relatives. There is no longer any need to hide the evidence. It is known that no-one will investigate. They used starvation, dehydration, Morphine (Oramorph, Diamorphine) and Scopolomine (Hyoscine Hydrobromide - also called Scopolomine Hydrbromide). It was called, “wild euthanasia”. Is it still called that, I wonder? It was sanctioned by the authorities, under Hitler.
We are all growing older. We need to have trust in our own medical services.
We do also wonder about the potential Masonic - or other - links between these groups, who seem quite confident in refusing to act.
Charlotte Peters Rock - daughter of Ralph Winstanley
0156 572 2738 - 07050 183 417 -
Holly House, Middlewich Road, Allostock, Knutsford, Cheshire. WA16 9JX
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or my own site: RalphWinstanley 2006-11-16T01:06:33.538Z Pathology Report - just facts and comments It would seem that Nina Clayton has informed a lot of people that the Pathology Report showed that my father, Ralph Winstanley, did have oesophageal cancer.
Read this for yourself.. and then ask yourself why the Coroner has still not asked South Yorkshire Police to begin a criminal investigation. Ask yourself why the Senior Police Officer in South Yorkshire, who is also able to set in train a criminal investigation, has not yet chosen to do so.
This seems to smack of corruption .. unless there is another reason for their lack of action? Perhaps someone can suggest what that might be?
If necessary, please keep moving down the page. You'll find the Pathology Report just below the side bar.








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or my own site: RalphWinstanley 2006-11-16T01:06:33.428Z Oesophageal/Stomach Cancer ? Hardly! The Pathology Report is in. After all these months, we know a few more answers.
To summarise, my father, Ralph Winstanley, had neither oesophageal nor stomach cancer.
His Chronic Lymphacytic Leukaemia had not metastased to a more acute form.. nor to anything else.It was still the relatively mild problem which he had had for some years.
Isn't that interesting? Doesn't it make you want to weep?
The utter murdering, thieving, liars, Nina Clayton, Rosemary Cheesman and Frazer Cheesman, together with Dr David J Brown, Dr Rachel S Sykes and Dr Gill Harding, really have a lot for which to answer. As do Dr Jonathan C Bundy, Dr Kevin Lee, and District Nursing Sister Julie Marshall. They are totally responsible - in one way or another - for killing my father, Ralph Winstanley. I will state now, that he would not have been dead if it were not for their deliberate actions.
So now South Yorkshire Police will rush to investigate his murder? No. It seems not.
Detective Superintendent Robert Haworth, stated to me last Friday,
it is South Yorkshire Police policy not to investigate a death, unless the Coroner asks it to.
Yet Home Office rules state that there are two people who can have a death investigated. One is the Coroner. The other is the Senior Police Officer for the area in which it took place
South Yorkshire Police Force has consistently refused to investigate my father's murder, whilst telling concerned outsiders that it has been investigated and nothing has been found to be wrong. This is police corruption. As far as I know, there is not other word which could describe it. This coprruption in respect of my father's murder, has been going on for 10 months, so far.
So where to we go from here? HM Coroner has been difficult to deal with (to put it at its politest), ever since my father was killed. I believe he - together with South Yorkshire Police - has some sort of vested interest in not having my father's murder investigated.
I also believe that, with so many people involved in his killing, a fair few others have a vested interest in my father's death; particularly since he seems to have been stripped of all he possessed, before he was killed. (And for those who do not know, my father held at least £2 million in trust, for his own family.)
We looked for help, my sister and I, when our father was being killed. We thought we lived in a civilised democracy. We thought that people were safe in their beds, and where there was a threat to that safety, we thought that we could rely on the Police, and the Health Authorities, and the Coroner.
We thought that there were other agencies set up to ensure that where things were going wrong, these public authorities would be brought back into line.
We thought a lot of things which we have since found out were totally untrue.
Glad to be British? No I'm ashamed.
However, I am certain that I will not stop pursuing this murder, until there is some form of justice. To all those who thought I would, You're wrong!
Charlotte Peters Rock
(Ralph Winstanleys saddened elder daughter)
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or my own site: RalphWinstanley 2006-11-16T01:06:33.327Z Into Infinity with the Crooked, the Corrupt - and the Corpse which will not be released - yet 1 Perhaps Ralph might have found this poem amusing? Perhaps - under other circumstances - he might have written it?
2 this is Ralph's other site. Do visit it. Read Ralph's own poem.Written in 1990 it shows that he had spent a lot of money on..
3 this is Ralph's new site. Do visit it.
4 this is Ralph's comment site. Do visit it
5 Jump to the poem If (not by Rudyard Kipling)
6 Interesting comments appended to Perhaps he was in the way?
7 Also at Dead Man Walking - Post number 1 - Abide with me
It seems as if we have quite a way to go, yet.
However, numerous bits of information are slotting into place.
I would like to thank the various people who have come forward to tell us just what was going on around my father, before his untimely death.
It makes unedifying reading but I am very grateful to you all for the information.
Such calculating killing is something which I never expected to come across. However, I expect no-one expects to be witness to a murder, do they?
For anyone who comes new to this information. I do understand that killing someone deliberately, when he was not close to death, ranks as murder.
Also, covering up a crime such as murder, is an offence under British Law.. and there seems to be quite a lot of that going on.
If you want more information, please ring me on 0156 572 2738. I will be pleased to talk to you. However, I only answer the phone when numbers are displayed on my phone display system, so please do not remove your number when dialing.
Now, about the 'lady' who lives four doors down. Who is she?
Sorry. Must go now. I'm busy with other things. Back soon.
Charlotte Peters Rock
Elder daughter of Ralph Winstanley
(Who will find a way to jail the people who killed him because, whether or not I got on with him, I do object to murder. Most strongly!)
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or my own site: RalphWinstanley 2006-11-16T01:06:33.219Z Who owns this nice little Welsh Pony? Can someone in the Welsh Pony fraternity tell me who owns Eisteddfod Megan?
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or my own site: RalphWinstanley 2006-11-16T01:06:33.108Z Removed from The Patients' Association website The two postings below, were made on the Patients Association web site, under Medical Records - in the Comments section.
They were on the site from the 4th January and the 8th January respectively.
On the 13th January they vanished. Wonder why?
Posted on Patients Association web site on 4th January 2005 - removed by them on 13th January 2005
Ralph Winstanley was not dying - nor asking to die More than eight months ago, my father, Ralph Winstanley, who was 83 years old, was lain down to die in his bed, mainlined, against his will, with Diamorphine, Haloperidol and Midazolam, using two syringe drivers. These had been prescribed over the telephone by a doctor who never saw him. This was done by National Health Service staff, through the April heatwave, with no line into him for either food nor fluid. The end result was that he died. It took 6 days. Yet he was initially no closer to death than anyone else of 83 years of age. This was not done accidentally. A steady stream of doctors and nurses were involved. The few medical records which we have managed to gain, had been extensively altered and were missing vital drugs forms. Doncaster East and Doncaster Central Primary Care Trusts have stonewalled ever since. They know that they can. They have our money to do it with. We are paying these human beings - who are walking all over us. What can we do to stop them? Charlotte Peters Rock (elder daughter) by - Charlotte Peters Rock- 04/01/2005
Posted on Patients Association web site on 8th January 2005 - removed by them on 13th January 2005
In respect of Ralph Winstanley's medical records:
I reproduce here the full content of a letter which I received this morning,
(8th January), from
Christine Boswell, Chief Executive, Doncaster East Primary Care Trust.
"Dear Mrs Peters Rock
Release of Medical Records relating to Ralph Winstanley.
I write with reference to your email dated 3rd January 2005 to myself and to colleagues at the Primary Care Trust, regarding access to Mr Winstanley's medical records. The coming into force of the Freedom of Information Act does not alter the position in respect of access to your fathers records. No further information will be disclosed. Freedom of Information relates to requests for information about public bodies and their services. It does not relate to requests for personal information. Personal information (eg medical or patient records) are exempt from FoI as this would contravene the Data Protection Act and the Access to Health Records Act. Access to a patient's medical records is therefore not allowed under FoI. Yours sincerely, Christine Boswell Chief Executive" (note above, the phrase, "no further information will be disclosed." So she agrees that information has been released.) This is in spite of the fact that it was agreed, by Jayne Brown, the previous Chief Executive, (since moved on to the Strategic Health Authority for North Yorkshire and North Lincolnshire, as DIRECTOR OF PERFORMANCE IMPROVEMENT. Please pardon the hollow laughter at this point.). In her letter of 10th June 2004, she stated, "Thank you for your application for the release of your late father's medical records. I note that the basis of your claim is that you are asserting that your father was unlawfully killed. I confirm this, being a claim arising from the death of your father, is a valid ground for an application for release of the records." Following this 'agreement' that I had a lawful 'claim', a mish-mash of inaccurate, altered, records with added forms and missing forms was released to me. I pointed out the deficiencies in the records, and asked that the missing forms should be copied to me, since they were a vital part of the records. This did not seem to suit either Simon Morritt, Chief Executive of Doncaster Central Primary Care Trust (since moved to West Yorkshire Health Authority, I hear), or Jayne Brown, Chief Executive of Doncaster East Primary Care Trust. To this day they have refused, in total contravention of the Access to Health Records Act 1990, to supply ACCURATE records. Either way, it seems to me that they are deliberately flouting the law; AND THEREBYE, PUTTING OTHER PEOPLE AT RISK Either I WAS entitled to copies of my father's medical records, in which case they should have been ACCURATE copies. Or I WAS NOT entitled to copies of my father's medical records, in which case they have acted outwith the Access to Health Records Act 1990, in that they DID supply copies (albeit inaccurate copies), to me. When such actions are taken, by those who are supposed to protect the interests of the patients whom they serve, should they be trusted? More to the point should they be paid at the rate of £90,000 to £100,000 per year, to work against the safety of patients? (by 'the safety of patients', I mean that what happened to my father COULD ALSO BE HAPPENING TO OTHER OLD, ILL AND OTHERWISE VULNERABLE PEOPLE. And these so-called public servants, have allowed more than eight months now, for this to happen. I certainly do not trust them.. and I feel I have good reason. More than that, they have eroded my trust in any other health professional and this I find unforgivable. Perhaps someone can inform me how I can get them brought to account for their actions?
Charlotte Peters Rock- 08/01/2005
I understand that The Patients Association is a small charity. Perhaps it is easily threatened then? In view of the difficulties which my sister and I have had, in connection with our father's death, how telling this is.
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or my own site: RalphWinstanley 2006-11-16T01:06:33.000Z And pigs can fly! Well, my friends. Here we are in the Happy New Year. Still with no sign of a conclusion. Still with no sign of a Pathology Report. Still with no sign that South Yorkshire Police Force has got up off its backside and started to do what we pay it for. Still with no sign of a criminal trial. Yet!
Nothing new there then.
However, there is something new. Let me introduce
Mr Stephen Davies, Head of Medicines Management, Doncaster Central Primary Care Trust, who wrote:
Dear Mrs Peters Rock,
My apologies for the delay in getting back to you.
Firstly I would like to express my sympathy for, not only for the death of your father but also the distress you have experienced since. It cannot have been easy, particularly when you are wrestling with the doubts expressed in your paragraph on the internet.
I would be happy to look into this for you, however as this is the first I have heard of the incident I would be grateful if you could furnish me with some further information.
who was your father's GP
your father's medical condition which led him to require a syringe drive
the nurses involved in his care (not the name but the type. i.e. a community nurse, a MacMillan nurse etc). You mention both East and Central PCTs in your paragraph. Both Trusts employ nurses with different specialities and I would need to have some idea of who to contact.
who you have already approached in the PCTs
Additionally may I have your mailing address so that I can write to you more formally to answer the questions you have raised. I look forward to hearing from you and hopefully being of some assistance.
Yours sincerely
Stephen Davies Head of Medicines Management Doncaster Central PCT (tel: 01302 320111 ext 3421 fax: 01302 730362) (Yes, it was in blue)
This was in response to my original approach to him 04th January 2004), which said:
Dear Steve Davies, My father's drugs were, so it is written in his notes, destroyed, as soon as the Nursing Sister knew he was dead. Some of these drugs had arrived with her on that visit. I am aware, as she must have been, that all drugs used on a patient, have to be kept for 7 days in case the coroner should need them. She knew that the Coroner was already involved. They were Diamorphine, Haloperidol and Midazolam.I wonder what, as Head of Prescribing, you think about it? Charlotte Peters Rock
So, I wrote back (8th January 2004) saying:
Dear Mr Davies,
Thank you for replying to my original email. Your interest is very much appreciated.
I have tried to ring you several times - and I am aware that you also tried to ring me, when I was away from the phone.
I would like to speak to you but perhaps, under the circumstances it would be better if I reply to some of the questions which you ask, or we shall be going round in circles forever.
My home address is
Charlotte Peters Rock, Holly House, Middlewich Road, Allostock, Knutsford, Cheshire. WA16 9JX
phone 0156 572 2738 - mobile 07050 183 417
1 My father's GP was Dr David J Brown of Field Road Surgery, Stainforth and Barnby Dun.
He is also still in place as Caldicott Guardian at Doncaster East Primary Care Trust, in spite of my protests that there is a severe conflict of interest, since we have been trying, for over 8 months now to gain full and accurate copies of my late father's medical records, and we are being consistently blocked. (Jayne Brown had written to me on 10th June 2004 stating that I had a valid ground for an application for release of the records. And it was following that letter that she and Simon Morritt and Liz Hedge, released the highly inaccurate records which I now hold. Presumably it was with the involvement of Dr David J Brown, as a GP, GP Representative and Caldicott Guardian on Doncaster East Primary Care Trust, that these illegally inaccurate records were released?).
It is claimed that Dr Brown was not in his surgery during the 6 days when my father was 'being helped to die'. He was certainly in his surgery on 22nd April, signing prescriptions. It says so in the medical notes.
The general overseeing of the appalling treatment of my father, at Grange Farm, was undertaken by Dr Rachel S Sykes, of the same surgery, though overall, he was Dr Brown's patient. And it was Doctor Brown who, even one month (letter 28th May 2004, attached), after my father died, wrote a letter to the solicitor who held his tragic and hilarious 'will', (on which there had been a caveat in place for over a month), claiming that he had seen him for problems relating to his chest and epigastric pain,
'which was found to be due to cancer growing around his lower oesophagus and stomach.'
To this date, it has still not been 'found to be due to' anything, since the Pathology Report is still not in, and the Endoscopy Results from Doncaster Royal Infirmary showed no evidence of any malignancy or growth.
2 Once I had managed to gain (much altered and inaccurate), copies of the last month of my father's treatment, I found out a great deal more about what had been happening to my father, before and during the last 6 days of his life, which backed up what my sister and I already thought..
The two syringe drivers were prescribed by Dr Kevin Lee of Danum Doctors, on the 18th April. Dr Lee, in a letter, of which I have a copy, states that he never saw the patient. (see Dr Lee's letter, 18th May 2004, attached as two jpgs)
The first syringe driver, containing Diamorphine, was put in place, in my fathers right thigh, against his wishes, on Sunday afternoon, 18th April. He had already been on morphine-by-mouth, (Oramorph), prescribed by Dr David J Brown, (in spite of insisting that he was not in pain), every 4 hours since the 14th April, so he could not protest too much because he was 'flying above us' on morphine.
We - my sister and I - had been told that he was dying - and that he didn't want to speak about it.So we assumed that that was true. This assumption has troubled both of us a great deal ever since he died. But you can't bring somebody back from the dead.
The second syringe driver, containing Haloperidol and Midazolam, was put into his left thigh on Monday afternoon 19th April, whilst neither my sister nor I was on the premises. We hadn't been told that this was to happen, though Nina Clayton had it booked the night before (at around 23.15)
3 Re: his medical condition: As we have found out since his death, my father's medical condition, has been interesting, to say the least. On 9th March 2004, his second 'wife', Nina Clayton rang my sister to say father was dying. This was the day before (as we have found out since), he went for a second investigation, on 10th March, 2004, at Doncaster Royal Infirmary. This was an endoscopy at which '9 pale tissue fragments' were taken from the junction of the oesophagus/stomach. The result of this investigation came back, certainly by 22nd April - the day before my father finally died. (see attachment 22Apr2004fromDRI etc.)
As you can see it states that there was no 'growth', no malignancy and that a fungal stain was negative.
My father had had recent chemotherapy for his longstanding Chronic Lymphocytic Leukaemia, prescribed by his specialist, Dr Majumdar, at Doncaster Royal Infirmary. This began on the 5th April and ran for 5 days (so until the 10th or the 11th April?)
He was put on Oramorph by Dr Brown by the 14th April.. for some reason
When my sister and I arrived at his home, having been told that he was dying, on the morning of the 18th April, He was unnaturally calm. This continued all that day, until well after the first syringe driver was put into his leg. He objected to that. Otherwise he seemed to be reflective. Of course neither my sister nor I knew at that time, about the morphine which he had already been on for 4 days.
He did have trapped wind. It was giving him pain. However, when he belched, his muscles relaxed immediately and he looked comfortable again.
(What we didn't know until later, when we read the notes of Dr Kevin Lee, was that, out of the hearing of my sister, who was with father at the time, Nina Clayton rang Dr Kevin Lee of Danum Doctors (the On-call doctor service) - at 6.15am on Sunday, 18th April 2004, telling him, amongst other things that my father had heart failure.
(See attached Dr Lee's ADASTRA 'Delivery Note' for his first Consultation - though I don't have a 'Delivery Note' for his second Consultation later the same day)
Below that it says: diagnosis entered:
To begin with he was mobile and had not stopped eating at this point. He certainly was not 'terminally agitated'. He was unnaturally calm.. and remained so during the whole day and the following night. I know this because I was there, from 9.30am on Sunday morning until 9.30am on Monday morning, when I had to leave to collect some clothes from home. The only agitation which he showed was in respect of the insertion of a needle into his right thigh, which he did not want, but it seems could not prevent. He certainly spent some time, ineffectually trying to pull it out. We did not know enough at the time to help him. About this, both my sister and I feel shocked.
During the whole of Sunday and part of Monday, my father was able to get out of bed and stand up on his own. He could walk across the room steadily, and refused offers of help. He could sit, steadily, onto quite a low, soft armchair and get up again, with no help. He did this several times, when I was with him. He was doing it to shift the trapped wind.. and it worked well. I asked nurses and the doctor, what he was being given to help him, so that the wind did not build up and so that it could be dispersed. Neither nurses nor doctor gave him any help. My sister and I rubbed his back and this helped. He was able to speak lucidly, if slowly (due to the morphine?) and could recognise everybody who came into the room.
He was able to eat, which he did with evident relish, when easy food was presented to him by my sister. He ate melon. With no teeth in, he had no difficulty in swallowing it. He was able to drink both through a straw and from a glass, with no difficulty. He swallowed tablets with no difficulty.
I should make the point here that my father, during all the time when he was not unconscious, and thereafter, was not at any time trying to be sick, nor was he sick.
Nina Clayton, who was rarely in the room where my father was dying, rushed in each time the nurses or doctor arrived. She then followed the nurses and Dr Sykes round the rooms, each time they came, saying that he was:
a in dreadful pain - which was not true
b being dreadfully sick - which was not true
c was sicking up blood - which was not true
Her daughter, Rosemary Cheesman, who lived next door, was repeating this.
This was still happening even after he was fully unconscious. Each time, I told them, quietly and then more strongly that it was not true, but none of them would listen. It was like being inside a nightmare.
Of course you will realise that someone who is recovering from chemotherapy - and I understand that Fludarabine takes at least 4 weeks to recover from - would not be expected to eat well. It affects the senses of taste and smell and generally works to put the patient off his food. Lack of food and exercise allows the build up of trapped wind. Its hardly rocket science.
4 The nurses involved in my father's 'care' were from
a The District Nursing Service,
b The Evening Nursing Service,
c The Twilight Nursing Service,
d The Hospice-at-Home Nursing Service.
5 You ask who have I approached in the PCTs?
Jayne Brown
Simon Morritt
Liz Hedge
Christine Boswell
All other Directors of Doncaster Central PCT
All other Directors of Doncaster East PCT
at various times
Liz Hedge, Jayne Brown and Simon Morritt decided, after much umming and aaing that I was entitled to a copy of my father's medical records. When I went, with my sister and brother, to collect the records, they were being looked at and shuffled hastily into an envelope, by Simon Morritt and Jayne Brown. I know this to be against the Access to Health Records Act 1990, since only those who need to know are entitled to look at a patients records, and only then in order to decide whether they will be released. As far as I am aware only Liz Hedge, as Complaints Manager, was allowed to do this.
They were presented in such a mixed up fashion that it took me an entire weekend to get them into any sort of order.. and then for weeks, I reshuffled them regularly. There was such a complexity of people involved that it was difficult for a lay person to understand.. particularly since they had been altered and some were missing.
Then I started to realise, rather better, what had happened to my father, and that my certainty that he had been 'helped to die' when he was not dying, was correct.
Also I realised, though this took several weeks, what was wrong with the files which I had been given. Remember, I am not medically trained, so this was difficult to work out, partly because of the complex number of 'services' involved, and partly because to this day, I have been refused information on those services - or any adequate explanation of the medical notes - which I know, under the Access to Health Records Act 1990, I am legally entitled to.
It was immediately apparent that the Clinical Notes File had been extensively altered, from the time when my sister and I, with little else to do,except sit, had read it and re-read it over 6 long days and nights, in an effort to find out why our father was being 'helped to die', since nobody had seemed either willing or able to tell us.
Also two drugs forms, for Haloperidol and Midazolam, were missing altogether from the file. It was obvious that these two forms should have been there because the form for Diamorphine was there.. and both Haloperidol and Midazolam are mentioned in the rest of the file.
Curiously enough when my sister, having been out of the room for a short time, had reached beneath the sheet to hold father's hand (to check how he was, after he had been rendered quite unconscious), one of the syringe-driver needles stuck into her hand. In spite of the fact that the syringe-driver needles were strapped to his legs very firmly, (with a material which looks like cling film), this needle is supposed to have 'inadvertently' come off his leg and 'leaked fluid into the sheets'. Anything less unlikely, it would be difficult to conceive.
Interestingly enough this needle, 'leaking fluid into the sheets' was the one used for Haloperidol and Midazolam - for which the two forms were missing, from the file I was given.
This was the second time that there had been ' an unfortunate leakage'. The first time was when he still had only one syringe-driver, delivering Diamorphine. That time it was 'a malfunction of the syringe-driver, with a leakage into the bedsheets'. Again this happened when we were both out of the room. No-one seemed very concerned about it.
On Thursday 22nd April, when my father was close to death, and my sister and I, having protested to Doncaster East Primary Care Trust, (to Dr Tony Baxter), and been sent straight back to the GP Surgery which we were complaining about, we were so exhausted that we went home to her house, to try to sleep properly, for the first time since Saturday.
I was loathe to go, but my sister was utterly exhausted; and I did not see that I could do any good in remaining, without another witness to what was happening. I felt that I had done all I could. I was also exhausted.
(My father was by this time getting obviously beyond help. I had asked to have him moved to hospital. This was refused. But it was becoming obvious, by then, that his body would have received severe damage from the dehydration and drugs, and I thought that he would be beyond recovery).
My father had been given no line for either food or fluid, so once he was incapable of taking it by mouth, because of the mainlining with drugs, he was left, through the April heatwave, to die of dehydration - amongst other things.
When I had pointed this out, both the hospice nurse, Lorna Clarke, and Dr Rachel Sykes agreed with me, that he was probably dying of dehydration and broncho-pneumonia, rather than what Dr Sykes then said he was initially dying of, which she said was oesophageal/stomach cancer.
Following this, when my sister and I arrived back at Grange Farm at 11am on Friday 23rd April, there was a squad of three or four nurses and two doctors in the room, they were there until 1pm. My sister was assaulted by Nina Clayton and pushed from the room. (My sister had nursed father for 5 days, with no help from Nina Clayton, who had been busy throwing away his things and getting the pony shod (on Tuesday), for the funeral of a man who did not die until Friday.
Dr Gill Harding, from St John's Hospice, whom I had never met, but who had - in theory at least - come in response to my concerns of the previous day, came towards me in a menacing manner, and insisted that I leave the room as well. I asked her who she was, introduced myself and left the room. There were two other people in the room, one of whom hardly knew my father, and the other was totally unrelated to him. Later we found out that most of the nurses and doctors had been there from at least 10am.
We do not know what they were doing to my father, over that 3 hour period. But I certainly have my suspicions. It will be interesting to see what the post mortem result is.. and to see whether - after all this time - we need to call for another one. My father was certainly severely dehydrated. He was awash with drugs by then. Was he also 'washed out' by the nursing staff - and rehydrated?
By the time my father died, just after 3pm, I had called the police out because things had become so dreadful at Grange Farm. The harassment, by Nina Clayton was becoming beyond bearing. My sister needed to be with her father, to whom she was close, so that he would not die amongst strangers and ill-wishers.
The police were insisting that I leave the premises, when my father finally died. Before I left, I drew their attention to the Clinical Notes File, particularly the page of notes which I had written in the relatives page. I expressed my concern that the Clinical Notes File would either vanish or be altered, and asked them to take charge of it. This request was made in front of witnesses.
They later allowed Sister Julie Marshall, the District Nurse, who arrived just after my sister and I left, to take the file away.
The copy which I was finally given, by Simon Morritt, Jayne Brown and Liz Hedge, had been extensively altered. It had had forms added, and forms abstracted, and the nurses' written notes were very much altered from what I - and my sister - had previously read.
Because I have pointed this out, I have been vilified and have had my own web site taken off the internet, by Doncaster East and Doncaster Central Primary Care Trusts, who, it seems are prepared to use health care money to pay solicitors, (Beechcroft Wandsbroughs of Leeds), to threaten both me and the server which held my personal web site, by using half-truths at best.
They have stonewalled ever since, rather than face the fact that their system is unsafe for the patients which they, in theory, serve. I have pointed out time and time again that there is 'public interest' in this, in that other people could be killed as my father was. So far, no one seems to be listening. Are you?
And District Nurse, Sister Julie Marshall, who is fully aware that she should hold drugs for 7 days when an elderly (or any) person dies, in case the Coroner should need them, made notes that she destroyed my father's drugs, even before his body was cold; even destroying drugs which she had brought with her on that occasion.. or so she wrote. (See part of Clinical Notes File attached - you will notice that it is parts of two pages, held together with a paperclip).
I find this very hard to believe. Especially in view of the police comment that it is not the job of the police to oversee the destruction of drugs under such circumstances. What really happened to the drugs, I wonder?
I know that this woman currently works in a private Nursing Home for the elderly.
I later had confirmed in writing, by South Yorkshire Police, that Sister Julie Marshall had taken the Clinical Notes File back to her office. They also confirmed that when, 4 days later, they collected the file, they had issued 24 hours warning, of when they would pick it up.
There is much more than this, but I do not like to frighten people with complexity, so I will stop at this point.
You said, in your email, that you would be happy to look into this for me?
Do you still feel that you would be happy to do this?
Because my sister and I certainly need some help from somewhere. Our father was unlawfully killed in front of us. It took 6 days - that we saw. We had arrived at Grange Farm, having been told that he was dying. We did not expect that we would witness him being put down. But over the 6 days, it gradually became obvious that that was what was happening. Even without the large amount of background which my sister and I have managed to gather since his death, it was still finally, obvious, at that time. But no-one would listen. Dr Gill Harding of St John's Hospice even told me to be quiet until after my father was dead,
because I was upsetting the relatives.
And I was trying to save my father's life because, even if he is finally, found to have been dying of cancer, he still had the right to live, until it was his time to die. He was not asking to die. He was still looking forward.
Even South Yorkshire Police are sitting on the evidence which we have put in. And this evidence is documentary - and considerable.
My brother is of the opinion that you have been 'put up' to reply, to see what I would say; so that later I can be taken to Court by the Primary Care Trusts.
If that is the case, then you won't look into it. However, I look for the good in people, as I have all the way through this fiasco. Perhaps there is one person in the whole of the two Primary Care Trusts, who is willing to care for vulnerable patients and to be totally professional?
If you are willing to look into this, there is a lot more information which I would be more than happy to show you, should you need it. If you want a copy of the Clinical Notes File probably Liz Hedge would be the best person to point you in the direction of where it is? In spite of being Complaints Manager, she was 'cut out of the loop', by the two Chief Executives, some time ago. Until that time, she had been quite reasonable to deal with.
Otherwise, I can supply a copy of the inaccurate Documents which I was given, if that would be of help?
Yours sincerely,
Charlotte Peters Rock
6 attachments
His reply which came today (11th January, 2005), arrived this morning. It was no great surprise. It said:
Dear Mrs Peters Rock,
I have forwarded your email to the Chief Executive of Doncaster East PCT as I understand that the PCT has already been in correspondence with you about the matters you raise. It would therefore be inappropriate for me to respond.
Yours sincerely,
Stephen Davies
Head of Medicines Management
So, no professionals there then! Just, it seems, time servers. Still, he seems to be a good match for the rest of the people at Doncaster East and Doncaster Central Primary Care Trust (ah, how 'Care Trust' grates), we have spoken to.
Watch out, people of Doncaster. If someone offers you sweeties, try not to accept. There are some people who claim to be professionals.. and who plainly are not.
I wonder what you pay for a Head of Medicines Management? Does it come up to the £100,000 mark?.. or less? .. or more?
Whatever! It does not seem that anyone,... not even the Head of Medicines Management, wishes to ensure that drugs are not misapproapriated.. and possibly handed round as sweeties.
Of course, I could be wrong. Even as I write, Mr Stephen Davies, Head of Medicines Management could be Managing the Medicines to everyone's advantage..
Was that a pig I saw flying past?
My father, Ralph Winstanley's second 'wife', Nina Clayton, said he was 'sicking up blood' and in dreadful pain. She seems still to be on the loose, so far. Even her 'lovely' daughter, who was not my father's relation - in any way - is still selling nice new houses. Her husband, Frazer Cheesman, is still doing something or other, with my brother's grass machinery equipment, as is her grand-son, so I'm told. Of course, this information could also be wrong. Is it?
I am still not Ralph Winstanley.
He is still frozen at the Medico Legal Centre in Sheffield.
I am
Charlotte Peters Rock
(Ralph Winstanley's elder daughter)
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or my own site: RalphWinstanley 2006-11-16T01:06:32.882Z 2005 - A Happy New Year? On the threshold of a new year, it is interesting to reflect that my father, Ralph Winstanley, who might have been here to enjoy it, has been dead for more than 8 months. Yet he is still not buried. (As far as I know.) He did have the Thanksgiving for his Death, presided over by the Rev Eve Atherfold, against his own family's wishes. This was a curious affair. The Scythe Carrier, unable to bury him, carried a saddle into the church, resplendent in hunting pink. Various people turned pale at this as they assumed it was a person. Was there a burial for the saddle and hunting pink? Did no-one invite me? Perhaps as well really.
Numerous new friends of ours, have been very helpful in filling in the picture of his last few years. They have told us about his property dealings, and about his personal dealings. There is always room for more information.
If you can add to it, please ring me on 0156 572 2738 or 07050 183 417
In the interests of justice - and by this I mean actual justice - we need to know as much as possible.
One thing is quite certain. Those who should have brought strength, fairness and information to my father's aid, failed him before he died. They also fail, in respect of aiding justice, after he has died. Yet many are being paid from the public purse. Isn't it strange?
Doncaster East Primary Care Trust and Doncaster Central Primary Care Trust, having agreed, in writing, that I was entitled to copies of my father's medical records, have denied adequate access, releasing only a small number of messed about notes, which prove even so, what happened. Will anyone take notice of this though? Certainly there are people who would prefer that they didn't. One of them lives very close to Grange Farm.
When I pointed out that the released records were legally bound to be accurate records, and that those released to me were far from accurate, Simon Morritt, Chief Executive of Doncaster Central PCT - now replaced by Ann Ballarini- and Jayne Brown, OBE, Chief Executive of Doncaster East PCT - and her replacement, Christine Boswell, are all refusing to accept that it is their legal duty to release accurate records. Are we really paying these people? If so, why?
In what I see as, the usual slithering fashion of pen pushers and breeze-makers, the original blockers of medical records have both gone - presumably - upstairs.
Simon Morritt, Chief Executive of Doncaster Central PCT, has since moved to West Yorkshire Health Authority, for some reason.
Jayne Brown, OBE, Chief Executive of Doncaster East PCT, has moved to North and East Yorkshire & North Lincolnshire Strategic Health Authority, so I'm told.
So the new-mint Chief Executives can heave a sigh of relief and state that they are merely following the status quo. Whatever happened to professional responsibility? Isn't that what we are overpaying them for?
Then there are the so-called solicitors.
Nina Clayton is weaving her jolly way through yet another set as I write. So now she has dealt with
Paul and Martin Pennington of Frank Allen Pennington,
Jonathon Goodwin of Bridge Sanderson Munro,
(who produced a most hilarious 'will'), and is now with
David Coupland of Parker Rhodes,
having already had property dealings with
Taylor Bracewell.
Pretty soon, if I wanted to take the woman to court, there would be no solicitor left to use.
She has stopped my mother's alimony, probably illegally; and her past and current solicitors are fully aware of this. She is currently working her way through even more money than she did as my father lay 'being helped to die'. Mostly it seems to be going into the capacious pockets of solicitors, though she did set some aside for a nice cruise. Well she had to get over her grief somehow, didn't she?
There was also a new horse box, bought as my father died, (for ponies which she tells people she has got rid of? Grief plays funny tricks.); and a new building, built as my father died; which absolutely wouldn't wait until after my father was dead. Then there was the emptying of the bank account and generally staying happy, by tidying up, throwing away and getting his 'friends' to try to send his daughters away, because they (his daughters - not his 'friends'), objected to the way in which he was being 'helped to die'.
So he died with the sound of hammers ringing in his ears, and with Rosemary Cheesman, Nina Clayton's younger daughter, regularly checking beneath the bedclothes to see if his fingers and toes had yet turned black.
It certainly is a 'way to go', but is it a way anyone would choose?
As a Happy New Year, my father is 'deep and crisp and even', in a freezer in Sheffield. So he certainly hasn't gone yet.. as far as I know. (I could be wrong about this. He could be already buried or cremated in the private crematorium which the lovely Nina knows of. He shouldn't be though, legally. But what is actually legal about anything which has happened so far?)
I wish my father's friends
A Happy New Year
I also wish that more of them would get in touch and add to the growing history, which is being complied of my father's life. It is getting very interesting.
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or my own site: RalphWinstanley 2006-11-16T01:06:32.799Z An open letter to Brian and Mary Shields of Ringstead Stud Dear Brian and Mary Shields,
Since my father, Ralph Winstanley, was used to staying with you over the New Year, I thought I would send you New Year wishes. I am not sure what they should be.
Are you aware that my father was not dying, but was put down at the behest of those supposedly 'nearest and dearest' to him?If so, are you happy about this?
You have gone completely quiet on this matter.But I understood that you were supposed to be my father's friends? Were you?
If so, does it matter that he should really have been alive to stay with you this year? Do you care that his life was cut short?
My father, Ralph Winstanley, cared little for his own family. I am his elder daughter. I have always felt that he would really have been better off without any children of his own; but there you are. We don't always get what we would like.
He certainly loved my mother and didn't want her to divorce him. She, you will be interested to know, has been without her maintenance money since the day that he died. This is something which I know he would not have wished, since he set up an account particularly to pay her each week, and was very upset when Nina Clayton closed it in 2000, putting it right at that time (though not since his death, of course).
Nina Clayton took great pleasure in writing to my sister (not, you will notice, my mother), to say it would be in abeyance. Brian Shields, I know, is (when that should be possible), an executor of my father's estate.
My father had four of us, with my mother, (his first wife), Nettie. Hardly a mistake, surely? Though he was never either kind or fatherly. But, at our ages, we can cope with that. There are always friends after all.
My sister was the only one who found a way to get on with him.. and even she had difficulties, because of Nina Clayton's nastiness, over many years.
But you were his friends. Or were you?
If it is of any interest to you to know, exactly what happened to my father, perhaps you would contact me? (0156 572 2738 or 07050 183 417)
The New Year of Ralph Winstanley's offspring, is a curious and messy business to look forward to.However, since we are all of one mind, perhaps I could tell you what this is? We object to the deliberate killing of an old man, who seemed to have outlived his usefulness. We will not settle, until the fraud and killing, which has taken place on my father, is resolved to our satisfaction.
If you have Nina Clayton as a guest, over the New Year, perhaps you would reflect on this? Perhaps you would also reflect on the fact that my father, still unburied, lies in a freezer in Sheffield?
He would have been 84 on the 25th January, 2005. Perhaps we will be allowed to bury him then?
I wish you a Happy and Reflective New Year. I wish my father a decent burial.. which would be more decency than he was allowed at his early death.
I will expect that both of you will speak as his friends at his inquest and at his funeral. My father had a great need of friends.. and a dearth of them at his death.
Yours sincerely,
Charlotte (elder daughter of Ralph Winstanley)
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or my own site: RalphWinstanley 2006-11-16T01:06:32.530Z Big Brother has taken over the playpen and the little ones aren’t safe I hear Nina Clayton has a 'nursing friend', who has a pony.. which competes. Isn't that interesting?
Also it seems hardly likely that the 'famous' International Equestrian Show Judge, who opened Iron Horse Equestrian Supplies in October, and who so I hear has more than a passing interest in the establishment and it's operation, would get rid of her own horseflesh.
Curiously Jean and Roy Waterworth, who feature not at all in the last few year's electoral rolls, for Moss, have been given £10,702 by the Rural Business Growth Programme, to diversify 'their' farm operation. Well, that was kind! Don't you think? (What farm operation? They don't seem to have lived at the farm. It seems that no-one did.) But perhaps they are absentee farm operators? Who can say?
More information can be found here.
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or my own site: RalphWinstanley 2006-11-16T01:06:29.437Z Dead Man Walking - post number 1
This post has been at the bottom of this page for far too long.. so I've re-dated it to give you the chance to read it.
Abide with me
Abide with me; fast falls the eventide;
Abide with me; fast falls the eventide;
The darkness deepens; Lord with me abide.
When other helpers fail and comforts flee,
When other helpers fail and comforts flee,
Help of the helpless, O abide with me.
~ Henry Francis Lyle ~
~ Henry Francis Lyle ~
Do read on. There's more to this than meets the eye.
There are names, links, letters, comments.

Smiles and eyes follow into dreams
Abide with me
(unauthorised version)
In memory of Ralph Winstanley
by Charlotte Peters Rock
His mother said - as she was getting on
Abide with me Lord I will soon be gone
Take me I pray and you will set me free
Give me release in you Abide with me
He found himself he wanted nothing more
Be in his way and you’d be shown the door
I know this true He walked all over me
Til it was hard to say Abide with me
Each funeral time he went - to give him due
Ever the same song sung to see it through
Be not afraid for surely you can see
For him I changed the song Abide with me
Let not his friends if they were friends at all
If they were friends why did they let him fall?
Let not his friends whose surface I can see
Let not his friends enjoin Abide with me
No Christians they - nor was his ‘wife’ so-called
Less Christian folk you’d not find in the world
Their charity - no one could disagree
Frozen - forgot to say Abide with me
His doctor said I soon must go away
I’ll show ‘clean heels’ He’s ‘terminal’ I say
Nurse him to death He’s old as you can see
No food nor fluids please Just let him be
Sunday 'wife' said He’s dying I can tell
Terminally he is not very well
Dreadfully sick and coughing blood you see
Heart-failed and anxious, oh please set me free
He was quite calm He walked in spite of her
Swallowed and talked He drank and coughed quite clear
Willing to live - His chemotherapy
Never once mentioned in this death decree
Each Christmas time 'wife' pushed her family
Before he died her daughter Rosemary
Looked for black toes - as black as black could be
Quite fascinated by morbidity
Rosie still tried tried to 'help him out' as well
He’s always ‘reaching’ (sic) but I will not dwell
Tries to be sick My mum and I agree
Not indigestion It’s malignancy
'Family Fun' - to find the Pharmacy
Bringing the drugs to 'help Ralph out' you see
Frazer made sure - as Nina's family
he fetched the drugs for Ralph's 'malignancy'
They drugged him up from drug to drug he went
No overdose they said nor bad intent
His pressure point was black as black could be
His bedding stank Each nurse ignored my plea
His notes were changed The District Nurse made sure
Safe in her hands in death he had his cure
Great play was made in new notes as we see
Of careful nursing skill I don’t agree
Lorna made sure - in three nights she took care
Ralph was in safe hands Notes were very clear
More than the rest - she cared and we could see
She came to help and say Abide with me
(Lorna was true humanity. Such obvious care should be recognised.
To my sister and I, she was a 'bright light' in a 'dreadfully dark night'.)

Smiles and eyes follow into dreams
Abide with me
(unauthorised version)
In memory of Ralph Winstanley
by Charlotte Peters Rock
His mother said - as she was getting on
Abide with me Lord I will soon be gone
Take me I pray and you will set me free
Give me release in you Abide with me
He found himself he wanted nothing more
Be in his way and you’d be shown the door
I know this true He walked all over me
Til it was hard to say Abide with me
Each funeral time he went - to give him due
Ever the same song sung to see it through
Be not afraid for surely you can see
For him I changed the song Abide with me
Let not his friends if they were friends at all
If they were friends why did they let him fall?
Let not his friends whose surface I can see
Let not his friends enjoin Abide with me
No Christians they - nor was his ‘wife’ so-called
Less Christian folk you’d not find in the world
Their charity - no one could disagree
Frozen - forgot to say Abide with me
His doctor said I soon must go away
I’ll show ‘clean heels’ He’s ‘terminal’ I say
Nurse him to death He’s old as you can see
No food nor fluids please Just let him be
Sunday 'wife' said He’s dying I can tell
Terminally he is not very well
Dreadfully sick and coughing blood you see
Heart-failed and anxious, oh please set me free
He was quite calm He walked in spite of her
Swallowed and talked He drank and coughed quite clear
Willing to live - His chemotherapy
Never once mentioned in this death decree
Each Christmas time 'wife' pushed her family
Before he died her daughter Rosemary
Looked for black toes - as black as black could be
Quite fascinated by morbidity
Rosie still tried tried to 'help him out' as well
He’s always ‘reaching’ (sic) but I will not dwell
Tries to be sick My mum and I agree
Not indigestion It’s malignancy
'Family Fun' - to find the Pharmacy
Bringing the drugs to 'help Ralph out' you see
Frazer made sure - as Nina's family
he fetched the drugs for Ralph's 'malignancy'
They drugged him up from drug to drug he went
No overdose they said nor bad intent
His pressure point was black as black could be
His bedding stank Each nurse ignored my plea
His notes were changed The District Nurse made sure
Safe in her hands in death he had his cure
Great play was made in new notes as we see
Of careful nursing skill I don’t agree
Lorna made sure - in three nights she took care
Ralph was in safe hands Notes were very clear
More than the rest - she cared and we could see
She came to help and say Abide with me
(Lorna was true humanity. Such obvious care should be recognised.
To my sister and I, she was a 'bright light' in a 'dreadfully dark night'.)
‘Wife’ shod the horse three days before he died
To lead his funeral in premedicide
Determined she - a widow she would be
She drank a toast to death and laughed in glee
Why did he die? - an old man this is true
Who pushed him out? - please tell me tell me who
'Wife' saw him off - the Health Authority
And Dr Brown said Don’t abide with me
What do I say It’s murder thus I say
This man was murdered, I won’t go away
We tried to stop - they would not let him be
They said You’re off You can’t abide with me
I would not see my father die this way
I’d not be here to tell you this today
No man deserves to be put down I see
Trust not the ‘bike’ who says Abide with me
Fend for yourself Police won’t keep you safe
More than my father was safe from his ‘wife’
Justice is lame whilst murders are free
And facts are hid by Jayne Brown OBE
Two Primary Care Trusts - Morritt in the lead
Hid evidence and covered murderous deed
Trust not your life nor if you dying be
Trust not the Trusts who say Abide with me
Stripped by the ones who took his cash and ran
Turned back to take each ha’penny from that man
He stood no chance Solicitors with glee
And then Accountants cried Abide with me
His mother died She tried her whole long life
She would be shocked that he had such as ‘wife’
He chose his path no-one can disagree
He chose to say Please don’t Abide with me
Abide with him - if Grandma’s Lord’s still there
Certain she was - and she had Lord to spare
I’ll help myself for certainly I see
Welcoming friends will come abide with me
Abide with them Fast falls their eventide
Their darkness deepens Lord with them abide
When other helpers failed and comforts fled
Help of the helpless Lord They left him dead
(The information above, is absolutely as factually accurate as I can make it. Nothing is gained by prevarication - only by the truth. The song, taking factual truths, is my own opinion. This is something to which I am legally entitled, even in this slitheringly undemocratic country of England)
Doncaster Central Primary Care Trust - and Mr 'Lead Role' Simon Morrit, Chief Executive.
This is where the doctor came from. The one who didn't bother to see the 'terminally agitated' 'heart-failed' patient, before prescribing the drugs which finally killed him


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or my own site: RalphWinstanley 2006-11-16T01:06:32.426Z Are we waiting for the half-life to run out?
I understand that drugs have what is known as a 'half-life'. That seems to mean that drugs fade away. They are put into the body and after a certain time, there is no remaining evidence that they were ever there. Isn't that interesting?
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or my own site: RalphWinstanley 2006-11-16T01:06:31.749Z Will it be Christmas then? The 'lovely Nina', so I hear, is saying, so I'm told, to many people, that she will hold a funeral at Christmas.
So, that will be interesting.
Will the Authorities, who are involved in this fiasco of a murder allow it?
That would be even more interesting.
It's not that it would matter too much to my sister and I. (Well, it has been over 7 months after all.) It's just that it is interesting to note how much people seem to think they can manipulate the so-called 'proper authorities'. Perhaps they can't. Who can tell?
What I find to be of overwhelming interest is, the number of people who have given me information.
Where it is accurate, it is invaluable.
It will be exciting to notice whether my father's funeral is held, by someone who certainly was glad to be rid of him, (to put it at its mildest), on Christmas Eve. (Or perhaps it will be the inquest which is held then.. when unfortunately most solicitors are away..skiing and such..)
Will Messers Penningtons be away?
I am watching with bated breath.
What do you think?
I also watch to see the general wrigglings of the Primary Care Trusts - who seem to have indicated to the Health Care Commission that my sister might be asking for compensation. (I should qualify this by stating that I think they mean monetary compensation. If that is true, then it is an absolute lie. (perhaps I could repeat, It is an absolute lie.)) However, the Health Care Commission, which by the way, seems to have no teeth.. no not one.. and it is brand new! (What hope is there?) seems to believe this tosh.
My sister is, however, asking for a form of compensation, as I am. She and I are asking that my father's murderers are brought to justice. Is this too much to ask?
Charlotte Peters Rock
Daughter of the Deceased
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RalphWinstanley 2006-11-16T01:06:31.629Z Cruising to where? The interesting thing about the lovely Nina being away on her cruise, as various people have told me, is that she is using the money which should go to my mother.
She is stealing the money - as far as I can see - which my father had set aside for my mother's upkeep. My mother put up with my father's consorting with prostitutes and others, until it became no longer bearable. She thought a lot about my father, but there were limits.
Her divorce settlement has been in abeyance since the day that my father was killed. (23rd April 2004)
Nina Clayton, who never wanted my father's name, took his money and is currently using it - so I'm told - to take herself and Jill Ward, on a cruise. This is a most laudible achievement, for a low life. But it is hardly the sort of thing which could be expected of a genuinely grieving widow whose husband is, as yet, unburied. I understand that she might have taken several unsubtle wigs with her, which might show her in a light rather more becoming than her present shortage of hair.
However, there is still the problem of what Nettie Marguerite Winstanley is supposed to live on.
It is becoming apparent that she will need to take some of Grange Farm, which is a property which Ralph Winstanley paid for.
It is a pity that this will be the case, but after all she did put up with his philandering with a multitude of women, before finally throwing in the towel, and giving him away, to his current whatever-she-was. I am aware that he never wanted to re-marry because he said so. Perhaps this was because of the company he was keeping? I do not know.
But he took me to one side, before my mother divorced him and said he didn't want her to divorce him.
When I heard he was to be married again, I went to see him. I said I was happy for him. I thought he had found his match. However, he wasn't happy. He said he didn't want to be married to her. Yet he finally seems to have married. I wonder why? What sort of imperative would there be?
It seems I might have been right, about him finding his match. I would rather not have been. It gives me no pleasure.
My father should have been alive now. He has been dead for 7 months.
There is still no Pathology Report. There is still no burial.
He still lies, so I'm told, in the Medico Legal Centre in Sheffield; where I understand Dr Shipman also lies.
My mother has not been paid her alimony since the 23rd April, 2004. That is the day when my father died. Nina Clayton is - so I am told - cruising.
However, she cannot cruise forever.
Charlotte Peters Rock
(Elder daughter of Ralph Winstanley)
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or my own site: RalphWinstanley 2006-11-16T01:06:31.511Z Remembrance - and Ralph Winstanley 11th November 2004
An open letter to South Yorkshire Police, Doncaster East and Doncaster Central Primary Care Trusts – and the so-called ‘friends’ and ‘caring people – who surrounded the death of Ralph Winstanley
On the 11th hour of the 11th month, I was reflecting on the millions of people who died, during the wars of the 20th century and since, and wondering why they bothered.
Young men and women laid down their lives for democracy; for peace; for freedom.
The end result of this is the extremes of misery which still abound amongst the people who led the world in this fight.
We are left with a country where the old can be murdered in their beds and police turn a blind eye, when evidence is presented to them on a plate.
This shambles negates the terrible deaths of generations of people who fought to keep us safe.
Sitting in your eyrie, I do trust that you have found the time to reflect upon this? Though I doubt it very much.
Yours sincerely,
Charlotte Peters Rock
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or my own site: RalphWinstanley 2006-11-16T01:06:31.401Z Like Fairy Godmothers at Sleeping Beauty's Christening They came, to gather in a covey. Around the bed - no, sorry, not around the bed.. away from the bed. In the room next-door-but-one, around the papers.
Similar to the tale of Sleeping Beauty.. but not quite the same.
It was a gathering of Section A Welsh Pony Studs.. well, not the entire studs.. just the owners.
Keith and Sandy Goodwin of Tame Valley Stud - Section A Welsh Ponies.. all the way from Leicestershire - Packington's a long way off - nearly into Leicester.. just to see Ralph before he died..well, not quite. They did stick their heads round the door though..well I'm sure one of them must have done.
I wonder if they're related to Jonathan? Sweet little Jonathan Goodwin, who won't talk about the 'will. Well I say 'will', but you understand, I use the term 'will' very loosely. I wonder if they're related? Same surname, afer all. Now obviously Jonathan solicits. Does Keith? No. I'm told they're not related, Keith's an estate agent. Sandy said they weren't related.. and she should know.
Brian and Mary Shields.. Ringstead Stud, Section A Welsh Ponies. Good friends of Ralph's..well you'd think so. Brian seems to appear as an Executor of Ralph's 'will'. They came all the way from South Lincolnshire, leaving their Ringstead Stud for the day, to see Ralph. Not too keen to go into the room where he was dying though. Rather keener, it would seem, on helping to sort through the paperwork, which possibly was nothing to do with them. Pity, that. Such a long way to come, as the man was dying. Perhaps they were shy and couldn't bear to see him? Perhaps they realised that he thought he was being helped to live?
Gordon Denton, now he did come into the room. Having arrived from Soldanella Stud in Crowle. He sat there.. Perhaps he was weighing up his job? The job, so my sister and I were told by Nina, (early grieving widow), was to drive the specially shod pony, (shod on Tuesday, ready for the death), Rhys (Reece? Rees?) to the funeral - though what the poor benighted pony had done to deserve this, I am not quite sure.
Anyway, at least Gordon came into the room... and sat awhile. It was a comfort to my sister and I to know that our father might have had a friend.. if Gordon was a friend? Was he? Did he know how our father was dying? Did he approve of what was happening?
Certainly, when I rang him, he refused to speak to me. I do wonder why?
It was just like a gathering of fairy godmothers.. more or less.
But the piece de resistance, after my father died, was the Thanksgiving. Now, I was told that it was organised by Ifor. Sorry, let me introduce you.
Ifor Williams, of Randan, Section A Welsh Pony Stud, right down in Huntington, Herefordshire.
He thought so much about our father, Ralph, that - so I was told - he organised a 'religious' ceremony - which would have been very much against our aetheist father's wishes, with follower of the hunt, the Reverend Eve Atherfold, who was so keen to collect his soul - or at least the wealth of his soul - that she continued with the saddle and pink ceremony, very much against his own family's wishes.
Still it suited the grieving widow. Her hair was specially done.
Pity the photographer had such a rough time. Shouldn't live in the Wild West, I suppose.
No. Ifor told me that he didn't organise the Thanksgiving. I believe him. So, who's telling porkies then?
Now the interesting thing to wonder is, why did they all gather, as my father was dying? Let alone, after he died.
What were they doing? Certainly they were all going through a lot of paperwork, in the room where all of Ralph's paperwork was kept. That is the paperwork which he had given to his younger daughter to sort out for him. She, of course was too concerned about his dying to sort it out then.
It vanished on that day. (Thursday 22nd April, 2004). Just like magic. I wonder what happened to it? Did Ralph's 'friends' come to take a piece of it away? Perhaps a small amount of paperwork each? Something like a part of the Berlin Wall?
You remember how people came, from all over the world to remove (buy?) a piece of the wall, when it came down? Perhaps it was like that?
If not, what else were they doing? I do wonder.
They were certainly not rushing in to see a dying man.. with the minor exception of Gordon.
Thank goodness for Gordon. Though he wouldn't speak to me, when I telephoned him recently. And I still wonder why. If he was a friend of my father, shouldn't he have wished him well?
Gordon Denton, so I'm told, didn't go in for 'kissee, kissee'. He objected to it. So what does he think he knows? Does he feel deprived because he couldn't drive the horse to the funeral? Does he care that the man was dead?
More to the point, dear Gordon, does he care how the man died? Or if it was his time to die?
Perhaps Gordon might like to let me know?
Charlotte Peters Rock
(Elder daughter of Ralph Winstanley - who only had two daughters. My sister, Linda is the other. Of course he also had two sons.)
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At Arthur Michael's house, with (left to right)
Arthur Michael, Ralph, Linda (younger daughter),
Richard (younger son)and Ralph's wife, Nettie
(the mother of his only 4 children)
The photograph above, shows Ralph in happier times - before the rot set in.
Regular readers will be interested to know that various people are helping with information, so that my father, Ralph Winstanley, can finally be laid to rest in peace.
I understand that the woman he lived with, will shortly be celebrating her holidays.
More later. I might be busy this week. But do keep the information coming in. It is very much appreciated.
Charlotte - elder daughter of Ralph Winstanley
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RalphWinstanley 2006-11-16T01:06:31.181Z Debbie's place - and Linda's birthday
Following one message, on Thursday, 7th October, from Debbie Unsworth of Fosterhouses Stud, (Section A Welsh Pony breeder), of Fishlake, Doncaster, I reproduce part of the further abusive message which she left on my mobile phone a few minutes later. Unfortunately I cannot, at this time, reproduce the rest of the message, as I am informed that it will be needed for a court hearing.
Charlotte, if you’re going to leave slanderous messages on the world wide web, you should at least have the courage to speak to the people who you’ve named. I think it’s absolutely appalling, as you know it’s also against the law to put things such like that on the world wide web.
I strongly object to you slandering myself, my partner and my stud and am not having someone like you, ruining the good name that it’s taken us 10 years to build up with this stud farm. I suggest, very strongly, that you retract the emails that you have sent out and you put an accompanying letter with them explaining about (unintelligible)
The only comments which I had made in respect of her was that she stated that she hardly knew - and had been frightened of - my father; that she nevertheless stayed in the room for two whole days as he died; and that she bred Section A Welsh Ponies. It says so on her web site at - and look on the page 'For Sale'
When my sister rang her after our father died, to ask why she had sat there, for so long, with an unconscious man she 'hardly knew', she responded with very loud abuse, as did her partner. I heard it across the room. When I spoke to them, they were equally abusive to me.. for some reason.
It is fortunate indeed that she chose to record her latest tirade.
What my family and I cannot understand is why she chose to be so nasty, following an event where she stated over and over again that she 'hardly knew' the man who was dying.
In spite of the extremes of worry to which my sister and I were subjected, because of the situation at Grange Farm as our father was dying, we had shown her only friendliness and concern.
Her response was in such terms as the above. Why?
It certainly makes me wonder, more than ever, what she was doing there. She didn't seem to be keeping Nina Clayton company. Nina Clayton was rarely in the same room.. except for the last two hours of my father's life, when she shook with mirth and waved lots of photographs of naked people - in curious positions - past my sister, who was already shocked and in grief. Oh yes. In the interests of accuracy, I should point out that Nina Clayton did dash into the room each time any nurses came, to coo 'lovey-dovey' words, at some distance - to an unconscious man - before clearing off again.
Nina Clayton, a Section A Welsh Pony Judge,
seemed to find judging work far more compelling than her sick 'husband', being out judging just before and just after his death.
On my sister's birthday, the 11th April, my father had been left alone with his worries from 6am because her Welsh Pony judging was more important to her. At 6pm, when she returned, he was suddenly 'rushed into hospital, dying' - as my sister was told by Nina Clayton - in an ambulance, 'with oxygen'.
When we arrived at the hospital, at around 7pm, he was sitting up on a hospital trolley, perfectly alright. He did look a bit confused. As he said to us, he couldn't work out why he was there. He kept saying that he wanted to go home. He was sent home, at 10.02pm with no treatment given - or recommended to be given.
I do wonder why he was there.. why on her birthday, my sister had had to face such a dramatic and upsetting time.. especially since she had been quietly in her father's company for most of the day. He had rung her at 7.30am to ask what time she was coming to see him.
She always saw him on her birthday. They went out to lunch. This time it was to The Old George, in Sykehouse, Doncaster, from 12noon until 1pm.
It was a favoured place of his. He was friendly with the owners, Janet and Martin Hunton. They went to America, on holiday together, just before Christmas. (He had been fit enough to go to America, and to Tenerife, with Yvonne and Roger Barrett, during December 2003; then to Scarborough for the weekend in January 2004.)
He was a bit frail but he had not been feeling ill when his daughter, Linda, had left him. They'd been sitting outside in the sun, talking. He asked her to put his papers in order. (More about his papers in the next post.) She had left him at around 3pm
Thank you all for returning so regularly. Do keep reading.
Charlotte - elder daughter of Ralph Winstanley
PS There is now a Comment attached to this posting. It is by Debbie Unsworth.
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or my own site: RalphWinstanley 2006-11-16T01:06:31.084Z Wafflers in full flight South Yorkshire Police uses posh paper. It has a nice little logo, information about how utterly wonderful South Yorkshire Police has been found to be (by people who have not recently had relatives illegally killed, presumably?), and space for replies to letters.
Now that is the problem. No, not the space but what goes into the space. The space is perfectly fine. It is a space on posh paper.
The problem is that South Yorkshire Police seems to be the home of The World Waffling Expert - and several runners-up.
Replies to actual letters seem to be beyond these wafflers but they can certainly waffle at a great rate when they finally start. Perhaps they think that the public - of which I am one - will not realise that no letter is actually answered? Perhaps they think that, caught by the wonderfulness of the waffling, we will be transported to 'a far better place' where we will trouble them no longer?
Sorry, didn't work.
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or my own site: RalphWinstanley 2006-11-16T01:06:30.951Z Abstract from Recorder Kealy Judgement 8 July 1998 Recorder Kealy gave Judgement on a case between Richard Winstanley and his father, Ralph Winstanley.
An abstract of this Judgement, which records Nina Anne Clayton's draconian action, against Ralph Winstanley is shown below: Please scroll down).

This serves as an accurate record of what happened between my father Ralph Winstanley and Nina Clayton, whom he is said to have married in late 1987.
By early 1991, (25th February 1991 - just over 3 years after she 'married' him), she laid claim to the entire estate of Ralph Winstanley. She had his passport and all his financial affairs removed from his control. He was not represented in Court. Was he even there, or aware that the case was coming before the court?
Interestingly, various people are stopping our access to the files of 25th February - 1st March - 14th March 1991. The are such people as Court servants, solicitors who claim they have always worked for my father, when on current evidence, they seem to have been working for Nina Clayton; and even a Judge.
What is there in the files which they would like to have kept hidden? There is obviously something. Does that 'something' implicate them in respect of this case? Why else would such people, who are after all public servants, (or certainly who have taken my father's money for work), refuse access to these files? Don't we have a Freedom of Information Act? Are the Freemasons, or some other group, involved in this?
The money which my father had, was being held in Trust for his own family.. and he stated over and over again, to all of us, at various times, that Nina Clayton - and her offspring, which were nothing to do with him - would not have it, but that it would revert to his own family, on his death.
As his elder daughter, never really finding much common ground with my father, I have never had expectations of anything from him. Nor have I now. However, my two brothers, my sister and my mother all worked in the firm of Mowing Machine Maintenance of Wath-upon-Dearne, building up the wealth which eventually accrued when my father sold the business.
Nina Anne Clayton, former wiper-of-bottoms in an unfortunate Infant School at the back end of Denaby, seems to have prospered ever since.
She claims inheritance, from various people. We know that her first husband, from whom she took his name, made sure that she did not inherit his bungalow. He left it to the only child he claimed as his.. and he told everyone who would listen that she was his only child. So who did leave her the wealth? Not the local education committee, that's for sure.
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or my own site: RalphWinstanley 2006-11-16T01:06:30.846Z So who's hiding what?..And why? It is now around 6 months since the unlawful killing of my father, Ralph Winstanley.
He was 83 years old. He was not dying.. well no more than most people of 83 years old are dying.
He was lain down to die in the April heatwave, with two syringe drivers delivering a cocktail of Morphine. His 'wife', (Nina Anne Clayton, 69), said his heart was failing, yet it took them all 6 days to kill him. She also claimed, with the back-up of her younger daughter, Rosemary, that he was being terribly sick and was fetching up blood. This was completely untrue, but coincided very nicely with the lies which were being propogated by Dr David J Brown. Oesophageal and stomach cancers do produce vomiting with blood. Isn't that curious.?
COMMENT: Must have had a pretty strong heart then, to last out for 6 days, with no food nor fluid - and a cocktail of drugs, none of which was meant to keep him alive.
His doctor, (Dr David J Brown of Field Road Surgery, Stainforth) - for want of a better word - stated, in writing, (28th May, 2004, to Jonathon Goodwin of solicitors, Bridge Sanderson Munro, who was responsible for the fiasco which is my father's 'will'), that his chest and epigastric pain was,
"found to be due to cancer growing around his lower oesophagus and stomach."
As yet, there is still only proof that my father didn't have oesophageal/stomach cancer. That proof is from Doncaster Royal Infirmary, from biopsy results. There is still no pathology report.
COMMENT: Now why would a GP be writing such 'porkies' to a solicitor? Makes you wonder, doesn't it? Did he write to the solicitor because the solicitor was heart-broken and was a good friend of his? Or was it a business arrangement? Certainly I do not know. No-one will tell me.
South Yorkshire Police Force has stated variously, that they would not investigate his unlawful killing unless the Coroner asked them to and that they had already investigated - and found no reason to suppose that it was an unlawful killing. No-one approached my younger sister, who was at our father's bedside for most of the last 6 days of his life. Nor, for that matter, did they approach either my son or my sister's daughter. So what sort of investigation did they do?
COMMENT: Do we really pay these people money? What for? Subterfuge? Inane inaction? Or perhaps it is that being all-seeing beings they can all-seeingly see beyond the other beings into the criminal heart - and expunge its tendencies? What do you think? I think a few people should be in jail.
Doncaster East and Doncaster Central Primary Care Trusts, in the persons of Simon Morritt, (Chief Executive Doncaster Central), Mrs Elizabeth Hedge, (Complaints Manager, both Trusts), Mrs Jayne Brown, (Former Chief Executive, Doncaster East), Dr David J Brown (Caldicott Guardian, Doncaster East, (the one paid to sit on the Medical Records) - and who also appears above), have stopped access to my father's full medical record. They have also, jointly stopped access to parts of the file which it has been agreed, (by them), I am entitled to. The miniscule quantity of medical history which I was given, was presented in a totally mixed-up manner and had pages altered, pages missing and pages added. How does this constitute a 'record' of anything? And, more to the point, where is the rest of it?
COMMENT: It seems to me that The Human Rights Act 1998,The Freedom of Information Act 2000, The Data Protection Act 1998, The Access to Health Records Act 1990 are a total sham; made to appear enlightening but actually to act as Big Brother over our lives. The actions of these people are an utter disgrace. (It's just as if we've been invaded by a foreign army, brought in to keep us down. This 'army' has no need to shoot. It just blocks access in every direction. Fait accompli.
HM Coroner Doncaster, Mr ES Hooper, seems not to be acting; in spite of having enough written evidence put before him to jail several people. He does not reply to letters. He was sending copies of letters, which he wrote to me, (were my letters to him also being passed on? I do not know.) to all sorts of people. People such as litigation solicitors, Frank Allen Pennington, (in the person of Martin Pennington), will-holding solicitors, Bridge Sanderson Munro, (in the person of Mr Jonathon Goodwin), Richard Walker, Funeral Directors, (in the person of Mr Richard Walker). Now why would he do that?
COMMENT: Could it be that they are all good friends? Perhaps it is that they are all Freemasons? I wonder if that is the case?
FURTHER COMMENT: I wonder how many of the people who are blocking the information which my family needs, to jail the people responsible for our father's death, are Freemasons? *(see below)
Certainly this secretive group is known to exist within the Judiciary, within the police, within the legal system generally, within other professional groups such as doctors, and executives.
Should these people (any or all of them), be Freemasons, what sort of Justice can we expect to gain in respect of our father's unlawful killing?
Secretive groups skew justice to the point where it cannot be claimed to exist at all. Why is it accepted that membership of such groups does not need to be admitted to?
Are such groups so strong that they override all democracy and fairness?
*If you are a Freemason, do you declare it? If not, why not? If any of the people who are currently blocking access to justice for my father, Ralph Winstanley, happen to be Freemasons, perhaps they'd contact me and say so. Equally, if any are not Freemasons, perhaps they would also like to contact me and say so. I would be more than happy to put the information up on this site.
Your comments would be very much appreciated.
As are the comments appended to the posting of 7th August, which is called Perhaps he was in the way?
You will notice that the nastiest comments are those of Anonymous. I always find anonymous comment interesting, don't you? Now who would be sending such comment?
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or my own site: RalphWinstanley 2006-11-16T01:06:30.729Z Spreading the truth in Doncaster Why did they get rid of me?
Well, that's an interesting question. How long's a length of string?
I knew what I was getting into. It was what I wanted. Sex on tap. She was famous round here. Dear Herbert letter. Daughters. Rows of 'em. Absolute rows of 'em.
It all began when she married im. Droppin sprogs any day. Both died. One later than the other. Not so much as an eadstone. Nuthin.
Then there was the 'Dear Herbert' letter, (about which, more later). Noboddy much. Whiskery old fool.
In case you wonder, my father Ralph Winstanley is still dead. South Yorkshire Police Force (for want of a better word), still will not investigate his death. We are still making attemps to get my father's full medical, financial and other records. The one thing which is done in Doncaster is 'wall-building'. The 'walls' built by Doncaster Central and Doncaster East Primary Care Trusts, might be a bit shaky but still they stand. Though I would advise Simon Morritt - and his cohorts - not to stand too close to the other side, as the 'walls' will be coming down - and I'd hate to see him squashed, like a beetle, when they fall.
Here over the next few postings, you will find comments about:
his litigation solicitors - Frank Allen Pennington - who are so committed they are still litigating furiously, after his death, (Without pay? Don't be silly!),
about the policeman, who lived close by,
about the 'friends' - and I use that term extremely loosely, (which seems approproiate in this case),
about the prostitute,
about the daughter,
about the 'deadhead'.
Here you will find comment which, had he been alive - as he should have been, he could have made for himself.
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or my own site: RalphWinstanley 2006-11-16T01:06:30.615Z THE BOYS IN BLUE Hello again,
Nice to see you all. My father is still in a freezer in far as I know. There is still no Pathology Report. Still no resumed inquest, nor - so far - criminal trial. Though there does need to be.
I have been communicating with the police.. if communicating is the right word to use.
Thought you'd be interested to see how the Horse of British Justice neighs.
PS the mention of passport, (below), is in relation to the fact that they have been made aware that there is also a serious fraud issue here.. possibly of millions of pounds.. but certainly connected, tightly, to my father's death.Quotes from the senior Police Officers of South Yorkshire, printed below, seem to show the prevalence of a general inertia, in the matter of investigating the unlawful death of my father Ralph Winstanley.
This from the 'Officer in Charge of the "Investigation"':
Once the Coroner receives Professor Whitwell's report he will decide whether he should invite the police to make any further investigations on his behalf. At the moment no other investigation is underway and it would not be appropriate to mount any ancillary investigation until the Coroner has been able to review the diagnosis, care, treatment and death of your father.
In terms of (the person's) passport, the police have no reason or power to take any course of action that would involve any attempt to seize (the person's) passport. I hope this will suffice until such time as we receive further information from Mr Hooper.
from Detective Superintendent Robert Haworth of South Yorkshire Police on 14th July 2004
And from his superior, 'The Chief Of All Detectives':Further to your email of 14th July to the Chief Constable, I am aware that Det. Supt. Haworth has already responded to your email, and as he quite rightly points out, we await Professor Whitwell's report prior to any further investigations being instigated. I am satisfied that this is the appropriate course of action and can assure you that when the time comes,any further investigations, if appropriate, will be acted upon diligently and expediently.
In relation to your suggestion that (the person's) passport should be seized, I am pleased to be able to inform you that Det. Supt. Haworth has also given you the appropriate advice in this respect.
from Detective Chief Superintendent John Hudson on 15th July 2004 - before his quiet retirement.
Back to his subordinate, the Officer in Charge of The "Investigation"
I will continue to seek updates. I can advise you that I am not enquiring into the state of your late fathers bank accounts.(note the lack of pro-activity in these comments. CPR)
from Detective Superintendent Robert Haworth of South Yorkshire Police on 6th August 2004
And from an Assistant Chief Constable:It is my understanding that you have had a meeting,(a meeting which I called for because the police were doing nothing. CPR),
with Superintendent Rob Haworth who set out both verbally and in writing the investigative position of South Yorkshire Police in respect of this matter. I believe that prior to his retirement, Chief Superintendent John Hudson also wrote to you confirming our position. The body of your father and the circumstances of his death currently fall under the jurisdiction HM Coroner, Mr Hooper. Until the full post mortem and toxicology reports are known, he will not be in a position to inform whether, in his opinion, the cause of death was natural or otherwise. As you are aware the results of all of the reports requested by Mr Hooper will not be known until mid September. In the interim all linked enquiries (More about these 'linked enquiries, lower down. CPR) have been made and, at this moment there are no obvious signs of criminality.
Until we are advised to the contrary by Mr Hooper, we are unable to take any further action in respect of this casefrom: Assistant Chief Constable Ian Daines of South Yorkshire Police on 24th August 2004.
(He is responsible for sending out replies to various people who wrote enquiring as to why Ralph Winstanley's death was not being investigated. The main content of one of these replies is below.)
Please be assured that the death of Mr Winstanley is being investigated by South Yorkshire Police and his family are being kept informed of progress of the case..
(..which is news to me.. and in view of the statements above and the fact that my sister has not once been approached by the respect of their 'linked enquiries'.. and she was with my father, as I was, for most of the last 6 days and nights of his life, I would have my doubts about the thoroughness or even the actuality of the investigation. CPR)
from Adrian Fox, Assistant Staff Officer, South Yorkshire Police, on behalf of his superior, Assistant Chief Constable Ian Daines
A good friend of ours, formerly a Manchester solicitor, is now The Public Solicitor in a Commonwealth Country. This is his opinion.
..there is no way that the Police have to wait for the coroner to tell them to investigate a suspected murder case. If that were the case most murder cases would never be solved as Coroners always take months to do their job and the evidence would have disappeared.
A senior employee of South Yorkshire Police Authority wrote:
Dear Madam,
I am writing to acknowlege your email below. Would you also please regard this as an acknowledgement also from my colleagues Shaun Mirfield and Jackie Lacock.
I am also copying this to Assistant Chief Constable Daines, so if he has not received your email direct he will see this copy.
As I said in my letter to you of 8 June - I am enclosing a copy in case you did not receive it - this is matter for the police to deal with and in not a matter in which the Police Authority, nor its Chairman, has any authority. I would recommend that you address your correspondence to Assistant Chief Constable Daines alone.from: Stuart Lunn, South Yorkshire Police Authority
From: Charlotte Peters Rock []
Sent: 01 September 2004 13:38To: Lunn Stuart; etc
Subject: RE: Ralph Winstanley - deceased 23rd April 2004
Dear Mr Lunn,
It might have escaped your notice but one of the words under which you labour is "Authority". So far as I am aware, this signifies that the Police Authority for South Yorkshire has authority over the police of South Yorkshire. If it does not, then how does it justify its existence?
I am enclosing a copy of some of the written comments which I have received from the various levels of South Yorkshire Police. Your Police Authority should be interested in both these and in the comment from a high ranking solicitor, which is reproduced below them.
And now I have your comments to add.
Perhaps you could enlighten me as to exactly what your role is; and also about the role of South Yorkshire Police Authority?
Charlotte Peters Rock
(He has not yet replied).
From: Charlotte Peters Rock []
Sent: 27 August 2004 17:02To:; & CCs to others
Subject: Ralph Winstanley - deceased 23rd April 2004Dear Assistant Chief Constable Daines,
I am writing to you in respect of your email of the 24th August and the conversation which we had on the following day.
I can confirm that Detective Superintendent Robert Haworth has stated to me that the position of South Yorkshire Police is one of waiting to see if the Coroner will ask it to investigate what happened to my father. And that should the Coroner not ask the police to investigate, then the police will do nothing.
So that there can be no room for doubt, I wish to have my understanding of the conversation which I had with you, confirmed.
It was my understanding that you said that South Yorkshire Police had made an 'investigation' of my father's death and that you stated that you were
'satisfied that no criminal activity had taken place'.
If that is correct, perhaps you would confirm it?
I also seem to remember that you also repeated the oft stated line that South Yorkshire Police cannot investigate a murder, without the request of the Coroner.
Also, perhaps you could inform me exactly what investigations you or your officers have made into my father's death?
Did you - or they - make any use at all of the large amount of documentary evidence which my sister, my brother and I have taken the trouble to make sure were copied to you?
If so, which were used in the investigation which you say you have made?
Have you called for the Full Medical History or taken any account of his latter Medical history?
Obviously, to be 'satisfied' you would need to have made some sort of adequate - and unbiased - investigation. As a member of the public, I wish to assure myself that the interests of the public are being served.
As you are now aware, there is a genuine public interest in this matter, in that other members of the general public are equally vulnerable to the 'small difficulty' which my father faced, and which my sister and I also faced. You are aware that this 'small difficulty' resulted in his death. Otherwise, he might have been writing to you instead of my feeling the need to.
Once I know exactly what has been investigated, I will then be in a better position to help the police further, in supplying more documentary evidence, as it comes to hand.. should there be any point to taking such trouble.
Should I not receive any reply to this email, then I will feel free to interpret that lack of reply as I choose.. and will most certainly take it further.
I look forward to hearing from you.Charlotte Peters Rock
(He has not yet replied)
So does that make you feel safer in your bed?
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or my own site: RalphWinstanley 2006-11-16T01:06:30.524Z Two down - more to go? Curiously there seems to be a sudden fashion for retirement within the great and good of South Yorkshire.
It was begun by the lovely Jayne Margaret Brown, former Chief Executive of Doncaster East NHS Primary Care Trust. Having been forced into giving me copies of my father's recent Medical Record, she managed to prevaricate over the rest. Indeed she managed to shift the decision-making about the rest to poor Little Simon Morritt, Chief Executive of Doncaster Central NHS Primary Care Trust. Then she 'retired' herself to be Director of Performance Improvement at York-based North and East Yorkshire and Northern Lincolnshire and Strategic Health Authority, where I am sure she will fulfill her true potential.
Following this, I hear that Chief Superintendent John Hudson, has become 'formerly of South Yorkshire Constabulary'. So that's nice for him.
In the case of Ralph Winstanley, it makes very little difference, since John Hudson presided over the non-event of a complete lack of investigation, 'unless HM Coroner, Doncaster, asked his loyal troops to investigate..' which thus far he hasn't. So poor John Hudson might have felt a bit superfluous.. and has probably gone off to tend his roses.
I wonder who else is about to take 'gardening retirement'?
Perhaps they would let me know. I'm sure that a whip-round would produce a Happy Retirement card..unless there are too many of them.
I was informed by one Assistant Chief Constable Ian Daines, that he was aware of this blog site. Fame, at last. Well isn't that wonderful? South Yorkshire Police, in its infinite investigative mode has detected this site. I don't know if I can cope with it. It's all too, too overwhelming!
However, I do not yet feel like celebrating. Assistant Chief Constable Ian Daines, seems to think that South Yorkshire Police Force has conducted an investigation into my father's death. He seems to think that no criminal activity has taken place.. unless I misunderstand him. So I have written to ask if my understanding is correct. I have an awful sinking feeling about this.
If my understanding is correct, it probably means that no-one in South Yorkshire Police Force can read. Alternatively. it could mean that South Yorkshire Police Force think that helping someone who is old to die, when they weren't expecting to die, is legal.
Either way, it probably accounts for the sinking feeling. For goodness sake, I'm not in the first flush of youth.
NOTE: The more wrinkles I have, the further I must stay from the Doncaster - and probably South Yorkshire Police - area. Wouldn't want to die in my bed now, would I? Though I am sure that South Yorkshire's finest would help me.
My father, Ralph Winstanley has just 'celebrated' the 4th month of his death.
I wonder if there's a card for 4th Month of your uninvestigated death. After all, there are cards for everything else. Perhaps it would say 'Many Happy Returns On the 4th Month of Your Uninvestigated Death'?
It could be sent, with a wreath as a present, to the freezer where, I'm told, he currently lies. He'd probably prefer whisky.. but corpses can't be choosers - he'll just have to take what he can get.
We could hold a party.. no, perhaps not; he would freeze us out. Still, if this goes on much longer, once he reaches his anniversary of death, we really should do something.
Perhaps as a mark of his death South Yorkshire Police Force could begin an honest and thorough investigation into what happened to him. I'm sure he'd like that.
Must get on to them. I feel that now the habit is ingrained, they might not be too willing. But once they all learn to read, I'm sure it will become easier. Perhaps, the light will dawn?
Don't hold our breath though. I'd hate to see you turn blue.
Speak to ya soon.
Charlotte (Very Slightly Depressed - and Dissillusoned - Daughter Of The Dead)
PS Have a Happy Bank Holiday. Somebody should.
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or my own site: RalphWinstanley 2006-11-16T01:06:30.418Z Update - 10th August 2004 Ralph Winstanley has 'his own' comments page here
Perhaps this is a good time to tell newcomers that this story began
------------ ay
down at the bottom of the perhaps you should begin there? You'll meet some very interesting photographs and letters on your way up. Otherwise, you can go into each posting separately by using the links on the side-bar.
Update - 10th August?
Well, this is likely to be a bit of a non-event.
My father, Ralph Winstanley, is still dead. He still lies in a freezer in Sheffield..waiting.
re: Doncaster Central Primary Care Trust
Doncaster East Primary Care Trust
I am getting letters from the lovely Trusts, (wonder what that word means?), by most posts, saying such sparkling things as,
Go away, I won't deal with you. Go on. Push off.
This is a slight paraphrase, but was said to me, in three separate letters, (with three separate envelopes and three separate stamps), by one Simon Morritt, Chief Executive of Doncaster Central Primary Care Trust, (and 'Lead Role' on the uncase of my father, Ralph Winstanley's death.) on the same day, 5th August. I think he just copied the words from one letter to the other. It really is not good enough. After an unnecessary death, the least I would expect of a man who 'earns' in excess of £100,000 year, is a modicum of inventiveness. My goodness, at this rate a machine could do the job.. now there's an idea.
nice picture of him here (Not much of him mind. He's dodging about at the back, with the also-mentioned Dr Kevin Lee)
UPDATE ON 'nice picture of him here': They seem, for some unaccountable reason, to have removed the picture from Doncaster Central Primary Care Trust Web site. Well! That is a blow! However, they seem to have stood the dear little fellow on a box, so he can be seen.
You will now find him here
So, that's the only Update I can give on dealings with the Primary Care Trusts of Doncaster. Well, except that Mrs Jayne Brown, has gone on to fresh fields and cliches new as 'Director of Performance Improvement' at York-based North and East Yorkshire and North Linclonshire Strategic Health Authority Sad, isn't it?
What dreadful thing did I do, to deserve this? I pointed out one or two flaws in their system.
Also, I asked for a copy of my father's full Medical Record.. which these two Trusts are denying me. Something extremely nasty happened to my father. It seems to go back several years. The trusts are fully aware of the detail. They are blocking access.
They - and their Caldicott Guardian, a Doctor David Brown - see here - (wonder if it's the same Dr David Brown who was father's GP? They both seem to be from Stainforth Surgery. Surely not!) seem to think I cannot represent my father's family interests. They think I will go away. They are wrong.
South Yorkshire Police
Again, an Update is difficult. South Yorkshire Police still will not investigate the death of my father, even though two policemen were on the premises when he died. How long has it been now? Well, add it up for yourself. He died on the 23rd April 2004. It is 10th August, 2004, today.
However, I have been trying to get something done. I have written to a range of South Yorkshire Police, to the South Yorkshire Police Authority, which does not seem to have the authority to insist that anything is done, to The Police Complaints Authority, which sounds promising.
I have also written to the Home Secretary, three times. Letters are coming back...
But still no investigation is under way. Words like 'reprehensible' and 'disgraceful' and 'deriliction of duty' keep drifting through my head. Not sure why.
Very shortly I expect they think that I will turn into sweet-mild-mannered-white-haired-old-lady - and go away. Tough. If that is what anyone thinks, they should realise that it's not likely to happen.
Please be reassured, that I am still not Ralph Winstanley.
Ralph Winstanley is dead. I am his very angry elder daughter, Charlotte.
See ya soon.
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or my own site: RalphWinstanley 2006-11-16T01:06:30.301Z Health Care Cash Coshes Truth Yes, that is precisely what solicitors for Doncaster Central Primary Care Trust and Doncaster East Primary Care Trust are doing with Public Health Care money.They are threatening me for telling the truth. More than that, they have threatened my former Web Server, Portland Communications.
They have sent a letter which maligns my intellectual property and says that what I say is defamatory. Further they say that my song, called in deference to the original, Abide With Me (unauthorised version), is no more than a poem.
They are stating that I am telling lies, in that what I say cannot be 'defamation' if it is the truth.
In doing this they are probably entering the arena of defamation, both on their own behalf and on behalf of both Doncaster East and Doncaster Central Primary Care Trusts.
Do read their letter to Portland Communications, which is re-produced below.

Still I think I can reasonably say that most of the people in England would disagree with such treatment for the truth.
However, that does not get me over the problem, ‘what to do now?’
Well, what I would like is some support, from like-minded people.
If you object to the anti-democratic actions of this bunch, perhaps you might like to help me?
Would you like to write to:
Mr Simon Morritt,
Chief Executive,
Doncaster Central Primary Care Trust,
White Rose House,
Ten Pound Walk,
or email:
or fax: 01302 365 208 or 01302 365 2304
and ask him something like the questions below?
1 What do you, as Chief Executive of Doncaster Central Primary Care Trust, and as the man who took ‘Lead Role’ in this matter, from Jayne Brown, and therefore also represent Doncaster East Primary Care Trust, intend to do about the death of Ralph Winstanley?
2 What do you intend to do to alter the system in place at both Primary Care Trusts, to prevent other people from being at risk of the same fate?
3 What made you think that you had the right to shut down a personal web site, on the spurious grounds that were given to Portland Communications? Namely:
a that it contained a poem called ‘mainline to murder’, which it did not.
b that it contained a poem, which it did not.
c that it contained lies, which it did not.
4 What restitution are you, personally and professionally, going to make, in respect of this destructive and undemocratic act?
Enquiries could also be sent to
Mrs Elizabeth Hedge,
Complaints Manager,
Doncaster Central & Doncaster East Primary Care Trusts (same address as above)
email: or
Of course South Yorkshire Police is refusing to even begin an investigation into this death. Remember, he died on 23rd April. I am writing this over three months after he died.
Why? Well, they tell me that they can’t investigate a death, or anything surrounding a death, unless the Coroner asks them to.
Finally, if the Coroner doesn’t ask them to investigate, then they will be content to do nothing.
So that should make us all feel safe in our beds, shouldn’t it?
If you object to this, perhaps you might like to help by writing to the Chief Constable of South Yorkshire Constabulary,
Mr Mike Hedges,
Chief Constable,
South Yorkshire Police HQ,
Snig Hill,
Sheffield. S3 8LY
or to the Head of CID,
Detective Chief Superintendent John Hudson? (same address as above)
They could be asked something like this
1 Would you demand and investigation if it were your son/daughter/mother/father/sister/brother were unlawfully killed?
2 If not, why not?
3 What would you do instead?
Send me a copy. I would love to hear from you at
Speak to ya soon.
Daughter of the Doomed
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or my own site: RalphWinstanley 2006-11-16T01:06:30.078Z Winstanley family history Now Ralph Winstanley had two sons, as well as two daughters. (His daughters, by the way, are called Linda and Charlotte - formerly Christine)
His two sons both worked in the family business, at Doncaster Road, Wath-upon-Dearne, near Rotherham, South Yorkshire, England. It was called, Mowing Machine Maintenance. It later moved to Wet Moor Lane, still in Wath.
Ralph Winstanley (junior) left school aged 15 and went straight into the family business. He worked until he fell over. He covered for Ralph, his father, until he could stand it no more.
In the meantime, Ralph junior's younger brother, Richard, had also left school and weedy little soul that he then was, he was hurled headlong into working even more hours there, than he had when still at school.
Ralph Winstanley, senior, had, for many years, been a betting man. As 'his' affluence grew, he joined the Hunt, leaving his two sons to keep the money rolling in. Then he bought a racehorse.
His lifestyle (oh yes, he had a lifestyle - even then - back in the 1960s),did not include his family. He discovered Lord Oaksey, betting friends, people to impress.
Sometimes he would turn up at work and try to be the boss. This was getting increasingly difficult. He understood very little of the make-up of the firm. He took money away to spend, but did little, over many years.
His first wife, and his younger daughter worked in the firm. They did the books, until the wrangling got too much. Even his elder daughter worked, exercising his spare horses, for a very short time.
His first wife realised that he would never be a faithful husband. He never had been, after all, in all the years of their marriage. She had struggled valiantly, with little help, to rear their four children, waiting until they were grown up before finally throwing in the towel.
In 1976 she divorced him.
He had left her, yet again, for a 'bicycle woman'. He rode tandem with many. This one was a helper at a Primary School in Denaby, South Yorkshire. She thought that a bicycle was to ride.
He didn't want a divorce. He approached his elder daughter, saying, "your mother says she's going to divorce me. Tell her she can't".
His elder daughter replied, "I've been telling her for years that she should divorce you. You sleep around with anything that moves. You treat her badly. She needs some peace. She ought to divorce you. You don't want her. Why shouldn't she divorce you?"
Bicycle from Moss
Later, he approached the same daughter - who had wished him well in his second marriage - and said, "Thanks for your good wishes, but I really don't want to get married." However, he did get married.. or so they said.
His younger daughter, Linda, wrote to the place where they were supposed to have been married. The Registrar, wrote to say that this had happened in 1978. Ralph's 'intended' had not been divorced until 1980, so quite how legal it was, is a moot point.
For over 14 years now, he had not 'got on' with either his elder or his younger son. He seemed to have fallen in with a bad lot, when he joined the Badsworth Hunt. In 1987, he sold the business from under his younger son, giving him two days notice of when it would finally be gone.
Following this, his sons were dispossessed of their Farm, (yes, the 'mess of pottage' did come into it), which had been bought in their names, and treated like strangers in a strange land, mostly by the second 'wife'. (If you can imagine a sort of super-cuckoo?)
However, his younger son was given the Tenancy of Manor Farm, house and garden. The second 'wife' was to use the farmland for her Welsh ponies. This was fine - except that he and his wife were then driven off the land by some malign force, which badly damaged the younger son's legs, and cut water pipes and electricity cables and mixed them together. Curiously South Yorkshire Police Force never did get to the bottom of it. Well, they wouldn't, would they? It seems they never investigated it.
The Tenancy agreement was then changed to an Agricultural Tenancy, which pre-supposed that the whole of the land at the farm was also included in the agreement since an agricultural tenancy must include agricultural land.
Also Ralph Winstanley gave his younger son, Richard, the Deeds to Manor Farm, to hold, to 'keep them safe'.. from someone? Now, why would he do that?
For over 14 years now, Richard, has been taken through a series of Courts; Bankrupted through one - even though this was done illegally, as Lord Justice Aldous and Lord Justice Mummery found - and has had his family life ruined by some malignancy.
Who is responsible for this?
Could it have been the Accountants?
Could it have been the Litigation Solicitors?
Could it have been the 'wife'?
Was she ever a 'wife'?
She certainly had Reece, the pony, shod in contemplation of Ralph
Winstanley's funeral, three days before he died.
She certainly was very resistant to Ralph having even a change of bedding, as he lay dying?
She wailed and told everyone that he was being terribly sick and was sicking up blood, when he wasn't.
She celebrated with pornography and gin as he lay dying.
She held a 'Thanksgiving Service', well before he could be buried. (Such a 'caring' soul?)
At the Thanksgiving Service, she had his saddle and hunting ' pink' hauled into the church by the undertaker. (Well, I suppose it found him something to do, since he coudn't do the burial. It was at the suggestion of a 'good friend' Ifor Williams.. so we are told. So, what gave him such an idea? Was it just that he was short of a 'good Thanksgiving'? Could it have been that he was a highly religious man? Probably we'll never know.
Visitors said it was a most peculiar 'do'. A church, a funeral, no body, no offspring, no real religion.. but at least the photographers went. Perhaps it was intended to be a wedding? If so, then the bride seems to have been 'The Bride of Death'.
And there lies Ralph Winstanley, in a freezer in Sheffield. Mourned by whom?
By his younger daughter, Linda.
Certainly, he was not mourned by Nina's younger daughter, who 'watched for his toes to turn black'. A 'bit of a treat' for her, I suppose? But why would she want to watch such a thing happen? Is television so boring? Hasn't she got a life?
NB: Not sure how she knew about that.. but she was determined to see it all.. kept lifting up the sheet.
Family history is such an interesting subject, don't you think? There will be more, mentioning names. The history of my family includes legal battles, which were not asked for, solicitors who were - and are - rather good at soliciting, accountants of family firms, who managed not to see Ralph Winstanley - even though they did? Such strange conundrums..
To conclude: Ralph Winstanley is still in a freezer in Sheffield. He is pretty dead. However, he is still not cremated. So there is some hope that we can find out more.
Do not forget. I am not Ralph Winstanley. Ralph Winstanley is still dead. Mustn't sail under false colours, must I? Oh, and one more thing..just because he was less than perfect, (no-one's perfect, after all), doesn't mean he should have died as he did. Does it?
Speak to ya soon.
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or my own site: RalphWinstanley 2006-11-16T01:06:29.981Z Still they will not let us see UPDATE 1st August 2004
Doncaster East and Doncaster Central Primary Care Trusts, still will not allow Linda Kirby and Charlotte Peters Rock have copies of their father's medical records.
Ralph Winstanley was put down to die in April this year. He is still not buried. He died at Grange Farm, Moss, Doncaster. He had help from both Primary Care Trusts.
When his daughters queried the fact that the Clinical Notes File, written up and kept at Grange Farm, Pinfold Lane, Moss, Doncaster, had been extensively altered, the man who had just taken on 'Lead Role' in the case, Simon Morrit, Chief Executive, Doncaster Central Primary Care Trust, began to make a decision.
His decision seems to have been that he would not speak to women who queried the veracity of the Clinical Notes File. He seems to think that that is his job - 'sending people to Coventry'. We do not need to go to Coventry. Coventry would not be close enough to Doncaster. Doncaster is the place where this man has made such a peculiar decision. Why has he made this decision? Could it be that he has something to hide? Perhaps he is guarding someone else's back?
How can we tell.? He has an email address at Perhaps if anyone could find out, and let me know, we could overcome the problem. I can no longer visit his building, write to him by letter, email or fax. Nor can I telephone him. Such a pity. Such a nice little man!
Why, for that matter, has Jayne Brown, Chief Executive of Doncaster East Primary Care Trust, relinquished her 'Lead Role' to Simon Morritt, whilst refusing to give access to Ralph Winstanley's Medical Records? Could it be that she has something to hide?
Did she only relinquish her 'Lead Role' because of her recent honour, (OBE) or because she is moving to 'a Strategic Health Authority near York'? Is it that she just didn't have the time to deal with death, in her rush up the ladder?
What a pity. As Ralph Winstanley's daughters, we seem to have no choice but to deal with death. My sister Linda and I were so concerned about the manner of our father's death, that we have dealt with little else, for over three months now.
Still I haven't been banned from writing to her, well not so far as I know, so perhaps I'll send her an email at and ask if she has changed her mind yet. If 'Lead Role' is to be passed round like a relay baton, it is useful to know that the next 'runner' is not a butterfingers, don't you think?
Whilst everyone seems to be going away on holiday, here we are, working towards a just conclusion. Pity that South Yorkshire Police Force felt unable to join us. But there, perhaps they're all on holiday?
This work is made the harder because of the intransigence of paid servants of the two Primary Care Trusts.
Having been banned from the Primary Care Trusts premises; and from writing to Simon Morritt, by letter, by email, by fax; and also banned from telephoning him; a small but perfectly-formed picture is beginning to emerge.
It looks like an ostrich. It hasn't got a head. No, it's neck leads into the ground. Ah yes, now I have it. It's head is buried in the ground. No, wait. It isn't an ostrich after all. It seems to be wearing a suit. It bears a badge. I wonder what the badge says? Ah, yes. Something about 'Lead Role'.
I didn't know that Primary Care Trusts issued badges. I wonder if they have one which says, 'OBE - too busy climbing'?
It's so good that intentions are marked. I do worry about that badge though. What does 'Lead Role' mean?
Answers on a postcard please.
Charlotte (Daughter of the Departed)
PS Ralph Winstanley is still dead. He does not lie easy. He is waiting for justice. It seems to be a long wait.)
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or my own site: RalphWinstanley 2006-11-16T01:06:29.868Z Now, about the internet It seems to me, as my father's amanuensis, that the internet is complicated. Just as you get one email address set up, working beautifully, sending Press Releases, it goes kaput.
Why would that be, I wonder? Would it be because someone - mentioning no names - yet - is messing about with my Freedom of Speech? Could it be that they want the pleasure of a 'nice quiet time, and a pleasant little burial?
Surely not! Surely no-one would go so much against the law as to nobble an email site, in a free democracy?
Only problem is, if someone is doing that, it seems they might also be 'putting the mockers' on my perfectly legitimate web site. Now, this web site belongs to me. Bought and paid for. All legit. Yet, mysteriously, it seems to have disappeared from the airwaves. And there is a letter on this site from some anonymous person(machine?), in respect of that. Could it be that my website has got sick and died? I hear that sickness and dying is very popular..especially in the Doncaster area. (As a witness, please take my father. However, do not cremate him. We may need to check a bit more yet.) But I don't even live in the Doncaster area. So surely it couldn't happen to my poor little web site, could it?
(For our international cousins, the Doncaster Area, refers to Doncaster in South Yorkshire, which is in the north of England - well so we claim. It's just the passport that you have to show as you cross over which makes me suspicious. But then, I have a very suspicious mind - especially recently).
The other thing which seems to be happening is that telephone conversations seem to be being picked up. Now I know that that couldn't be happening. It's against the Law, as the rest is.
So, I am sure that I can rest in peace, knowing that no such thing could happen.
Only problem is that too many co-incidences seem to be floating about just recently. Nothing wrong with a nice co-incidence, but they do seem to be breeding. I have to keep looking over my shoulder. Each time I look, there seems to be a coincidental queue
They're such weak and spindly things, coincidentals. Perhaps if I were to step back on one, it might fall over. Wouldn't want that now, would I? Spindly things have just as much right to hang about, getting in the way, as I do. And I certainly have the right to hang about - talking and - getting in the way.
Just in case anyone thinks they can silence me by any means, I have 'certain friends' who will 'certainly' stop that. That's why they're known as 'certain friends'. No point using the phrase otherwise, would there be?
So, now its time for the crunch. Someone is defaming my name. Telling porkies and saying that I am not telling the truth. My father was unlawfully killed.. euthanased.. not even with his consent. Now Euthanansia is illegal in England.. whether or not the subject consents to it. My father thought he was getting over chemotherapy, for his long-standing leukemia. He thought wrong. He was a victim of unlawful euthanasia. That - or so I'm given to understand - is the same as murder. He was not, as far as I could tell, willing to die. He was up to the eyes in Oramorph. To you and me that is morphine by mouth. This had been delivered to him each 4 hours at the rate of 20mg - for four days and nights before the mainlining began. No wonder he was 'a bit distant'. Is it surprising?
It's hardly likely that he would have consented to being stuck with needles under normal circumstances(yes it was in the plural, and at various times in various parts of his body - his thighs, his chest, his abdomen his upper arms..) He didn't much like needles. He seemed to be trying to pull the needles out. But because of the fog induced in his brain by Oramorph he just couldn't work out how to do it. Poor man - and his daughters were not as much help as they could have been, had they been in full possession of the facts.
And now the threat is of a Court Action, because of the truth. What sort of country are we living in?
Would my father have been better off rolling himself into the gutter on a cold winter's night, with trucks roaring past? Answers on a postcard please?
Oh, if you like you can reply be email. Such things as the shock of his death, have hauled me into the 21st Century, where I am pleased to note I can find out a lot of things and contact a lot of people by use of the airwaves. Isn't technology wonderful?
If anyone can offer help to sort this mess out, I would be delighted to hear from them.
Speak to you soon.
Charlotte Peters Rock
Daughter of the Dead
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or my own site: RalphWinstanley 2006-11-16T01:06:29.756Z STOP PRESS - nobbling attempt by public body STOP PRESS - Truth no longer good enough.
(What about the Freedom of Information Act then?)
(What happened to the Human Rights Act? Eh?)

The photograph is of Ralph Winstanley, with his two daughters, on his 80th birthday in January, 2001. My younger sister, Linda is shown on the right.
My father died on 23rd April 2004. He thought he was recovering from recent chemotherapy. Other people thought otherwise.
The photograph below is his salute to his tormentors. The one legacy which my father left to all of his four children was tenacity. We will use it wisely.

Now this is the 'little woman'. Not so little either. Serious businesswoman, so she tells me. Responsible for most of the 'new build' in Moss. So that's quite exciting.. if you like to look at such things. She bravely rushed out to judge horses' teeth and withers, threw away his things; and had her horse shod, for his funeral three days before he died. Such a caring person.
Nothing like 'getting it all sewn up in advance', is there?
Must be psychic, I should think.
Oh, yes. Let
me give you
Nina Clayton

This is the woman who kept saying that my father was being dreadfully sick and was sicking up blood - when he wasn't. Why would she do that, I wonder? Was she trying to get help for him?
I just don't understand it at all. Perhaps it's all to do with the fact that she has 'wild' hair? It seems to change colour as you watch - 'grieving widow grey' - 'whispy blonde' - 'sort-of-gingery' - 'brownish' - whatever will it be next? Green? I do know that she's environmentally friendly. She is noted for her encouragement of slurry throwing - as a Service to the Community - as well as her lovely new houses. So, perhaps it will be green .. or back to 'grieving widow'?
This is Nina Clayton's daughter, the lovely Rosemary.

Now she's the one who checks for blackness in fingers and toes, as a precursor to departing this life. She's utterly fascinated - and must be quite an expert. She's also quite good at describing 'reaching'. Now that's what happens just before you're sick. Scuse me, I feel a 'reach' coming on.
This is Frazer, Rosemary's husband.

He's the one who is rather versatile at prescription-fetching from wide areas. Other qualities of his are telling a man when I might be arguing - and presumably when not.. though I haven't heard him do that.. yet.
Letter the Two Primary Care Trusts (Doncaster Central and Doncaster Eastsat on for 2 - yes TWO - months
Dr Kevin Lee's letter of 18th May 2004 - which Doncaster Central and Doncaster East Primary Care Trusts Chief Executives sat on, for 2 whole months, before giving it to my sister. (Comment: not marked Confidential, so OK to use?) During the 2 months, my family had 2 properly set up meetings with Chief Executives of both Primary Care Trusts - and the Complaints Manager. This is an absolute disgrace!


And now.. what happens when you tell the truth, in this benighted country?
Ah, you guessed! The letter, using - presumably - the Primary Care Trusts' funds, (which should have been used for the care of patients?) is below.

So, there you have it! Democracy at its finest! A prime example of all that's wrong and peculiar in England - well in Yorkshire anyway.
Now, If anyone's reading with the hope of gain, that is not a Yorkshire-ist statement, and thus belting in under the racism laws. I'm from Yorkshire stock - both sides of the family. Not that I feel either proud or ashamed of it - just grateful to have stayed alive for so long. Life is such a dicey business, don't you think?
Speak tew ya soon!
Charlotte pp Ralph Winstanley - who is still dead.
PS More about 'tampering with internet sites and email', in the next missive.
return to:
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or my own site: RalphWinstanley 2006-11-16T01:06:29.555Z Dead in Doncaster Central Primary Care Trust When you die in Doncaster, it's not 'The End'.
Oh no. It's not even 'The Beginning of the End'.
However, it certainly is the Start of the Beginning.
(Somebody famous, said that.. or something like it. I think he also said, "We will fight them on the beaches.." Problem is, there aren't so many beaches in Donny. There used to be a 'gate' though. Problem was, no-one could ever work out what it was for. There wasn't a fence.. or anything.)
This is the point where the whole world seems to decide that they don't want to deal with you, that you must be telling lies, that you might be out to spoil the even tenor of their quietly cash-stashing little lives, that you could very well be a nuisance.
Now, let me make this quite clear. Ralph Winstanley is still dead. He had his beginning. It lasted for 83 years and three months. So this new start, is not with Ralph Winstanley.
It is of Ralph Winstanley though.
Let me show you a nice picture. It is the work of dear Little Simon Morritt. He's the man who heads up Doncaster Central Primary Care Trust, though there is a rumour that he might also be impersonating Jayne Brown and sending out letters as the Head of Doncaster East Primary Care Trust. Perhaps there has been a 'putsch'! Gosh, that would be exciting, wouldn't it.


Also he has banned me from writing any letters, emails or faxes to him. He has banned me from telephoning him. Agh! It's getting so heartbreaking. I might weep.
So what does that leave? Pigeon Post? Nah! Wouldn't trust a pigeon to get away with it's life, if I sent it in there. After all my father didn't. And he was stronger than a pigeon. No, I quite like pigeons. So, it can't be by pigeon post.
Then there are smoke signals. I could sit out on White Rose Way, light a good smoky fire and wave a blanket over it. But would Little Morritt understand smoke signals. I doubt it. He's very good at smoke - the smoke of obfuscation - the smoke of prevarication. But I doubt that he's had the time to more than the language he knows.
I could send semaphore. Perhaps his secretary understands semaphore? I hear that secretaries are usually brighter than their bosses - just not as grasping on the slippery slope.
Now ESP has definite possibilities. For that, you need a receptive mind.. and well he's not terribly receptive either.
So what does that leave? The ginger wig?
Oh, by the way, he has also banned my sister. Poor thing, she's heartbroken. Still, at least she's got his letter to treasure. Not everyone gets a letter from Little Morritt. Perhaps it will be worth a fortune when pigs can fly. She's trying to find a suitable use for it. Someone suggested it might make a suitable 'doorstop' but its too insubstantial. I wonder if he'd write her a few more? That would be very health-giving. If she glued them all together it would stop doors from closing in her face. I just know that that would meet with the approval of the Chief Executive of Doncaster Central - or in my sister's case Doncaster East - Primary Care Trust. (I wonder if he has a split personality? Lucky he works for such a healthy lot really, isn't it? I suppose they'll have some expert or other to sort him out.)
However, he hasn't got round to banning my entire extended family..yet. It can only be a matter of time. Perhaps Auntie Minnie will have to stop cleaning White Rose Towers? She'd be so upset. Poo-oo-r Auntie Minnie. Still, life was never fair. She'll just have to brace herself and get on with it. I'm sure she'd be very good at drain cleaning.. and perhaps she could be paid more?
I'll have to consider. All suggestions accepted.. well most suggestions accepted. Mustn't get too bold, must I?
Back soon with more chat.
Charlotte - pp Ralph Winstanley
Ps Here's is a 'phrase or saying'. Can someone tell me who said it, please?
Murder's still murder. It's no good giving it a nice frock
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RalphWinstanley 2004-07-18T15:53:43.646+01:00 RalphWinstanley said... Of course I am not Ralph ... RalphWinstanley said...
Of course I am not Ralph Winstanley. He is dead. he died on Friday afternoon 23rd April, 2004, whilst the South Yorkshire Police were represented at the house by an Acting Sergeant and a WPC, and poor deluded Ralph Winstanley was still vainly struggling to live.
Between them, these two elevated members of our 'finest', managed to allow the Clinical Notes File, of my father, to go back to the Doctor's Surgery which I had complained of. Whilst there, the File was extensively altered, by Sister Marshall. Isn't that interesting?
UPDATE 17Jul2004
South Yorkshire Police Force is still doing nothing to apprehend my father's murderers.
Meanwhile, Doncaster East and Doncaster Central Primary Care Trusts are still prevaricating. Simon Morritt has now banned me from the Primary Care Trust property, banned me from writing to him by post, banned me from writing to him by fax, banned me from writing to him by email? Oh and he has also banned me from phoning him. So, I'm trying ESP, Smoke Signals and the Internet. A Blog a day helps you write and 'make hay'.
Whatever have I done to the poor little man?
Well, I did point out how remarkably easy it still is to have someone killed because anyone could drive a largish tank through the Primary Care Trusts' 'safety for the elderly and otherwise infirm' System.
Some misunderstanding, surely? Perhaps he meant to praise me and award a gong, such as that awarded to Margaret Jayne Brown, Chief Executive of Doncaster East Primary Care Trust. She got an OBE for..for what?
Oh, yes, and she's moving on to pastures new (and rich?), in August. Going to York, so I hear.Helping an even more exalted Trust. Congratulations dearie. Couldn't have happened at a better time. Full marks for prevarication. Please accept a tick and a star.
And dear Little Morritt. Well, he bravely stepped in and manfully took over 'Lead Role'. So that was pretty exciting. Did he get more mazuma for it? Word has it that he did it out of the goodness of his heart. Because he's such a nice chap. So that's alright.
I must say, I have never seen such effective sitting on hands as South Yorkshire Police are currently doing. Perhaps I might begin to award gongs of my own? The Brave Lads and Lasses of SYPF certainly seem to warrant it.
What would 12 solid weeks of sitting on hands warrant? The Grand Order of Inertia? The Attenuated Cross of Nihilism? The Great Award for Petty Trifles? Ah, there must be something appropriate..surely?
Answers on an e-card, please.
PS: This site will be well worth following during the next few weeks/months. I shall be naming names. Perhaps yours? RalphWinstanley 2004-07-18T15:57:08.433+01:00 Are you saying democracy isn't working? Well Commu... Are you saying democracy isn't working? Well Communism doesn't work. So where do we go from here?
Did your father really get killed?
I mean, its ok to tell stories but surely that's not true, is it? WildWindflower 2004-07-18T16:19:19.853+01:00 True. I'm sorry to say, it's very true. I only wis... True. I'm sorry to say, it's very true. I only wish it wasn't
The only thing I have on my side is the truth. Oh, and two brothers and a sister - and numerous people of great goodwill, whom I am happy to count as friends.
"Tell the Truth and shame the devil", my Grandma used to say.
So, here I am, telling the truth. Is the Devil shamed?
Have you seen him recently? Does he look shamed?
If not, perhaps you'd better tell him what I'm saying about him. Perhaps then he might be a bit shame-faced?
I know that's not the same as actually 'shamed', but perhaps it's the best we can do?
After all, there seem to be so many 'devils'mixed in this rather fetid pot. Perhaps if we only concentrated on some of them. But which are the more important?
There are 'the-devils-who-killed-him',
(perhaps the-devils-who-had-him-killed, as well?), the 'devils-who-didn't-care-what-was-happening',
There are so many.Anyone know which devil I should aim at first?
Must go. I hear the tapping of a toasting fork. RalphWinstanley 2004-07-18T17:11:07.656+01:00 18Jul2004 - Sunday afternoon, at teatime (I've jus... 18Jul2004 - Sunday afternoon, at teatime (I've just had potted meat. It brings back memories of Christmas tea parties at the Methodist hut - during the rationing.)
I'm acting for my father again. Well, his typing was never up to much, and under the circumstances..
I need to tell you that he lived with a woman called Nina Anne Clayton. Wouldn't want her to feel left out now, would we?
Possibly she was not the widow, of Ralph Winstanley. A letter from the Registrar in Antigua, states that she 'married' Ralph Winstanley in 1978.
Curious this as she was not finally divorced from her husband, Herbert, until 1980.
Perhaps the Registrar was wrong? How can I tell? He was the Registrar, after all? Time will tell.
Now Nina Anne Clayton is quite exalted in the Welsh Pony judging world. Her pony Rees, which was specially shod for the funeral, three days before my father died, was I understand, a Welsh Pony. Well, so I was told. Just looked like 'a pony' to me. But it was goats that
Anyway, Nina's judging jobs are so important that even my father's chemotherapy and the general illness which it caused in him, was not enough to stop her going judging. She even has to go now, whilst we all wait for the outcome of the Post Mortem and the Pathologist's Report. Such a brave woman.
It must be nice to be so greatly needed.
However, it is all playing havoc with her hair. In under a month it turned from 'sort of gingery' to 'grieving widow grey', then blonde, (or have I got that the wrong way round?) and then it turned dark brownish. So perhaps she might be recovering from her upset? I do hope so.
Now Nina has this wonderful younger daughter called Rosemary, who is fascinated by the way that people's fingernails and toenails turn black just before they die. I know this because she told me and my sister.
We had noticed her constantly lifting the sheet, in the room where our father lay unconscious. When we asked her why, she said she was watching for his finger and toenails to turn black.
We said, "Why?"
She said "Well that's what they do, just before people die."
We didn't know that! Isn't education wonderful?..and she's younger than us? We were so grateful to be told.
If anyone out there would like to know if they will be dying shortly..and would like Rosemary to pop round and check, I'm sure she would make the time. Just write in and ask. She lives on Pinfold Lane, next door to her poor mother, in Moss.
To avoid any possible confusion, my father, Ralph Winstanley, is still dead. He lies in a freezer somewhere in Sheffield. Not quite the same as a burial, but it's the best we can do at the moment.
Certainly it seems better than the service which he was 'fortunate' in being unable to attend. However, the press went. (It was quite a sad but jolly affair, so I understand.. with a lovely vicar. She was a lady called, Eve Atherfold.(Sorry for putting you in brackets, vicar, but you're not the main part of this blog.))
I am Ralph Winstanley's elder daughter, Charlotte Peters Rock. Wouldn't want to sail under false colours now, would I? Though I have heard that it's popular this year.
Speak to you all soon. I will have more revelations from time to time.
It was so interesting about the black nails though, wasn't it? I'm sure that, if my father had known about it, he might have stayed awake, instead of rather selfishly mainlining. Then he could have watched it happen.
Cheerio for now,
Charlotte RalphWinstanley 2004-07-19T20:40:27.866+01:00 Sorry, it's still not Ralph Winstanley. He's still... Sorry, it's still not Ralph Winstanley. He's still dead. So as his elder daughter, I'm acting as his amanuensis.
Now let me tell you about the 'little woman'. Not so little either. Serious businesswoman, so she tells me. Responsible for most of the 'new build' in Moss. So that's quite exciting.. if you like to look at such things.
She bravely rushed out to judge horses' teeth and withers, threw away his things; and had her horse shod, for his funeral three days before he died. Such a caring person.
Nothing like 'getting it all sewn up in advance', is there?
Must be psychic, I should think.
Oh, yes. Let
me give you
Nina Clayton
..please. If you'd like to see a picci of her, go to
This is the woman who kept saying that my father was being dreadfully sick and was sicking up blood - when he wasn't. Why would she do that, I wonder? Was she trying to get help for him?
I just don't understand it at all. Perhaps it's all to do with the fact that she has 'wild' hair? It seems to change colour as you watch - 'grieving widow grey' - 'whispy blonde' - 'sort-of-gingery' - 'brownish' - whatever will it be next? Green? I do know that she's environmentally friendly. She is noted for her encouragement of slurry throwing - as a Service to the Community - as well as her lovely new houses. So, perhaps it will be green?
Ta ta for now.
Charlotte RalphWinstanley 2004-08-12T09:37:28.583+01:00 Are you still having problems? I thought British ... Are you still having problems?
I thought British Justice was so good?
Seems not.
Have you tried your Queen. I'm sure your Queen would not allow this to happen. Couldn't she put these people in the Tower?
They seem to need it.
Perhaps I'll write to your South Yorkshire Police. Sounds to me as if they are not doing there job.
I wish you luck with it all. Don't give up.
Windflower wild_windflower 2004-08-12T12:33:07.200+01:00 Pheew! As a man who is interested in Justice, I fi... Pheew! As a man who is interested in Justice, I find ths truly unelievable. Who are these people? Do they own a man's body?
Glad I don't live in your country. Is it always like that?
Sure I support you. I tried already to send a comment to this Simon Morritt.. but his email box is bouncing. So I will try again.
Tomas Anonymous 2004-08-12T12:39:11.773+01:00 My daddy died last fall. I read your story. I don'... My daddy died last fall. I read your story. I don't know how you are getting through it.
I still feel sad about my daddy. But we just buried him. It must be truly awful for you.
You have my support.
I will write to those people.
Andee Anonymous 2004-10-13T09:33:02.653+01:00 Charlotte, It is quite interesting to note that yo... Charlotte,
It is quite interesting to note that you are editing off this site any comments that are not to your liking....i.e. the ones that actually tell the truth!!! I know this because I have posted a comment which remained on this site for all of one day...obviously until you saw it,then it disappeared!!! Why would that be Charlotte?? Would it be because you only want people to have your twisted version of events??Surely not...surely the point of a comments site is to get all peoples opinions...but then again,my comments wouldn`t suit your purpose would they,because my comments tell it like it really is!!
Have you told readers of this site how you and your family are harrassing innocent people, and slandering their good names without justification?? Have you told them that in actual fact the result of the first Post Mortem showed that your father DIED OF NATURAL CAUSES??? No,didn`t think you would,cos again,that doesn`t suit your purpose!!! Your Father and yourself didn`t speak for somewhere in the region of 20 years,yet here you are acting the loving only became the loving daughter when you thought you might have been left thousands of pounds in his Will....why would he have left you or your two brothers anything in his made the last few years of his life miserable...why do you now think it odd that he didn`t leave you anything?? I would`ve thought it more odd if he had!!!There is only your sister Linda who can truly call herself Ralphs daughter,as she was with him through thick and thin...and she has been provided for in the that what rankles you???
Don`t act the devoted caring daughter now Charlotte, it doesn`t suit you, and you know quite well it isn`t true!! Clearly this is giving you something to do in your boring and tedious life,but don`t drag other people into it,it isn`t fair...then again,you dont `do` fair do you Charlotte?? I have no doubt this comment will be edited off the site too,but at least I will have the satisfaction of knowing you`ve read it and know how all of the genuine people feel!!! Anonymous 2004-10-14T15:55:41.770+01:00 It seems to me that some people seem to think they... It seems to me that some people seem to think they know what Ralph Winstanley actually thought of his own family.
He obviously didn't seem to object to his elder daughter being with him when she called on Mothers day with her husband.
He obviously didn't seem to object, infact, he actually insisted that she stay, when she was called out on that fateful Sunday morning 18th April 2004 at 0600 hours
You see the Winstanley family have lived by a family code, they do help each other out in times of need. He obviously was very concerned about what was happening to him at this time. He obviously knew that his elder daughter would do her best to make sure he was OK.
He certainly didn't want his younger daughter to leave, not that she was much good to him in the end. She says she never thought that this could have happened to him in his own house.
His elder daughter was the only one that was of any use at all, in they end. She realised that something strange was happening and called for help, not that she got any.
His children do not have to justify why they were with their father, They had been a part of his life for many years, whether or not they visited on regular occasions.
Most families do only visit from time to time, they have their own lives to lead. They do not expect that a man who sells off their family business, a business that all of his children had worked in at some time, all of his children Blood children I mean, and have a legal right to know where all his finances have gone. They had helped to build up this business along with his exwife. They have a right to know these details.
It seems to me that people who actually disliked this man have had their greedy little hands on all of his finances now his "wife" has told people he died destitute, living off her charity. What sort of person would say such a thing?
I have my thoughts, but then everyone has thoughts, everyone has a right to make their own minds up about what has happened, with the information they really do have.
I am informed that this woman actually did her level best to get rid of this younger daughter out of his life too. But she never managed to do that. He told me, is her name Linda? that she and he had a pact, made once in front of many people in Tenerife in a bar. Ralph thought too much of her.
He enjoyed her husbands company too, but his son-in-law would not visit his house, something Ralph acknowledged, he and Ralph's daughter would meet up with him elsewhere for a drink, and it was his link to the rest of his own family.
Honesty is the best policy. Be up front and truthful.
We all have to meet our maker at some day. I wonder who will be wishing that they had made different judgements when there time comes. The truth will out. Laws change every year. We learn something new all the time.
Money is not everything. As you know it didn't benefit Ralph when he needed it most, he couldn't take it with him either. It doesn't benefit him now.
Many of his old friends are now dead, but there are still some who knew him very well.
A very interested party. Samogirl 2004-10-15T16:59:36.543+01:00 In view of the slur placed against my name by 'Ano... In view of the slur placed against my name by 'Anonymous', (2 comments above this one), in that she seems to think that I would remove or edit her 'enlightening' comments, I have now placed on this site at:
information which even she cannot claim is a lie.
Perhaps, dear readers, you might like to read it?
Charlotte Peters Rock - elder daughter of Ralph Winstanley, (who is still dead.) RalphWinstanley 2004-10-15T23:43:29.680+01:00 Hi I am following this site with interest, and won... Hi I am following this site with interest, and wondered what the posting is that you refer to as I cannot find it? Is it on this site or elsewhere?
Thank you
Julie Jeffries Anonymous 2004-10-16T17:25:48.333+01:00 To Julie Jeffries, and other interested parties. ... To Julie Jeffries, and other interested parties.
Thanks for your interest, sorry about the glitch on the site. (Don't blame the wonderful Blogger people. Blame me.
The abstract from the Recorder Kealy Judgement of 8th July 1998 can now be found at the top of this site, (15.Oct.2004)
Charlotte Peters Rock RalphWinstanley 2004-10-17T12:10:01.683+01:00 Thank you Charlotta for the certainly do... Thank you Charlotta for the certainly does make interesting reading!
I`m afraid my natural human inquisitiveness gets the better of me here (or am I just plain nosey?), if Herbert was only the Father of one child,who was the father of the other? Anonymous 2004-10-17T21:40:59.066+01:00 Not sure. Perhaps you know? Or perhaps you could h... Not sure. Perhaps you know? Or perhaps you could hazard a guess? Do get in touch if you can tell me.
Charlotte Peters Rock RalphWinstanley 2004-10-18T10:16:05.096+01:00 Hi, No,sorry,I`ve no idea!Sorry,that previous post... Hi, No,sorry,I`ve no idea!Sorry,that previous post was by me, I forgot to sign it and don`t know how to sign in,so I do apologise for that.
Julie Peters Anonymous 2004-10-19T23:23:43.110+01:00 In view of the 'Anonymous' comment, (number 6 abov... In view of the 'Anonymous' comment, (number 6 above this one), I have deliberately edited one of my comments off this site.
You can see the result, in the string of Comments attached to 'If' (not by Rudyard Kipling). There's a link to it when you first come into this site.
Comments edited off, still show as 'Comments made'. It is just that you can't see the actual comment.
So, if 'Anonymous' would like to go across to the other site and take a look... then 'Anonymous' would be enlightened.
Charlotte Peters Rock - elder daughter of Ralph Winstanley RalphWinstanley 2004-10-19T23:39:58.483+01:00 Nope! I tell a lie, the 'removed' Comment (see abo... Nope! I tell a lie, the 'removed' Comment (see above), is under 'Perhaps he was in the Way?'. Sorry, about the mistake.
Charlotte RalphWinstanley 2004-10-20T20:38:14.593+01:00 The only thing I am certain about, in spite of the... The only thing I am certain about, in spite of the rumour which was spread (by someone?), is that the father was not Ralph Winstanley, any more than he was father to her other children. Perhaps the mother can remember?
Ralph Winstanley had only 4 children. None of them were to Nina Clayton.
Charlotte Peters Rock - elder daughter of Ralph Winstanley RalphWinstanley 2004-10-20T20:45:38.346+01:00 Not if God's own anus prolapsed would the phrase "... Not if God's own anus prolapsed would the phrase "raining shit" be more appropriate. PKD 2004-10-21T23:00:08.203+01:00 Keith, Wow! What an astonishing image you conjure... Keith,
Wow! What an astonishing image you conjure up! The phrase Holy Shit springs to mind. I'm not quite sure what your point is, though, Where, in your opinion is the excrement emanating from?
BM Anonymous 2004-10-27T20:13:22.616+01:00 Hi Charlotte, I have just read the posting which y... Hi Charlotte,
I have just read the posting which you have put on your site regarding myself and the `phone message I left on your ansaphone. I do not consider that I was abusive in any way,yes,I was angry,but I think that is to be understood considering the fact that you have tried to involve me in something which doesn`t involve me.
You state that all you`d put was that you couldn`t undertstand why I`d been at the bedside of a man I hardly knew...this is in fact not true,you also stated "Why was this woman there?", I rang you to tell you that you knew exactly why I was there,because I had told you when asked at the time - I was there because Nina and her family had asked me to be there as an independant witness because you and your family were accusing her of trying to kill her husband! I would also point out that I wasn`t there for two full days either, on the first day I arrived in the late afternoon and left early evening ( I had actually brought sandwiches for Nina and her family as I was concerned they were not eating), and the second day I arrived (I think) around 10 am `ish and left shortly after your fathers sad death.
I have no axe to grind with you or your family, and do indeed feel very sorry for your I said to Linda at the time,I would`ve been devastated if it had been my father. However, I cannot help you any further as I do not know anything other than what occurred in the time that I was there. I cannot understand why you are continuing to persecute myself and my partner when we have done nothing against you -what exeactly are you hoping to achieve?
I do not think anyone could blame me for being angry when you persist in trying to involve me in something which I consider to be between your two families - also,I would point out that when Duncan spoke to you on the `phone,I said nothing in the background, so I don`t know why you feel that I did ( I would actually consider it rather rude to speak when someone was on the `phone!)...I would also point out that you say I hardly knew your Father,I do not know where you got this from,we had in fact been friends with Nina and your Father for the last six years, and had in fact been at dinner in his company in the february of this year.
Finally, if you had had the courage to speak to me on the `phone,rather than hanging up on me, I wouldn`t have got angry at all...but it does seem a bit rich to put things all over the internet and then not actually have the courage to speak to me on the `phone don`t you think? I would also say,that should this get to court,then I would be quite happy to tell any court exactly what I know, and would also add that I do not tell lies.
I hope this matter is resolved in the very near future for the sakes of all concerned.
Debbie Unsworth Anonymous 2004-11-01T00:34:09.473Z Now I have been told that when poor Herbert died, ... Now I have been told that when poor Herbert died, his lovely ex-wife, consumed with grief, rushed round to his bungalow, to run through the drawers. Wonder why?
Anyway, her elder daughter's husband is supposed to have thrown her out.
I don't know if I believe it. What ex-wife would do such a thing? And why?
No, it doesn't seem likely at all. Does it? RalphWinstanley 2005-05-16T22:28:40.910+01:00 if u believe anything unsworth says !!!!!!!!!!!! if u believe anything unsworth says !!!!!!!!!!!! Anonymous 2005-05-20T18:03:56.230+01:00 Anonymous at 10.28pm,we know who you are...and at ... Anonymous at 10.28pm,we know who you are...and at least `Unsworth` isn`t coward enough to hide behind the veil of anonymity as you do!!
Be aware that `Unsworth` will be very soon be proved to be truthful in all she says. Also be aware that the police are being made aware of your continued attacks and slanderous allegations and comments. Anonymous 2007-01-13T22:07:58.883Z Dear Doncaster PCT, I would be grateful if you w... Dear Doncaster PCT,
I would be grateful if you would kindly furnish me with details of evidence to prove that this man had a malignancy. There are of course two types of leukaemia. As a independent observer to this blogspot, I am incredibility concerned about the lack of evidence to establish a full blown malignancy.
Perhaps Doncaster PCT would like to comment or furnish us with their evidence ( with the consent of Ms Rock) no doubt.
It is important for Yorkshire Police to view the evidence without being influenced by peripheral issues.
Please establish
1. What was the extent of the malignancy? Are there any haematology reports or blood tests to prove beyond reasonable doubt that this patient was infact
2. Is it possible that the patient had a untreated/ or minimally treated chest infection/ pneumonia? This would classically present with chest pain and shortness of breath.
3. Is it also possible that this untreated chest infection was worsened by the administration of quite heavy medication ie decreasing the respiratory drive.
Dr Rita Pal
NHS Exposed Anonymous 2007-01-23T11:24:29.670Z Well documented then. Well documented then. JoeBlogs 2011-03-19T14:51:04.264Z Another person murdered on The Liverpool Care Path... Another person murdered on The Liverpool Care Pathway. ami 2011-03-19T14:51:04.255Z Another person murdered on the Liverpool Care Path... Another person murdered on the Liverpool Care Pathway.Please keep protesting something very dark is going on in our country which I liken to a holocaust.
We need a miracle. ami 2011-05-19T21:43:03.253+01:00 11/05/2011 Are you the lunatic who makes those bar... 11/05/2011
Are you the lunatic who makes those barmy FOI requests? Anonymous 2011-05-19T21:52:42.449+01:00 I wonder who has put this comment on my web site? ... I wonder who has put this comment on my web site? Is it someone from whom I have made the perfectly reasonable - and legally arranged - Freedom of Information Act 2000 requests in respect of my father, Ralph Winstanley's - deliberate killing?
Or is it the woman who had my father, Ralph Winstanley, killed at Grange Farm, Moss Road, Moss, Doncaster on 23 April 2004?
If so - or if the comment was made by any of her very dubious associates - feel free.
I will use all such comment as publicity for the fact that Nina Anne Clayton deliberately organised the killing of Ralph Winstanley.. and still lives at Grange Farm where she had him killed.
Her elder daughter, Kerry Evans, who I believe was fully aware of that deliberate killing, before it happened - but chose not to say anything to us, still lives at The Pinfold, also on Pinfold Lane, Moss, Doncaster.
Her younger daughter, Rosemary Alice Cheesman, and son-in-law Frazer John Cheesman, helped inteh killing, and still live at Hunters Moon, Pinfold Lane, Moss, Doncaster.
She also appears, looking like the too-readily available middle-aged woman she is at:
"Ovver the 'ill.. but ok if tha'r stuck, an dun't mind not seein tomorrer - except wi black fingers an toes" RalphWinstanley 2011-07-21T21:56:01.552+01:00 learned a lot learned a lot Anonymous 2012-06-27T22:01:49.503+01:00 WOW BLATANTLY A MURDER..SIXK TWISTED WIFE HOPE YOU... WOW BLATANTLY A MURDER..SIXK TWISTED WIFE HOPE YOU ROT FOR TAKING THIS MANS LIFE.. CONDOLENCES TO THE REAL FAMILY! Anonymous
E wos a Great Man and I am Glad To have meat em and work for em Good Bless I'm